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Production Performance Exceeds Expectations at Auger Field, Deepwater, Gulf of Mexico

David T. McGee, Deborah S. Pfeiffer

Production performance at Auger Field has exceeded expectations to date and is consistent with the previously interpreted geologic Previous HitmodelsNext Hit for the reservoirs. Auger (Garden Banks 426) Field is located 255 mi (408 km) southeast of Houston in 2862 ft (872 m) of water, and is the current deepest water production in the Gulf of Mexico. First production began April 15, 1994 from the deepest of five reservoirs at Auger Field. This reservoir, "S", has been interpreted as a combination of layered and amalgamated, turbidite sheet sands with excellent lateral continuity. The sustained individual well performance is in the range of 10,000-11,000 BOPD with maximum flow rates near 12,000 BOPD, setting a production performance record for oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. The production i dicates uniform performance across the reservoir and inflow from massive and thin bedded Previous HitlayersTop within the reservoir, as expected. Down-hole pressure gauges in two of the "S" sand wells indicate common pressure and hence lateral continuity in the reservoir. Data are currently being gathered to measure the degree of aquifer support and to determine whether water injection will be required. The production performance to date appears to support the development strategy of evenly and widely spaced wells resulting in a low well count.

The first gas well producing from the "O" reservoir is capable of producing at sustained rates of 35 MMCFPD and 7,000 BCPD, also exceeding expectations. This gas reservoir, is interpreted to be a shingled, amalgamated, turbidite channel deposit with potential flow baffles or barriers at shingle boundaries or channel margins. No evidence to date has indicated the presence of any flow barriers or baffles near this well, but continual data gathering will be required to further understand this reservoir.

Facilities expansion is currently being considered due to current production potential of the wells being greater than the current facilities capacity of 46,000 BOPD and 125 MMCFD. Additional wells are also planned for drilling in the field during 1995 to develop reservoirs not currently produced by existing wells, as well as providing additional necessary drainage points in existing reservoirs.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995