--> ABSTRACT: 3D Acquisition Techniques and Applications in Shallow Water Utilizing RF Telemetry, by Guy M. Malden; #91020 (1995).
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3D Acquisition Techniques and Applications in Shallow Water Utilizing RF Telemetry

Guy M. Malden

The use of 3D seismic data has evolved significantly since first being introduced in the mid 1970's. Today, 3D seismic data is utilized for both exploration and development purposes and because of this increased exposure, areas onshore and offshore have enjoyed a growth in activity. One area that is particularly active is the shallow water area (less the 70 feet) offshore Louisiana. This area has been explored and developed largely by utilizing 2D seismic data and is now almost completely covered with non-exclusive 3D seismic data by contractors.

Both Previous HitbottomTop cable and RF telemetry systems have been utilized in these shallow waters with good success. The TELSEIS® RF telemetry system, which can operate universally onshore or offshore, has been successfully deployed in shallow water to economically acquire high quality 3D seismic data. The telemetry acquisition method in this environment combines elements from both traditional land and marine acquisition techniques. This method is examined and compared to traditional marine environment systems. Current 3D data examples will be shown in comparison with 2D data examples.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995