--> ABSTRACT: Geology of Western Cuba and Surrounding Areas, by J. G. Lopez-Rivera, R. Tenreyro-Perez, J. O. Lopez-Quintero, J. Fernandez-Carmona, G. Barcelo-Carol; #91020 (1995).
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Geology of Western Cuba and Surrounding Areas

J. G. Lopez-Rivera, R. Tenreyro-Perez, J. O. Lopez-Quintero, J. Fernandez-Carmona, G. Barcelo-Carol

This study focuses on the structural geology and evolution of Western Cuba. The structural interpretations are based by integrating surface geology, gravimetric surveys, deep wells and seismic data. The regional structure is determined by the collision and obduction of the Cretaceous volcanic arc over the continental margin of North America. Three tectonic regimes are highlighted: extensional (Jurassic-Middle Cretaceous), compressional (Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene) and transtensional (Late Eocene-Quaternary). During the extensional Previous HitregimeNext Hit the continental margin sediments were formed in two tectono-stratigraphic domains: Pinar, associated to the Yucatan block, and Las Villas associated to the Bahamas Block, divided by a transformed Previous HitfaultNext Hit. In the Pinar domain we recognize he Organos, Esperanza and Coco units; in the Las Villas domain, the Rosario, Placetas, Camajuani and Coco units. To the South the Cretaceous volcanic are and its fore-are and back-arc basins were formed. During the compressional Previous HitregimeNext Hit the collision and obduction of the volcanic are with the continental margin formed different synorogenic sediments that were folded, faulted and overthrusted to the North with the continental margin rocks, forming a great tectonic stacking with a very complex structure. During the transtensional Previous HitregimeTop the overthrust belt was isostatically readjusted, with the formation of postorogenic basins more than 3.5 kilometers deep and uplifted blocks, that conform the actual structure of the region. We include typical seismic lines, stratigraphic correlations and d ep well data.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995