Plate Tectonic Constraints on the History of the Transverse Ranges,
T. Atwater and J. Stock
Field Size Distributions for California Basins,
D. C. Bartel
A Practical Approach to Environmental Compliance Under RCRA,
S. W. Bilodeau
Industry Requested Exploration/Production Environmental Regulation,
L. Blanck
Lithologic Variation of the Rare Biomarker Compound 28, 30-Bisnorhopane Within the Miocene Monterey Formation in the Texaco Anita-14 Well, Santa Barbara County, California,
J. Brenner
An Investigation of Potential Groundwater Impact by San Emidio New Town Development, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
B. L. Bruce and J. M. Gillespie
The Western Transverse Ranges Microplate as a Native Terrane,
M. D. Campbell and W. E. Reed
Structural Geology in the Western Part of the Los Angeles 1:100,000-scale Sheet,
R. H. Campbell and R. F. Yerkes
Burden or Benefit,
L. M. Chenault and T. S. Sherman
Sedimentation Response to Earthquake-Related Events, Middle Eocene Ventura Basin, California,
M. S. Clark
Eustatic Control of Tertiary Hydrocarbon Deposits, Central California Borderland Basins,
H. L. Cousminer
Composition and Provenance of the Puente Formation (Miocene), Los Angeles Basin,
S. Critelli, P. E. Rumelhart, and R. V. Ingersoll
Geological Aspects of Drilling Horizontal Wells in Steam Flood Reservoirs, West Side, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California,
D. D. Crough, M. L. Holman, and J. J. Sande
Depositional Environments and
of the Lower Miocene Vaqueros Formation, Santa Ana Mountains, California,
L. L. Daniel and A. E. Fritsche
Landslides and Groundwater Related to the 1992-1993 Winter Storms Along the Liberty Canyon Fault Zone in the Central Santa Monica Mountains, City of Agoura Hills, California,
F. E. Denison
Tectonic and Depositional Environment of the Middle and Upper Cenozoic Sequences of the Coastal Southern California Region,
T. W. Dibblee, Jr.
Paleogeographic Relations of Paleogene Depositional Systems in the Western Transverse Ranges,
W. R. Dickinson
Liability Issues Surrounding Oil Drilling Mud Sumps,
J. J. Dillon
Real-Time Earthquake Reporting Network,
B. Duff and R. Nathan
Geological Play Analysis of the Pacific Federal Offshore Region--A Status Report on the National Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources,
C. A. Dunkel
Structural Model for the Gato Canyon Field, Santa Barbara Channel, California,
E. B. Edwards and R. G. Heck
Tectonic Control on Deltaic Cyclicity in the Ridge Basin, California,
K. D. Ehman, M. D. Sullivan, and S. R. May
Dewatering of the Western Simi Valley Groundwater Basin, Ventura County, California,
J. M. Evensen, Jr. and M. A. Tabidian
Cleanup and Closure of Petroleum Affected Sites--An Industry Prospective,
S. M. Ferrara
Common Errors and Misconceptions in the Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Site Assessment Data,
M. Flack and D. L. Marcus
Depositional Environment and
of Some Sandstone Lenses in the Upper Cozy Dell Formation. Upper Sespe Creek, Ventura County, California,
A. E. Fritsche
Structural Analysis of an Inverted Half-Graben: Implications for Fracture Distribution and Reservoir Quality in Point Arguello Oil Field,
P. G. Genovese and J. Suppe
Recent Advances in Relative Amplitude 3-D Seismic Data Processing,
A. Gonzalez, R. Chambers, and C. Beasley
Legislation Pertaining to Underground Storage Tanks,
W. Goth
Refinements in Age and Depositional Environment of the Eocene Mabury Formation, San Joaquin Valley, California,
M. P. Gring and R. L. Squires
Depositional Architecture and Provenance of the Petroliferous Upper Stevens Sand Deep-Marine Depositional System, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
C. P. Harrison
Identification and Quantification of Silica Phases in the Monterey Formation Using Infrared Spectroscopy,
D. Harville and A. Britton
Earthquakes and Style of Faulting in the Transverse Ranges, Southern California,
E. Hauksson
Evaluation of Responsiveness of a California Central Coast Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Program,
M. F. Hoover
Oil and Gas Potential of Los Padres National Forest, California,
T. E. Hopps and L. T. Stitt
Oil Gravity Segregation in the Monterey Formation, California,
J. S. Hornafius
Middle Cenozoic
of the Western Transverse Ranges, California,
J. L. Howard and W. D. Lowry
An Overview of Southern California Crustal Deformation Studies and Their Tectonic Interpretation,
K. W. Hudnut
Late Quaternary Structure and Convergence Rates in the Coastal Ventura Basin,
G. J. Huftile and R. S. Yeats
Kinematics and Dynamics of the Western Transverse Ranges,
E. Humphreys
Evaluating the Time and Source of Hydrocarbon Additions to Soils Using Lead Isotopes and Historical Changes in Industrial Lead Sources,
R. W. Hurst
Hydrogeology and Groundwater Level Fluctuations of Ojai Valley Groundwater Basin, Ventura County, California,
L. M. Jason and M. A. Tabidian
Depositional Environments and
of the Eocene Coldwater Formation, Upper Sespe Creek, Ventura County, California,
Z. S. Jiao and E. A. Fritsche
Three-Dimensional Geologic Modeling to Determine the Spatial Attributes of Hydrocarbon Contamination, Noval Facility Fuel Farm, El Centro, California,
C. Johnson, S. Mutch, D. Padgett, and L. Roche
Seismicity and Tectonics of the Western Transverse Ranges: Ventura Basin Region to the San Fernando Valley,
T. A. Jones and G. W. Simila
Effects of Local Block Rotations on the Amount of Paleomagnetically Determined Tectonic Rotation of the Western Transverse Ranges,
M. J. Kamerling
Carpinteria Offshore Field Study, Offshore, California,
J. Kennedy, J. Barminski, S. Coombs, A. Voskanian, and V. Duda
Pitfalls in Velocity Analysis Using Common-Offset Time Migration,
Y. C. Kim and J. R. Krebs
A Second Petroleum System(?) in the Cuyama Basin, California,
P. G. Lillis
A Current Review of Geological and Geophysical Registration in California,
R. C. Lindblom and J. G. Parrish
Hydrogeologic Model for the Old Hanford Townsite,
Q. C. MacDonald
Two Petroleum Systems in the Sacramento Basin, California--A Basis for New Discoveries,
L. B. Magoon, J. R. Castano, P. Lillis, N. H. Mackevett, and N. Naeser
The Opal-CT/Ouartz Diagenetic Boundary Within the Monterey Formation of the California Offshore Santa Maria Basin: An Untapped Exploration Target,
D. Mayerson and J. Crouch
Geology and Hydrogeology of the Sisquoc Subbasin, Santa Barbara County, California,
B. M. McCord and M. A. Tabidian
Timing and Geometry of Left-Slip Faulting and Compressional Folding in Hondo Field, Western Santa Barbara Channel,
M. McGroder, C. Millson, and D. Gardner
Evidence for a Tectonic Control of the Rincon-Monterey Transition, South Elwood Field, Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin,
N. R. Miller
Undershooting Using the Vertical Hydrophone Array,
N. Moldeveanu and M. Chang
Forty-Six Kilometer Westward Lateral Propagation of the Channel Islands Thrust in the Last l Ma Revealed by Axial Surface
, Santa Barbara Channel, California,
K. Mueller, M. Price, J. Shaw, and J. Suppe
Three-Dimensional Geometry of the Active Southern California Fold and Thrust Belt,
J. Namson and T. L. Davis
Unified Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials Management Regulatory Program,
K. J. Neese
Microplate Capture, Rotation of the Western Transverse Ranges, and Initiation of the San Andreas Transform as a Low-Angle Fault System,
C. Nicholson, C. Sorlien, T. Atwater, J. Crowell, and B. Luyendyk
Structural Transect Across the Eastern Santa Barbara Channel (Western Transverse Range) California,
E. Novoa, J. Shaw, and J. Suppe
Paleomagnetism Applied to the Miocene Monterey Formation of California,
S. K. Omarzai, R. S. Coe, and J. A. Barron
An Investigation of Excessive Drawdowns in Sycamore Well Field, Arvin-Edison Water Storage District, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
J. R. Ostdick and J. M. Gillespie
Emergency Remedial Response at the San Diego Naval Station,
D. Padgett, C. Johnson, and S. Mutch
Extensional Tectonics in a Convergent Margin--Pacific Northwest Offshore, Washington and Oregon,
K. A. Piper
A Miocene Age for the "Pico" Formation in the Northern Los Angeles Basin?,
D. J. Ponti, J. A. Barron, A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki, and M. L. Cotton
Geologic Setting, Stratigraphy, and Mode of Fossil Accumulation, Hancock Park, Los Angeles, California,
J. P. Quinn
Strontium Isotope Geochronology of the Vaqueros Formation in the Western Transverse Ranges, California,
C. A. Rigsby
Constraints on the Rate of N-S Convergence in the Venture Area of the Western Transverse Ranges Based on Strike-Slip Fault Rates in Southern and Baja California West of the San Jacinto Fault,
T. K. Rockwell
Petrology and Provenance of the Modelo Formation, Santa Monica Mountains, Southern California: Constraints on Displacement Along the San Gabriel Fault,
P. E. Rumelhart and R. V. Ingersoll
Active Blind-Thrust Ramps and Growth Folds in the Los Angeles Basin, California,
J. H. Shaw and J. Suppe
Miocene Extension and Rotation of South-Central California,
C. C. Sorlien, C. Nicholson, B. P. Luyendyk, S. Cisowski, K. J. Bird, and M. E. Tennyson
Macropaleontology of Eocene Marine Rocks. Upper Sespe Creek Area, Ventura County, Southern California,
R. L. Squires
Stratigraphic Revelations Regarding the Rincon Shale (Lower Miocene) in the Santa Barbara Coastal Area, California,
R. G. Stanley, M. L. Cotton, D. Bukry, M. V. Filewicz, Z. C. Valin, and D. R. Vork
Pliocene Facies Trends and Controls on Deposition of Lower Gusher Shallow Gas Reservoirs, North Coles Levee Field, San Joaquin Basin, California,
D. C. Steward and J. M. Gillespie
Timing and Cause of Middle Tertiary Magmatism in Onshore and Offshore Southern California,
P. W. Weigand
Multidisciplinary Study of Hewett Field, Zechstein Kalk Formation,
K. L. West
Extension of the Western Transverse Ranges Zone of Cenozoic Block Rotations North of the Santa Ynez Fault,
K. J. Whidden, S. P. Lund, and D. J. Bottjer
Paleographic Implications of Shallow Water Limestones in the Southern San Rafael Mountains, California,
K. J. Whidden, D. J. Bottjer, S. P. Lund, and W. V. Sliter
Evolution of the Las Posas Anticline, Western Transverse Ranges, California,
R. A. Whitney and E. M. Gath
Velocity Model Building in the Gulf of Mexico--An Old Story With a New Twist,
M. Witcombe
Late Cenozoic Tectonics of the East Ventura Basin, Transverse Ranges, California,
R. S. Yeats, G. J. Huftile, and L. T. Stitt