--> Abstract: Seismic Interpretation Today and Tomorrow, by J. M. Hickson, R. D. Erskine, N. C. Lian, and M. G. Johnson; #90982 (1994).
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Abstract: Seismic Interpretation Today and Tomorrow

J. M. Hickson, R. D. Erskine, N. C. Lian, Previous HitMichaelTop G. Johnson

Trends in petroleum exploration have dictated that seismic data migrate from a tool used primarily for structural interpretation to being the cornerstone in the integration of geophysical,

geological, and reservoir engineering data. Improvements in seismic imaging, the availability of high-performance workstation hardware capable of handling large volumes of data, coupled with developments in emerging 3-D seismic technologies and parallel processing, aid reservoir mapping and construction of geologic models at reservoir engineering scale. This capability for generating more sophisticated interpretations comes at an opportune time as industry is shifting more of its geoscience efforts to exploitation in structurally and stratigraphically complex environments. Seismic interpreters must broaden their technical skill base and interact with specialists from diverse technical areas in order to produce a fully integrated interpretation down to the reservoir scale. However, the e integrated products should not be mechanically generated and must be verified to ensure the interpretation incorporate fundamentally correct geologic principles. Efficient integration is currently difficult on a routine basis due to hardware and software limitations. Capitalizing on the rapid advances in computer technologies that improve the process of effective integration is the challenge for the future.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90982©1994 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 21-24, 1994