--> Identification of Productivity Problems in Clastic Reservoirs of the Eocene Lower C Group, Block 3, Lake Maracaibo, Western Venezuela using Core Descriptions and Well Log Data, by B. C. Cortiula, C. Coll, and R. Higgs; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: Identification of Productivity Problems in Clastic Reservoirs of the Eocene Lower C Group, Previous HitBlockTop 3, Lake Maracaibo, Western Venezuela using Core Descriptions and Well Log Data

Bice C. Cortiula, Carolina Coll, Roger Higgs

Productivity in clastic-sandstone reservoirs can be adversely affected by changes in permeability and porosity due to varying cementation materials, diagenetic clays and dual-porosity systems. Extended use of conventional log evaluation techniques have resulted in poor well completion strategies and misunderstanding of the log behavior on the best production pay zones. A methodology for quantitative evaluation of this type of reservoir has been developed that improves well completion techniques. This evaluation is made using core-log correlation, thin-section analyses and cross-plot techniques to evaluate effective primary porosity and water saturation using inversion models. This methodology was successfully applied for identifying changes in permeability, clay volume and formation f ctor in this area and provided a reliable calculation of hydrocarbon production capabilities of the Lower C sandstones. In a case-by-case study of six wells, the productivity of these sandstones calculated by different evaluation methods has been compared with production data from these wells. The correlation between the estimated well production and actual production data provides a more accurate oil reserves determination and will assist future development plans.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90986©1994 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 12-15, 1994