Recognizing Bell Canyon and Cherry Canyon "Behind Pipe" Pay Sands,
G. B. Asquith, M. D. Thomerson, and M. D. Arnold
Looking Back to Find the Future,
M. F. Ayler
Permian Reef Geology Trail Guide, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas-Slope Facies,
D. Bebout, D. Mruk, and A. Brown
Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Marine Condensed Sections of the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin,
D. R. Boardman, II
Permian Reef Geology Trail Guide, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas -- Toe-of-Slope Facies,
A. Brown
Sequence Stratigraphy, Systems Tracts, and
Strategies for the Subsurface Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian of the Eastern Shelf,
A. Cleaves
Giant Oil Fields in the United States by Basin Types,
F. R. Haeberle
Permeability Distribution and Fluid Flow within Carbonate Cycles -- An Example from the Permian Basin,
P. M. Harris, D. J. Coggin, and C. W. Grant
Trapping Mechanisms in the Arbuckle Group Sediments of Eastern Major County, Oklahoma,
J. Heyer
Gypsum of the Lower Whitehorse Group, Eastern Shelf, Permian Basin, Texas: A Fine-Grained Sandstone,
C. Kerans, P. M. Harris, and J. O. Jones
Permian Reef Geology Trail Guide, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas-Shelf Facies,
C. Kerans, and P. M. Harris
Permian Reef Geology Trail Guide, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas-Reef Facies,
B. Kirkland, S. Longacre, and E. Stoudt
Geological Aspects of the Devonian Misener/Sylamore Sandstone in the Central United States,
T. L. Knode, D. F. Reaser, and J. Schieber
Experience with 200 Horizontal Wells,
G. Lindahl, III, T. R. Svor, B. E. Kleinsorge, and G. E. Drake, Jr.
Upper Triassic Dockum Formation, West Texas: Stratigraphy and Sedimentation,
S. G. Lucas and O. J. Anderson
Facies and Depositional Environments of the Lower Cretaceous (Middle Albian) Finlay Limestone, Western Trans-Pecos Texas,
V. E. Malott and D. F. Reaser
The Environmental Realities of Petroleum Exploration,
G. R. March
Regional Depositional Relationships and Fracturing of the Wapanucka Limestone, Frontal Ouachita Mountains,
D. L. Mauldin
Fluvial and Deltaic Facies in the Queen Formation, Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico: An Overview,
J. Mazzullo
Developing New Oil Reserves in the N.E. IAB Unit, Coke County, Texas: An Abandoned Waterflood Project,
C. E. Mear and J. O'Rear
The Effect of
on Erosion of Pennsylvanian Lowstand Carbonates in the Northern Midland Basin, with Modern Analogies: a New View of an Old Trend,
D. C. Mozynski, A. Reid, and D. A. Walker
The origin of the Austin Chalk "Waco Channel" in the Greater Giddings Field Area,
M. Podell, K. Lewallen, and L. F. Krystnik
Reservoir Monitoring Using Seismic Methods, Part 2 -- Case History,
T. Rebec
Aeromag Survey Identifies Features Along the Central Texas Overthrust,
E. G. Rolf and K. O. Seewald
Depositional Setting for Lowstand Carbonates in BC (Canyon) Field, Howard County, Texas,
A. H. Saller, M. J. Frankforter, and S. A. Boyd
Surface Exploration in Mature Basins -- Advances of the Eighties, Applications for the Nineties,
D. Schumacher
High-Resolution Stratigraphy Forward Modeling: A Case Study of the Lower-Middle San Andres Sequence, Permian Basin,
M. W. Schuster and D. W. Childers
Significance of Neptunian Fossil-rich Dikes in the Capitan-Massive (Permian) Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas,
R. J. Stanton, Jr. and L. C. Pray
Near-Surface Low-Molecular-Weight Hydrocarbon Gas Exploration: Strengths and Limitations,
M. S. Verseckes and G. Watters
Petroleum Hydrodynamic Applications in West Texas,
G. Ward
A Review of Carbonate Platform Studies,
J. L. Wilson