--> Abstract: Groundwater Management Programs for Local Public Agencies, by K. J. Neese; #90992 (1993).
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NEESE, KEVIN J., Hatch and Parent, Santa Barbara, CA

ABSTRACT: Groundwater Management Programs for Local Public Agencies

In response to critical overdraft and groundwater contamination conditions that affect many of California's groundwater basins, the recently enacted legislation AB 3030 provides local agencies a legal framework to establish coordinated groundwater management programs. Prior groundwater law authorized certain special districts (e.g., water replenishment districts, water

conservation districts, and municipal water districts) to establish programs for the management of groundwater resources within their boundaries. AB 3030 now permits a local public agency that provides Previous HitfloodTop control, groundwater quality management, or groundwater replenishment services to promulgate a groundwater management program. The groundwater management program is a coordinated and ongoing activity that includes monitoring of groundwater levels, managing groundwater storage, controlling groundwater overdraft, and mitigating groundwater contamination.

To ensure a coordinated planning effort, AB 3030 requires local agencies to conduct a series of hearings and notifications before adopting a groundwater management program. If a majority of groundwater producers protest, local agencies must abandon the management program and not consider adopting a program within the area proposed for one year. Upon adoption of a groundwater management program, the program for the area must be prepared within two years. The management plan will include such activities as control of saline water intrusion, identification and management of wellhead protection areas, monitoring of groundwater levels and storage, and the construction and operation of groundwater contamination cleanup, recharge, storage, conservation, and water recycling.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90992©1993 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Long Beach, California, May 5-7, 1993.