--> Abstract: Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues for the Petroleum Geologist, by R. E. Mathis; #90991 (1993).
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MATHIS, R. E., E&P Industry Compliance Services, Inc., Amarillo, TX

ABSTRACT: Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues for the Petroleum Geologist

As the oil and gas industry moves toward the twenty-first century, professionals within the industry must adjust to changes placed upon them from within and without. The role of the geologist is changing, as is the focal point of attention. Environmental issues require scrutiny of those zones once passed by with little or no interest while exploring for oil and gas reservoirs at deeper and deeper horizons; shallow zones of fresh or usable water are now often the main focus of attention. Has my training prepared me for being the company "hydrologist" or "environmental expert"? What does this new role mean for me? Am I to be the "Designated Jailee"? What should I know?

Environmental Assessment, site characterization, permissible exposure limit, time weighted average, and like terms are new to the ears of most petroleum Previous HitgeologistsNext Hit. These and other environmental health and safety terms impact the profession. What Previous HitgeologistsTop may be expected to do in regard to them are issues of major concern. This paper will try to answer these questions and more.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90991©1993 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Amarillo, Texas, October 10-12, 1993.