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KRUIJS, EDDY, and ALAIN DONZE, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, Assen, Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Revival of the Northeast Netherlands Onshore Rotliegende Play

The Rotliegende play within the Netherlands came into being with the drilling of the Slochteren 1 well in 1959 and the subsequent discovery of the supergiant Groningen gas field.

Subsequently, volumes found within the Rotliegende in the northeast Netherlands have followed the characteristic trend of

decreasing size with time. This is of course a primary trend, and creaming curves quite often display revivals throughout the life of a play/basin.

Within the northeast onshore, the Rotliegende play is presently undergoing a revival due to the combination of three-dimensional (Previous Hit3-DNext Hit) seismic information and the introduction of the Ten Boer lateral seal concept. This probably is illustrated best by the discovery of the Grijpskerk gas field in 1990, which was the largest Rotliegende discovery in the northeast Netherlands since 1965, and which led directly to a more aggressive Rotliegende drilling campaign and to the discovery of an even larger field at Munnekezijl in 1992.

The acquisition of fairway Previous Hit3-DNext Hit over this well established hydrocarbon province has highlighted the value of integrating regional Previous Hit3-DNext Hit mapping with numerous field examples to reassess the lateral sealing characteristics of the Ten Boer claystone.

The successful drilling over the last couple of years attests to the power of modern Previous Hit3-DNext Hit as it confirmed: the integrity of the Previous Hit3-DTop based structural picture, which was dramatically different from the two-dimensional based mapping; the reliability of direct hydrocarbon indications by measurements/observations at the reservoir level; and the validity of the new sealing concept.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.