Effects of Inherited of Pre-Jurassic Tectonics on the U.S. Gulf Coast,
R. L. Adams
Secondary Natural Gas Recovery in Mature Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs, Frio Formation, Agua Dulce Field, South Texas,
W. A. Ambrose, R. A. Levey, J. M. Vidal, M. A. Sippel, J. R. Ballard, D. M. Coover, Jr., and W. E. Bloxsom
Seismic Evidence for Timing of Shallow Salt Emplacement on the Continental Slope,
L. M. Beckley and W. E. Behrens
Recognition of Channel Fill Types in Deltas and Submarine Fans,
A. H. Bouma and D. Goddard
Correlation Efficiency as a Tool to Establish Depositional Subenvironments in Submarine Fans,
A. H. Bouma, M. B. Devries, and T. W. Cook
Paleoecologic and Biostratigraphic Models for Pleistocene Through Miocene Foraminiferal Assemblages of the Gulf Coast Basin,
S. Q. Breard, A. D. Callender, and M. J. Nault
Upper Tertiary/Quaternary Detachment Surface, Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana,
R. O. Brooks
Criteria to Aid in the Establishment of Genetic Boundaries Within a Carboniferous Basin: Mary Lee Coal Zone, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama,
T. W. Bryant and R. A. Gastaldo
Identification and Evaluation of Bypassed and Incompletely Drained Gas Reservoirs in the Wave-Dominated Deltaic System of the Frio Formation (Oligocene), North McFaddin Field, Victoria County, South Texas,
M. J. Burn, M. A. Sippel, J. Vidal, J. R. Ballard, R. A. Levey, and P. Knowles
3-D Seismic and Reservoir Modeling, Ram Prospect, Viosca Knoll Block 912, Offshore Gulf of Mexico,
W. Carew, P. F. Ostendorf, and G. K. Krum
of Lignites and Associated Sediments in the Upper Paleocene Tuscahoma Sand of Southwestern Alabama and Eastern Mississippi,
R. E. Carroll
Depositional Systems, Provenance, and Sequence Stratigraphy, Carter and "Millerella" Sandstones of Northeast Mississippi,
A. W. Cleaves, II
West Delta Block 35: Rediscovery of a 23-Year-Old Field,
G. W. Coburn and K. E. Beeney
The American Whale-Oil Industry: A Look Back to the Future of the American Petroleum Industry?,
J. L. Coleman, Jr.
Geology of Deep-Water Sandstones in the Mississippi Stanley Shale at Cossatot Falls, Arkansas,
J. L. Coleman, Jr.
Fracture Zones Between Overlapping, En Echelon, Normal Fault Strands: Outcrop Analogs Within the Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas,
E. W. Collins
The Lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in the Greensburg and Joseph Branch Field Areas, St. Helena Parish, Louisiana,
M. K. Corcoran, C. P. Cameron, and M. A. Meylan
Structural/Stratigraphic Reconstruction of Frontal "Choctaw" Triangle Zone Within Oklahoma Atoka Trend: Early Controls (Prethrusting) on Deposition of Deep-Water Clastic Reservoirs,
D. Cox and R. Foshee
Relating Sequence Stratigraphy to Lithostratigraphy in Paleogene Siliciclastic-Dominated Shelf Settings, Central-East Texas,
A. J. Davidoff and T. E. Yancey
Stratigraphic Framework of Inner Shelf Storm-Dominated Sand Ridges, Alabama EEZ: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy, Global Climate Change, and Petroleum Exploration,
D. J. Davies and S. J. Parker
Shongaloo Field: A Recent Smackover (Jurassic) Discovery in the Arkansas-Louisiana State-Line Graben,
W. D. DeMis and J. V. Milliken
Application of Sea Level Stratigraphy to Neogene Great Plains,
R. F. Diffendal, Jr. and A. Lowrie
Reservoir Characteristics of Two Minter Oil Sands Based on Continuous Core, E-logs, and Geochemical Data: Bee Brake Field, East-Central Louisiana,
J. B. Echols, D. A. Goddard, and A. Bouma
of Sandstones Using CT Scanning and Conventional Methods,
M. El-Dairy, J. M. Perez, and J. M. Poston
Structural Control of Adjacent Reefal and Incised Valley Complexes in the Neogene of the Southern Shelf Lagoon of Belize,
D. Esker, G. Eberli, D. McNeill, and M. Grammer
System Tract History
: Key to Understanding Deposition in Cored Reservoir Analog Units on the Shelf,
R. H. Fillon
Giant Oil Fields of the Gulf Coast Area,
F. R. Haeberle
Correlation of Lignites in the Midway and Wilcox Groups of Southern Alabama and Eastern Mississippi,
D. W. Harrison
The Structure of the Livingston Fault Zone, Sumter County, Alabama,
W. B. Hawkins, Jr. and R. H. Groshong, Jr.
Miocene Sequence Biostratigraphy of the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
M. M. Jiang
Radiostratigraphy and Heavy Mineral Content of the Weches Formation (Eocene), Nacogdoches County, Texas,
K. Jobe, E. B. Ledger, P. Sharp, and M. C. Crocker
Environmental Concerns and Future Oil and Gas Developments In Coastal Wetlands of Louisiana,
C. J. John, B. J. Harder, and C. G. Groat
3-D Seismic Benefits From Exploration Through Development: An Exxon Perspective,
M. G. Johnson, G. M. Gaskins, and S. M. Greenlee
Recent Horizontal Drilling in Lockhart Crossing Field, Livingston Parish, Louisiana: Its impact on Geological Interpretation,
R. J. Johnson
Aventura Ranch Field: A Classic Stratigraphic Trap: James Lime, Van Zandt County, Texas,
A. Jones and J. T. Palmer
Past Discovery Pattern: A Key to Future Exploration Potential in ARKLA-MAFLA Trend,
M. A. Khan
Eustatic and Tectonic Effects in Sequence Stratigraphy of the Paralic-Shelfal Marine Section, Upper Cretaceous, Alabama,
D. T. King, Jr.
Sedimentary Facies
and the Characteristics of Some Gulf Coastal Plain Aquifers,
D. T. King, Jr.
The Relationship Between Lithofacies and Contaminant Migration Pathways at a Site Contaminated with Heavy Metals,
M. S. Kline
Upward-Shoaling Cycles in Smackover Carbonates of Southwest Alabama,
D. C. Kopaska-Merkel and S. D. Mann
Petroleum Source Potential of Miocene and Eocene Shales from the Continental Slope of the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico,
A. S. Kornacki, H. I. Halpern, and G. S. Steffans
Heterostegina Zone Carbonates, Southeastern Louisiana-Offshore Mississippi: Petrography, Seismic Stratigraphy, Hydrocarbon Potential,
P. R. Krutak and P. Beron, Jr.
Depositional Texture-Dependent and Independent Diagenetic Control of Petrophysical Properties, Norphlet Sandstone, Onshore and Offshore Alabama,
R. L. Kugler
Heterogeneity in Mississippian Oil Reservoirs, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama: An Overview,
R. L. Kugler, J. C. Pashin, and G. D. Irvin
A Multidiscipline Study Offshore Texas, Gulf of Mexico,
J. P. Land, R. G. Behrman, D. A. Bird, C. E. Curtis, and L. A. Jamison
Hydrocarbon Traps Within Passive-Margin Evolution of Louisiana,
D. Lavoie and A. Lowrie
Tectonic Boundaries of the Eastern Gulf Coast of North America,
C. Leonard, Jr. and R. R. Phillips, Sr.
Simple Approximations for Estimating Quickly the Motion and Timing of Salt Diapir Rise, Overhang Development, and Associated Thermal Anomalies Using Present-Day Observations: Case History from the Gulf of Mexico and Danish North Sea,
I. Lerche and R. O. Thomsen
The Proposed Cade II Landfill Site, South Louisiana: Threat to the Chicot Aquifer,
B. E. Lock
The History, Development, and Regional Significance of Ruston Field,
J. A. Lott, L. A. Herrmann, and R. E. Davenport
Sequence Stratigraphy and Modeling of the North Louisiana-South Arkansas Basin,
A. Lowrie, N. M. Sullivan, M. A. Fogarty, C. J. Krotzer, J. Carter, and I. Lerche
Subsurface Structure and Hydrocarbon Occurrence, Cretaceous Rocks of Maxie and Pistol Ridge Fields, Southeastern Mississippi,
S. Luo and M. A. Meylan
Paleocene-Eocene Lignite Beds of Southwest Alabama: Parasequence Beds In Highstand Systems Tracts,
E. A. Mancini, B. H. Tew, and R. E. Carroll
Geological Controls and Engineered Structures Relating to Erosion and Land Loss in the Barataria Quadrangle of South-Central Louisiana,
R. K. Markel and C. P. Cameron
Waterfalls and Travertine in the Tunica Hills Mississippi,
J. D. Martinez and W. J. Autin
Identification of Organic-Rich Lower Tertiary Shales as Petroleum Source Rocks, Southern Louisiana,
E. C. McDade, R. Sassen, L. Wenger, and G. A. Cole
NPDES Permit Requirements in Gulf Coast Exploration and Production Areas,
W. J. Mundt
Recognizing Environmental Risks in Oil and Gas Property Acquisitions,
W. J. Mundt
Characteristics of Heat Flow Through Diapiric Salt Structures on the Texas Continental Slope,
S. Nagihara, L. M. Beckley, E. W. Behrens, and J. G. Sclater
Measurements Under Salt Sheets in the Gulf of Mexico: Observations and Inferences,
J. J. O'Brien, I. Lerche, and Z. Yu
Man-made and Natural Changes on the Mississippi Gulf Coast,
S. M. Oivanki, B. Yassin, and J. S. Moody
Paleotopographic Control of Basal Chesterian Sedimentation in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama,
J. C. Pashin and A. K. Rindsberg
Inversion of Salt Diapirs and Sedimentary Bed Observations: Gulf Coast Case Histories,
K. Petersen and I. Lerche
Origin of Dolostone Reservoir Rocks, Smackover Formation (Oxfordian), Northeastern Gulf Coast, U.S.A.,
B. E. Prather
Paluxy of the Central Basin: East Texas,
M. W. Presley
The Use of Nonmarine Palynomorphs as Correlation Tools in Rapidly Deposited Upper Tertiary Sediments of the Gulf of Mexico,
R. L. Ravn and J. A. D'Ablaing
Relationships of Seismic Amplitudes and Gas Content of the Miocene Amos Sand, Mobile Bay Area, Offshore Alabama,
L. T. Reif and G. L. Kinsland
Jurassic Stratigraphy of the Wiggins Arch, Mississippi,
J. A. Rhodes and G. B. Maxwell
Seismic Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Reservoir Potential of a Late Pleistocene Shelf-Edge Delta,
H. H. Roberts, J. Sydow, and A. H. Bouma
Association of Oil Seeps and Chemosynthetic Communities with Oil Discoveries, Upper Continental Slope, Gulf of Mexico,
R. Sassen, J. M. Brooks, I. R. MacDonald, M. C. Kennicutt II, and N. L. Guinasso, Jr.
Role of Halite in the Evolution of Sandstone Porosity, Upper Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Mississippi Salt Basin,
C. J. Schenk and J. W. Schmoker
Deep-Seated Salt Sheet: Eastern Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana,
J. A. Spencer and C. L. Sharpe
Predicting the Permeability of Unconsolidated Sediments from Grain Size Measurements,
E. S. Sprunt, R. E. Gilliland, and M. L. Barret
A Subsurface Study of the North Frisco City Field, Monroe County, Alabama,
M. A. Stephanson, J. G. Cox, M. Harmount, and L. Bruno
Tectonic and Depositional Model of the North Louisiana-South Arkansas Basin,
N. M. Sullivan, A. Lowrie, C. J. Krotzer, J. Carter, I. Lerche, and K. Petersen
Regional Lithofacies Patterns of the Louark Group in Northeast Texas,
D. R. Swenson
Louisiana Cheniers: Settling from High Water,
W. F. Tanner
Geologic Framework of the Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover Formation in the Alabama Coastal Waters Area,
B. H. Tew, R. M. Mink, S. D. Mann, and E. A. Mancini
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper and Middle Frio, Orange County, Texas,
K. J. Thies, B. Bowen, B. Shaffer, R. Rosen, and J. Adamick
A Model for the Evolution of Salt Dome Overhang, East Texas Basin,
J. R. Turner
Sequence Stratigraphy of Middle and Upper Jurassic Strata of Southwestern Alabama,
W. J. Wade and C. H. Moore, Jr.
Hydrocarbon Systems in the East Texas Basin: A Basin Modeling Approach,
W. A. Wescott and W. C. Hood
Sequence Stratigraphic and Depositional Framework of the Paleocene Lower Wilcox Strata, Northwest Gulf of Mexico Basin,
L. Xue and W. E. Galloway
Depositional Gradient
in Transgressive Systems Tracts and Highstand Systems Tracts, Eocene of the Brazos River Valley Section, Texas,
T. E. Yancey, A. J. Davidoff, and T. S. Donaho
Hydrocarbon Transfer Pathways from Smackover Source Rocks to Younger Reservoir Traps in the Monroe Gas Field, NE Louisiana,
R. K. Zimmerman
Resource Assessment and Profitability from Discovering Rate Forecasting,
K. Zorbalas and R. E. Rogers
Structural and Hydrological Parameters Modeling of Wilcox Group, Central Louisiana and Mississippi,
H. Zuo