--> Abstract: Novel Applications of Light Hydrocarbon Chemistry in Petroleum Exploration, by F. D. Mango; #90987 (1993).
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MANGO, FRANK D., Rice University, Geology and Previous HitGeophysicsNext Hit Department, Houston, TX

ABSTRACT: Novel Applications of Light Hydrocarbon Chemistry in Petroleum Previous HitExplorationNext Hit

The light hydrocarbons in petroleum are products of a kerogen-specific catalytic process. The catalysts are proposed to be the transition metals in kerogenous sedimentary rocks. The process is controlled by two reactor variables, namely the chemical compositions of the various species that catalyze the reaction and kerogenous pressure.

I introduce here a simple and inexpensive procedure using cross plots of various product ratios to correlate oils and source rocks. It has proven to be a remarkably articulate and powerful tool for deconvoluting diverse oils into genetic groups. The various compositions of light hydrocarbons seen in natural petroleum reflect the chemical compositions of kerogenous precursors and the physical constants associated with oil generation. The analysis of light hydrocarbons from this perspective is new. It provides the Previous HitexplorationTop geochemist with a novel technique for gaining insight into the fundamental chemistry of petroleum generation.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90987©1993 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25-28, 1993.