--> Abstract: Forward Modeling of Reservoir Architecture and Seismic Response in Third- and Fourth-Order Depositional Sequences: Examples from the Paleogene in the Gulf Coast Basin, by R. A. Levey, L. Xue, and A. Sattar; #90987 (1993).
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LEVEY, RAYMOND A., LIANGQING XUE, and ASAD SATTAR, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

ABSTRACT: Forward Previous HitModelingNext Hit of Reservoir Architecture and Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Response in Third- and Fourth-Order Depositional Sequences: Examples from the Paleogene in the Gulf Coast Basin

Regional-scale forward structural and stratigraphic Previous HitmodelingNext Hit is used to evaluate variations in basin architecture and predict the Previous HitseismicNext Hit response of third- and fourth-order depositional sequences in the offlapping Paleogene sediment wedge in the onshore Gulf Coast Basin. Objectives of these Previous HitmodelingNext Hit studies include the visualization of regional stratigraphic patterns based on well log cross sections and the prediction of corresponding two-dimensional synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit reflection response. Cross sections of resistivity and velocity parameters with variable attributes for vertical and lateral reservoir continuity are modeled with onlap, offlap, and concordant relationships forced to donor major third-order sequence boundaries. Identical cross sections are forward modeled to illustrate he Previous HitseismicNext Hit response and are then compared to existing subregional Previous HitseismicNext Hit reflection lines.

The positions of major Frio plays, fields, and reservoirs are projected

into cross sections from the Rio Grande Embayment, the San Marcos Arch, and the Houston Embayment. Structural and stratigraphic cross sections show the variability in both well log and Previous HitseismicNext Hit response across the Vicksburg fault zone and into the downdip expanded Frio section. A depositional dip-orientedexample from Oligocene third-order depositional sequences in the Rio Grande Embayment shows an onlapping fourth-order reservoir stacking pattern in the basin fill that coincides with fluvial reservoirs that have undergone infield gas reserve growth. Previous HitModelingTop results suggest that repetitive patterns attributed to depositional and structural controls on fourth-order reservoir stacking can be recognized and potentially extrapolated to understand the distribution of reservoirs in other seq ences in the Gulf Coast Basin or other passive margin settings.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90987©1993 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25-28, 1993.