--> Abstract: The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Ene Basin (Peru), by A. D. Fabre and D. U. Alvarez; #90988 (1993).
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FABRE, ANTOINE D., Consolidated Eurocan Ventures Ltd., Previous HitDENNISTop UYEN ALVAREZ, Petroleos del Peru, no location given

ABSTRACT: The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Ene Basin (Peru)

The Ene basin is located between 10 degrees 30' and 12 degrees latitude south in the foothills of the Eastern Cordillera. Geochemical analysis indicate the presence of mature organic-rich source rocks in the Upper Paleozoic. In particular the Ene formation includes mature (Ro = 0.7 to 0.9%) oil-prone shale with mixed type I/II kerogen. Geohistory models show that the Ene formation entered into the oil window some 5 to 3 m.y. ago in the deep part of the basin and could generate hydrocarbons until the present time. Good reservoir sandstones (Oriente gr., Vivian Fm.) were deposited during the Cretaceous. Fair reservoirs are also present in the Upper Paleozoic series (Ambo gr. and Ene fm.). Cretaceous marine shale and thick Tertiary red beds form regional seals. Tar seeps have been observ d in Cretaceous sandstones. The Ene basin extends in a northwest-southeast direction between the Eastern Cordillera to the west and the Shira-Vilcabamba uplift to the east. The Late Miocene-Pliocene Quechua phase III deformed the sedimentary series producing east verging imbricated thrust sheets and large anticlines which could trap the hydrocarbons generated by the Upper Paleozoic source rocks. Several anticlines are still sealed by the Tertiary cover and represent attractive prospects for hydrocarbon exploration. With a prospective area close to 8000 sq km the unexplored Ene basin is awaiting imaginative geologists and geophysicists to demonstrate its potential.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90988©1993 AAPG/SVG International Congress and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela, March 14-17, 1993.