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BERTAGNE, ALLEN J., CGG American Services, Inc., Houston, TX

ABSTRACT: International Megaregional Project: Principles and Progress

The International Megaregional Project is a worldwide project involving the compilation and interpretation of long regional seismic lines crossing international basins. The goal of the project is to synthesize the current geologic knowledge of the areas traversed and to identify new areas of exploration interest. The project is modeled after, and an extension of the well-documented U.S. Megaregional Project (see AAPG Explorer, September 1990, Oil and Gas Journal, November 4, 1991).

A conceptual international Megaregional framework has been established and will serve as a focus for the geologic efforts and seismic data compilation. The work is being conducted with the cooperation of a consortium of multinational oil companies as well as host governments.

Megaregional lines can provide new insights into: (1) what is and is not basement, (2) Previous HitmaturationTop history and migration pathways, (3) regional structure, and (4) regional stratigraphy. The

lines can thereby lead to the development of new exploration concepts.

The paper will include examples of completed Megaregional lines and will provide an update on the status of the project, with an emphasis on Latin America.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90988©1993 AAPG/SVG International Congress and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela, March 14-17, 1993.