--> Abstract: Seismic Operations in Environmentally Sensitive Areas, IAGC Initiatives, by M. W. Crews; #91012 (1992).
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ABSTRACT: Seismic Operations in Environmentally Sensitive Areas, IAGC Initiatives

CREWS, Previous HitMICHAELTop W., Amoco Production Company, Houston, TX

As environmental concerns continue to expand on a global basis, the petroleum industry can expect a continuing stream of new legislation, regulations, and permitting conditions addressing this critical subject. Exploration programs involving seismic surveys will likely be a focal point for these governmental actions and public initiatives.

Because of the diversity of circumstances faced by geophysical field crews and the potential adverse impacts from such activities, our industry must develop heightened sensitivity and operating practices which demonstrate that such work can be carried out in an environmentally compatible manner. The International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC) has taken a proactive approach to this issue by producing a comprehensive set of recommended world-wide operating guidelines to assist its member companies and others in planning and carrying out geophysical data acquisition activities in an environmentally responsible manner.

These IAGC guidelines are designed to address key environmental issues present in six specific operating environments: arctic areas, coastal areas (including wetlands and marshes), level and semilevel terrain (including deserts), tropical rain forests, mountainous and forested areas, and in marine conditions. Careful plannng, proper communications with both the public and governmental entities, and knowledge of specific local issues can help to bring about a cooperative and positive approach to future petroleum exploration and development in environmentally sensitive areas.

Further, recognition, acceptance and adoption of these IAGC guidelines by both the petroleum industry and regulatory agencies can help to promote access to explore--without unreasonable or unnecessary restrictions--in places where special sensitivities exist. This can help reduce oil company client and geophysical contractor liability and, at the same time, provide a much needed boost to our industry's public image.

Development of these guidelines has been a truly international effort incorporating input from all regions of the world as to content, format, and localized semantics. Toward achieving world-wide functionality, IAGC has attempted to establish a balance between environmental diligence, reasonable practices, and economic considerations.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91012©1992 AAPG Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 22-25, 1992 (2009)