--> Abstract: The Relationship Between Coal Rank and Clear Density--A Preliminary Report, by B. E. Law; #91010 (1991)
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The Relationship Between Previous HitCoalNext Hit Rank and Clear Density--A Preliminary Report

LAW, B. E., U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO

The economic production of gas from Previous HitcoalNext Hit is highly dependent on the development of permeability in the cleat system, yet the characteristics of cleats, from a petroleum geology perspective, are poorly known. Measurements of Previous HitcoalNext Hit cleat density in outcrops and cores from Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Previous HitcoalNext Hit beds in Rocky Mountain basins indicate clear density increases with increasing Previous HitcoalNext Hit rank. The density of face cleats ranges from 0.5 cleats/cm in lignites [mean random vitrinite reflectance (Rm) 0.28%] to 13.0 cleats/cm in medium volatile bituminous (1.54% Rm) coals. Butt cleats exhibit a similar relationship over this range of Previous HitcoalNext Hit rank. Crossplots of Rm vs. cleat spacing and Rm vs. bed moisture are nearly coincident, suggesting that shrinkage of the Previous HitcoalNext Hit due to moisture loss is the m st likely cause of changes in cleat spacing. Within any one Previous HitcoalNext Hit outcrop or core, cleat density is highly variable and is, in part, dependent on Previous HitcoalNext Hit quality; the more dense cleating is associated with bright-banded Previous HitcoalTop, the less dense with dull-banded coals and shaly coals. Although cleat density is not the only factor affecting permeability (cleat width and connectivity are other factors), the preliminary results of this study indicate that cleat density can be quantified, thus providing a partial solution to predicting cleat permeability.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91010©1991 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Billings, Montana, July 28-31, 1991 (2009)