Hydrocarbon Potential of the 87 Blocks Identified for Consideration for Future OCS Leasing Offshore California,
R. W. Altobelli, E. G. A. Weed, and C. K. Ogawa
Geologic Reservoir Description of the Miocene Upper Stevens Sandstone within Paloma Unit, Kern County, California,
J. A. Anderson
The Design of a Modern Steamflood in a Thick, Dipping, Heavy Oil Reservoir,
D. S. Atkinson, C. A. Clayton, J. O. Baldwin, and R. C. Smith
Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation of a Suspected Fan-Complex in Central San Joaquin Basin,
W. W. Bayne
Field Classification and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Quartz Cherts from the Monterey Formation, Santa Maria Basin, California,
R. J. Behl, B. M. Smith, and R. E. Garrison
Formation Evaluation by Compositional Analysis of Residual Hydrocarbon,
B. A. Bell
Deposition Trends of the Amnicola and Tulare Sands, and Relevance to the Development of Asphaltenes in a Portion of the Cymric Oil Field, Western San Joaquin Valley, California,
P. Bell
The Colorado River Extensional Corridor: An Analog for the Early Stages of Passive Margin Formation,
K. K. Beratan and J. E. Nielson
Timing of Structural Growth at Northwest Stevens Field as Evidenced by Stevens Channel Geometries,
T. A. Berkman
Lithologic Diversity and Environmental Restrictions are a Challenge to Reservoir Development of the Upper Miocene Deep Water Sandstones of the Union Pacific and Ford Zones in the Wilmington Oil Field, Los Angeles County, California,
B. H. Berman and K. D. Jung
Tectonic and Glacio-Eustatic Influences on Late Cambrian-Early Devonian First-Order Stratigraphic and Faunal Suites in the Great Basin,
W. B. N. Berry
Seismic-Reflection Studies, Offshore Santa Maria Province, California,
K. J. Bird, J. R. Childs, D. J. Taylor, and C. C. Sorlien
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara County: Integration of Physical, Chemical, and Biofacies Data from Outcrop and Subsurface,
K. M. Bohacs
Plagioclase Dissolution Related to Oil Residence Time, North Coles Levee Field, California,
J. R. Boles
Stratigraphy and Paleogeographic Setting of Paleozoic Rocks in the San Bernardino Mountains, California,
H. J. Brown
Significance of Cyclic Pennsylvanian-Permian Coral/Algal Buildups, Snaky Canyon,
K. L. Canter and P. E. Isaacson
Reservoir Geology of Landslide Field, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
T. R. Carr, R. D. Tucker, and M. T. Singleton
The Mississippian Antler Foreland and Continental Margin in Southern Nevada: The Eleana Formation Reinterpreted,
P. H. Cashman and J. H. Trexler, Jr.
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of a Middle Eocene Shallow Marine to Basin Transition, Sespe Wilderness Area, California,
M. S. Clark
Detailed Layer Studies in the East Wilmington Oil Field,
D. D. Clarke
Origin of Tuff Deposits in the Lower Miocene Lospe Formation, Santa Maria Basin, California,
R. B. Cole, R. G. Stanley, and S. Y. Johnson
Depositional Belts in Nevada During the Famennian,
K. S. Coles
Comparative Development of the Western United States and Southern Kazakhstan, Soviet Union--Two Early Paleozoic Carbonate Passive Margins,
H. E. Cook, M. E. Taylor, S. V. Zhemchuzhnikov, M. K. Apolinov, G. Kh. Ergaliyev, Z. S. Sargaskaev, and S. V. Dubinina
Cambrian-Ordovician Craton Margin Section, Southern Great Basin: A Sequence Stratigraphic Perspective,
J. D. Cooper and J. C. Edwards
A Geophysical Study of the Hydrogeology of the Carrizo Plain Area, San Luis Obispo County, California,
J. W. Cooper
Compliance with the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act of 1987, AB 2588,
K. Cosgrove and O. Mauricio
Washington-Oregon Tertiary: Evidence for Influence of Eustatic Controls on Coastal Sedimentation,
H. Cousminer
Subsurface Migration of Petroleum Hydrocarbons: A Case Study of Immiscible Migration and Chromatographic Separation,
H. E. Dawson
Neogene Disruption of Paleogene Depositional Facies in Western Transverse Ranges,
W. R. Dickinson
The Use of Balanced Cross Sections to Design the Cymric/McKittrick Area Tulare Steamfloods,
J. F. Dunn
Extensive Cambrian Braidplain Sedimentation: Insights from the Southwestern Cordillera, U.S.A.,
C. M. Fedo and A. R. Prave
Regional Variations in 87Sr/86Sr and Sr Concentration of Formation Fluids, San Joaquin Basin, California,
M. D. Feldman and J. R. Boles
Synextensional Basin Evolution, Lower Miocene Clews Formation, Central Mojave Desert, California,
R. P. Fillmore and J. D. Walker
Depositional Setting and
of Ordovician Vinini Formation, Central Nevada,
S. C. Finney and B. D. Perry
A Fan Tale, Modern and Ancient Fans--A Comparison,
P. J. Fisher, V. B. Cherven, and D. R. Thor
Depositional Environments of the Topanga Canyon Formation, Central Santa Monica Mountains, Southern California,
M. E. Flack and A. E. Fritsche
Jurassic through Oligocene Pre-Basin Stratigraphy in the Santa Maria Basin Area, California,
A. E. Fritsche and D. A. Yamashiro
Jurassic Through Oligocene
of the Santa Maria Basin Area, California,
A. E. Fritsche and D. A. Yamashiro
Tectonic Implications of Facies Patterns, Lower Permian Dry Mountain Trough, East-Central Nevada,
D. M. Gallegos, W. S. Snyder, and C. Spinosa
Frontier Tertiary Basins with Promising Hydrocarbon Potential, Offshore California,
J. M. Galloway, P. R. Simon, and M. R. Brickey
Methods of Obtaining Aquifer Data for Groundwater Remediation System Design,
T. P. Garvey, J. M. Evensen, Jr., and R. J. Menzie, Jr.
Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Considerations in Vapor Extraction System Design,
T. P. Garvey, J. M. Evensen, Jr., and R. J. Menzie, Jr.
New Life for the "555" Pool, San Joaquin Basin, California: A Study in Synergy,
G. C. Gaynor, M. Anderson, T. Moorefield, S. Sills, and R. Wydrinski
The Impact of Environmental Regulations on United States Crude Oil Supplies,
M. L. Godec and K. Biglarbigi
Paleogeographic Setting of the Late Devonian to Early Mississippian Antler Foreland, Eastern Nevada and Western Utah,
K. A. Goebel
The Oligocene-Miocene San Gregorio Formation of Baja California Sur, Mexico: An Early Record of Coastal Upwelling Along the Eastern Pacific Margin,
K. A. Grimm, M. Ledesma, R. E. Garrison, and C. Fonseca
Intrastratal Microfractured Zones in Laminated Diatomaceous Sediments from the Monterey Formation, California: A Record of Miocene Paleoseismicity?,
K. A. Grimm
Gravity and Magnetic Maps of the Santa Maria Province, California,
A. Griscom and P. E. Sauer
Coal-Bed Methane--An Unconventional but Viable Source of Natural Gas,
D. E. Hallinger
Investigation of Aluminum Mass-Transfer in Sandstones, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
M. J. Hayes and J. R. Boles
An Innovative Alternative for Managing Contaminated Soils,
D. Herlihy
Hydrocarbon Traps within a Seismic Sequence Framework, Stevens Turbidites, Southern San Joaquin Valley, CA,
J. S. Hewlett, D. W. Jordan, T. J. Crebs, and T. P. Moorefield
The Use of Modern On-Site Bioremediation Systems to Reduce Crude Oil Contamination on Oilfield Properties,
W. W. Hildebrandt
Dissolution and Porosity Development in Uncemented Miocene Reservoir Sandstones, Western San Joaquin Basin, California,
R. A. Horton, Jr., B. D. Houghton, and J. A. Dunwoody III
Ultra-High Pulse Power Acoustic Logging with Broad-Band-Width, Low-Frequency, and Multipole Transmitters and Receivers--A Discussion of Data and Analysis for a Variety of Interpretive Techniques,
P. Husten, D. Patterson, J. Watson, S. Gill, and B. Volk
A Depositional Setting for the Mist Gas Field Reservoir Sands,
R. A. Jackson, T. A. berkman, and W. K. Dahleen
Depositional Style of the Yowlumne Sands, Yowlumne Oil Field, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
D. D. Jessup and M. Kamerling
Seismic Monitoring of a Steamflood at South Casper Creek Oil Field, Wyoming,
P. Johnston, D-S. Lee, F. Martens, and N. Wachi
Provenance of Sandstones in the Golconda Terrane, North Central Nevada,
E. A. Jones
Silica Phase Changes: Diagenetic Agent for Oil Entrapment, Lost Hills Field, California,
D. R. Julander and D. L. Szymanski
Robust Methods of Multistep Velocity Analysis,
S. Katz
Class III Landfill Monitoring in Active Fault Regime,
B. Keller and W. Allmon
Groundwater Verification Monitoring at the Lancaster Landfill,
T. M. Kinney and S. R. Strait
Identification of an Undersaturated Zone and its Effect on Steamflood Performance/Development at Lost Hills, California,
T. L. Kirst and J. R. Kerns
A Review of Current Practices and the Future for Deep Well Injection in the Upper Miocene Stevens Sand, Kern County, California,
S. C. Kiser and D. W. Chenot
Closure of a Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility in an Active Oil Field,
S. A. Knott and A. E. White
of Fluvial Sand Bodies Improves Perforating Strategy at Kern River Field,
E. J. Kodl and D. A. Brelih
Reevaluation of Stevens Sand Potential--Maricopa Depocenter, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
M. M. Kolb and S. L. Parks
Foraminifera and Paleoenvironments in the Etchegoin and Lower San Joaquin Formations, West-Central San Joaquin Valley, California,
M. B. Lagoe, J. A. Tenison, and R. Buehring
and Evolution of the Ordovician/Silurian (Whiterockian-Llandoverian) Continental Margin in Central Nevada,
W. B. Leatham
Variations in Phosphatic Grain Types and Facies Variations in the Oliog-Miocene San Gregoria Formation of Baja California Sur, Mexico,
M. Ledesma, K. Grimm, and B. Garrison
Impacts of SB 14 on the Petroleum Industry,
D. J. Leu and F. Tornatore
Late Proterozoic
of the Eastern Great Basin,
M. Levy and N. Christie-Blick
Correlation of Source Rocks and Oils in the Sespe Oil Field, Ventura County, California,
P. G. Lillis and M. S. Clark
Controls on the Variation of Crude Oil Quality, Santa Maria Basin, California,
P. G. Lillis and J. D. King
Hydrocarbon Development in the Urban Sector--the Stockton Gas Field, San Joaquin County, California,
R. G. Lindblom and R. K. Hahn
Controls on the Development of Depositional Sequences and Facies Along an Active Margin,
J. M. Lohmar and S. R. Morgan
Pennsylvanian and Permian
of South-Central Idaho: the Wood River Basin,
J. B. Mahoney, B. R. Burton, J. P. O'Brien, and P. K. Link
Risk Reduction or Why Stratigraphy?,
E. Marks
Risk Assessment--the Future Trend,
G. A. Marks
Paleozoic Cratonal/Miogeoclinal Stratigraphy in the Western Mojave Desert,
M. W. Martin and J. D. Walker
Depositional Environments of Permian Phosphoria Formation and Related Rocks, Leach Mountains, Northeast Nevada,
S. G. Martindale
of the Great Basin,
L. B. McCollum and M. B. McCollum
Geohistory Analysis of the Santa Maria Basin, California, and its Relationship to Tectonic Evolution of the Continental Margin,
P. A. McCrory, R. G. Arends, J. C. Ingle, Jr., C. M. Isaacs, R. G. Stanley, and M. L. C. Thornton
Distribution of Disharmonic En Echelon Folds in Siliceous Beds of the Miocene Monterey Formation East of San Luis Obispo, California,
H. McLean
Late Ordovician
of Central Idaho and its Tectonic Implications,
E. A. Measures
Permian and Triassic
of the Eastern Klamath Arc and Eastern Hayfork Subduction Complex, Klamath Mountains, California: Evidence from Lithotectonic Associations and Detrital Zircon,
M. M. Miller and J. B. Saleeby
Segmentation and Thrusting Along the Offshore Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon Zone of Deformation,
G. I. Mills and P. J. Fischer
Principal Components Granulometric Analysis of Tidally Dominated Depositional Environments,
S. W. Mitchell, W. T. Long, and N. E. Friedrich
Evidence of Northwest-Southeast Directed Compression of Late Cenozoic Age in the Summit Diggings, San Bernardino County, California,
F. C. Monastero and C. F. Austin
Analysis of Open Hole Logs in the Miocene Stevens Sands,
J. Morrow
Lower Cambrian Grand Cycles of the Southwestern Great Basin, U.S.A.,
J. F. Mount, L. R. Greene, D. L. Hunt, and J. Dienger
Rosedale Ranch Oil Field, New Shallow Pay in an Old Field,
R. Nahama and R. Sterling
Finding Unconformities in Lacustrine Sediments Using Continuously-Sampled Paleomagnetic Records,
R. M. Negrini and S. P. Lund
Continuous In-Situ Measurements of Nitrates and Other Contaminants Utilizing Specialized Geophysical Logging Devices,
J. L. Newman and G. W. Corbell
Evaluation of a Complex Sandstone Reservoir for EOR,
P. Pathak, K. D. Kuch, T. P. Moorefield, B. G. Kriel, E. S. Pasternak, J. H. Ligon, and S. J. Salter
Depositional Environments of the Santa Margarita Formation in the Miocene Santa Maria Basin, Huasna Syncline,
R. L. Phillips
Upper Miocene Stevens Sands in the Maricopa Depocenter Southern San Joaquin Valley, California,
M. J. Quinn
Influence of Anticlinal Growth on Upper Miocene Turbidite Deposits, Elk Hills Field, Kern County, California,
S. A. Reid and G. S. McJannet
Lithostratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Vaqueros Formation in Hondo Field, Capitan Field, and the Western Santa Ynez Mountains, California,
C. A. Rigsby, G. A. Miles, and D. E. Schwartz
Early Middle Ordovician (Whiterockian)
of Basin Ranges,
R. J. Ross, Jr., N. P. James, L. F. Hintze, and K. B. Ketner
Development of Sockeye Field in Offshore California--A Case History,
V. Sankur
The Miocene Blanca Formation, Santa Cruz and Santa Rose Islands, California--Stratigraphic Correlation and Tectonic History,
K. L. Savage, P. W. Weigand, B. D. Chin, S. L. Despard, and J. L. Shelton
Isotopic Evolution of Strontium in Carbonate Cements from the Stevens Sandstone: Implications for Calcium Mass Transfer in the San Joaquin Basin, California,
J. L. Schultz, J. R. Boles, and G. R. Tilton
Comparison of Paleogene
: Southern Coast Ranges and Western Transverse Ranges,
S. A. Schussler
Fractured Reservoir Description: An Example for the Monterey at Hondo,
J. R. Schwalbach
Age and Tectonic Significance of Metamorphic Rocks Along the Axis of the Sierra Nevada Batholith: A Critical Reappraisal,
R. A. Schweickert and M. M. Lahren
Paleography and Conodont Biostratigraphy of Devonian Carbonate Rocks of the Whitefish MacDonald Range, NW Montana and SE British Columbia,
W. P. Seward and J. H. Bush
Compliance with California Title 23 and SWAT in an Arid Environment: Use of Oil-Well Data to Minimize On-Site Investigations,
M. A. Sheppard and K. S. Knight
Lower Cambrian Biogeography and the Prehistory of Early Animals,
P. W. Signor
Thrust Faulting in Temblor Range, Kern County, California,
R. R. Simonson
Loma Prieta Earthquake: Lessons for Applied Geology,
R. K. Smith
Pennsylvanian-Permian Tectonism in the Great Basin: the Dry Mountain Trough and Related Basins,
W. S. Snyder, C. Spinosa, and D. M. Gallegos
Conglomerate-Bearing Formations in California,
S. G. Spear
Paleogeographic Implications of High Latitude and Middle Latitude Affinities of the Ammonoid Uraloceras,
C. Spinosa, W. W. Nassichuk, W. S. Snyder, and D. M. Gallegos
Paleontologic Investigations of the Uppermost Santa Susana Formation, South Side of Simi Valley, Southern California,
R. L. Squires
Age, Correlation, and Origin of the Type Lospe Formation (Lower Miocene), Santa Maria Basin, Central California,
R. G. Stanley, S. Y. Johnson, M. A. Mason, C. C. Swisher III, M. L. Cotton Thornton, D. R. Vork, M. V. Filewicz, R. B. Cole, and J. D. Obradovich
Overview of a Large-Scale Bioremediation Soil Treatment Project,
R. Stechmann
Tracy Gas Field, New Shallow Production,
R. Sterling and R. Nahama
Earthquake Tectonics,
R. F. Stewart
Biofacies Evidence for Late Cambrian Low-Paleolatitude Oceans, Western United States and Central Asia,
M. E. Taylor, H. E. Cook, and L. Melnikova
Contrasts in Early Miocene Subsidence History Across Oceanic-West Huasna Fault System, Northern Santa Maria Province, California,
M. E. Tennyson, M. A. Keller, M. V. Filewicz, and M. L. Cotton Thornton
Lithotectonic Units in the Golconda Allochthon, Nevada,
A. J. Tomlinson and B. L. Murchey
Mississippian Stratigraphy and Tectonics of East-Central Nevada: Post-Antler Orogenesis,
J. Trexler and P. Cashman
Mississippian through Permian Orogenesis in Eastern Nevada: Post-Antler, Pre-Sonoma Tectonics of the Western Cordillera,
J. Trexler, P. Cashman, C. Spinoza, and D. Gallegos
Lithology Prediction and Storage/Transport Properties Evaluation in Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Using Seismic Velocities,
L. Vernik and A. Nur
Overview of Early Paleozoic Magmatism in the Eastern Klamath Mountains, California,
E. T. Wallin, N. Lindsley-Griffin, and J. R. Griffin
Design/Installation of Deep Groundwater Monitoring Wells in an Arid Region,
A. E. White
and Depositional History of the Middle and Upper Devonian in Central Idaho,
S. W. Wiler and P. E. Isaacson
The Catastrophic Record of the Monterey Formation,
G. Wilkerson
Episodic Production of Fractured Reservoirs: The Phelps Anticline Oil Field,
G. Wilkerson
Structural Deformation in the Offshore Santa Maria Basin, California,
C. R. Willingham, R. G. Heck, and J. D. Rietman
The Use of Wireline Pressure Measurements to Refine Reservoir Description, Main Body B Waterflood, Elk Hills Oil Field, Kern County, California,
M. Wilson, C. Love, M. Fishburn, and M. Humphrey
Shear-Wave Polarizations and Subsurface Stress Directions at Lost Hills Field,
D. F. Winterstein and M. A. Meadows
Bioremediation of Soil and Ground Water Impacted with Organic Contaminants,
W. B. Woods
Tectonic Implications of Newly Documented Early(?) Through Late Paleozoic Age Strata, Black Rock Desert Region, Northwest Nevada,
S. J. Wyld