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Late Quaternary Deweyville Interval Superfloods

GAGLIANO, SHERWOOD M., Coastal Environments, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA

Alluvial terraces characterized by large relict meander scars at levels between the Pleistocene Beaumont terrace and Holocene surfaces along the Sabine River were designated as the Deweyville terrace by Hugh Bernard in 1950. Two terrace levels have been identified on the Sabine River, traced onto the continental shelf and correlated with drowned, relict coastal Previous HitlandTop forms. Meander size and flood-plain width indicate flood discharges 5-10 times higher than present. Deweyville features occur on other northern Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast streams, and relict coastal features have been traced on the shelf. The Deweyville interval occurred between 17,000 and 10,000 years ago.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91006 © 1991 GCAGS and GC-SEPM Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 16-18, 1991 (2009)