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Computer-Generated Subsurface Structure Maps of West-Central West Virginia

HE, GOUQI, and Previous HitROBERTTop C. SHUMAKER, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

A series of subsurface maps are being generated for western West Virginia and the Grannys Creek oil field under a U.S. Department of Energy contract awarded to study reservoir heterogeneity. Software developed over several years permits rapid analysis of subsurface data of varied quality that has been gathered from several sources. Maps generated using this software show relationships of the Big Injun reservoir at the Grannys Creek field to both local and regional geologic structure. Highest quality data comes from geophysical log correlations that result in a map that can then be modified by drillers' data reported to the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. Those reported data resulting in local structures that appear geologically

unreasonable can be identified rapidly and eliminated using the software. The maps resulting from this editing process can be developed in a short time, and they can provide the most complete and up-to-date subsurface structural map of the region.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91005 © 1991 Eastern Section Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 8-10, 1991 (2009)