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The Previous HitSequencesNext Hit and Systems Tracts That Build Transgressive/Regressive Facies Previous HitCyclesNext Hit in Previous HitCarbonateNext Hit Settings

JACQUIN, THIERRY, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, and P. R. VAIL, Rice University, Houston, TX

Tectonic and eustatic processes combine to cause relative changes of Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit. Tectonism, which causes changes in subsidence rates during the evolution of sedimentary basins, has the most profound effect on accommodation, but generally has a low rate of change. Transgressive/regressive facies Previous HitcyclesNext Hit are their stratigraphic signature; they are commonly 3-50 my Previous HitcyclesNext Hit. Eustatic changes in Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit produce systematic Previous HitcyclesNext Hit at higher frequencies within the accommodation space created by tectonism. Depositional Previous HitsequencesNext Hit and systems tracts are their stratigraphic signature; they are commonly .5-3.0 my Previous HitcyclesNext Hit.

The present study documents the existence of four types of depositional Previous HitsequencesNext Hit in Previous HitcarbonateNext Hit settings on the basis of their stratal pattern and the facies within the systems tracts.

Infilling Previous HitsequencesNext Hit at the beginning of regression fill in the flooded platform and tend to form a large hemipelagic ramp with equal thicknesses of shelf and basin lithofacies.

Forestepping Previous HitsequencesNext Hit near the end of the regression are bounded by tectonically enhanced unconformities (major shelf and slope front erosion) and form large lowstand systems tracts with progradational offlap at the platform margin. Transgressive and highstand systems tracts are thin on the platform, because little to no space is created by tectonic subsidence. Without the infilling Previous HitsequencesNext Hit to reduce the slope angle, forestepping Previous HitsequencesNext Hit will not be able to form during this stage.

Aggrading Previous HitsequencesNext Hit in the early stage of the transgressive and highstand systems tracts are thick and consist mainly of lagoonal facies. It is the best period for platform growth because the rate of the relative rise of Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit is not too fast and carbonates are able to keep up.

Backstepping Previous HitsequencesNext Hit in the latest stage of the transgression are characterized by depositional environments that backstep due to the increasing rate of creation of accommodation space. Shelf-members of these Previous HitsequencesNext Hit show mainly high-energy facies. Backstepping Previous HitsequencesNext Hit thin upward to a surface of drowning (drowning unconformity), which corresponds to the maximum flooding surface of the last well-developed sequence. Several of the next Previous HitsequencesNext Hit may be merged by sediment starvation.

Previous HitSequencesNext Hit and systems tracts provide a way to subdivide sedimentary strata into genetic correlatable chronostratigraphic intervals. Transgressive/regressive facies Previous HitcyclesTop are useful as a framework for analysis and prediction of depositional environments and lithofacies within systems tracts.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91004 © 1991 AAPG Annual Convention Dallas, Texas, April 7-10, 1991 (2009)