--> Abstract: What Is Professionalism?, by J. Gibbs; #91004 (1991)
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What Is Professionalism?

GIBBS, JIM, 1220 One Energy Square, Dallas, TX

A list of the qualities compiled to define or describe professionalism would be broad. Certainly, important qualities attributable to a professional geoscientist are knowledge, competence, and integrity.

Professionalism is not a product, it is a process of becoming. Several guidelines to keep in mind on the way to becoming a professional are the following: (1) Know what you know; always keep learning. (2) Know what you don't know; don't bluff or proffer opinions about those matters about which you're not certain. (3) Acquire a broad overview of geological knowledge, not only as a science but as a business and as a profession. (4) Comply with the highest standards of ethical conduct. (5) Communicate. We all need to help educate the Previous HitmediaTop and to pass on our knowledge and enthusiasm to students and to the public.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91004 © 1991 AAPG Annual Convention Dallas, Texas, April 7-10, 1991 (2009)