Ocean Lithogenetic Barriers and Metallogenesis,
Alexander A. Ainemer
Recognition in Typomorphic Geochemical Associations and Their Mapping in Bottom Formation of the World Ocean,
Alexandr I. Ainemer and Boris C. Vanstein
Slope Failure on the Jordan River Delta in the Dead Sea,
G. Almagor
Crustal Structure along Geotransect Baghdad-Dohuk, Northern Iraq,
N. H. Al-Saigh, I. Namik, and I. Abdul Hameed
Paleomagnetism, Rock Magnetism and Opaque Mineralogy of Iron Ore Deposits from Southern Mexico and Their Implications for Quantitative Modelling of Magnetometric Data,
L. M. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, H. Bohnel, and D. J. Moran Zenteno
Oceanic Ferromanganese Geochemistry,
Sergei I. Andreev
Pacific Ferromanganese Crust Geology and Geochemistry,
Sergei I. Andreev, Boris G. Vanstein, and Lidya I. Anikeeva
Geological Framework of an Active Hydrothermal Site in the North Fiji Basin: Starmer Cruise of the Submersible Nautile,
Jean-Marie Auzende
Bedrock Geology of the Northernmost "Bulge" of the Rocky Mountain Cordillera,
Arthur C. Banet, Jr.
Water Injection Operations and Studies in the Geysers Geothermal Field,
B. J. Barker, J. J. Maney, D. J. Camille, and K. H. Williamson
Three-Dimensional Mapping Techniques in the Analysis of a Mature Steam Drive,
R. A. Barrett
Mud Volcanism at the Manihiki-Plateau,
Helmut Beiersdorf
Southern Juan De Fuca Ridge and Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge: Comparison of Hydrothermal Deposits in Sediment-Free and Sediment-Covered Ridge Settings,
Laura M. Benninger, Randolph A. Koski, and Robert A. Zierenberg
Organic Sedimentation Response to Tectonic and Paleogeographic Influences in Celebes and Sulu Basins, West Pacific (ODP, Leg 124),
Philippe Bertrand, Manuel Pubelier, Ulrich Berner, Marta Von Breymann, Elisabeth Lallier-Verges, and Alain Desprairies
Heat Flow and Geothermal Gradients of Irian Jaya-Papua New Guinea: Implications for Regional Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Patricia K. Bettis and John D. Pigott
Petroleum Potential of Oregon and Washington,
S. M. Billo
Platinum Abundance in Ferromanganese Crusts and Nodules from the SW Pacific and Southern Oceans,
Barrie R. Bolton and Reid R. Keays
The North American Atlantic Outer Continental Margin Landslides Data Base: Summary and Observations,
James S. Booth and Dennis W. O'Leary
Downhole Measurements and the Generation of Modal Mineralogy Logs in ODP Hole 798B,
James F. Bristow and Peter de Menocal
Modelling of the Petroleum Formation in the Mahakam Sediments (Indonesia): Organic Geochemical Controls of the Results,
Etienne Brosse, J. L. Ouidin, B. Pradier, F. Laggoun, J. Burris, and G. Choppin De Janvry
Petroleum Prospects for Offshore Sedimentary Basins in the Eastern Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Regions,
Terry R. Bruns and John G. Vedder
Geology along the Fairweather-Queen Charlotte Fault System off Southeast Alaska and British Columbia from GLORIA Images and Seismic-Reflection Data,
Terry R. Bruns, Paul R. Carlson, Andrew J. Stevenson, and Maxwell R. Dobson
Late Neogene Paleoceanography of the Sea of Japan Based upon Diatoms,
Lloyd H. Burkle
Anoxic Marine Lakes--an Analogue Environment for Insular Phosphorite Formation,
C. Burnett
GLORIA Imagery Links Sedimentation in Aleutian Trench to Yakutat Margin via Surveyor Channel,
Paul R. Carlson, Terry R. Bruns, Quentin J. Huggett, Dennis M. Mann, and Andrew J. Stevenson
Submarine Slumps, Slides, and Flows Dominate Sculpting of Beringian Margin, Alaska,
Paul R. Carlson, Herman A. Karl, Brian D. Edwards, James V. Gardner, and Robert Hall
On the Current Geological Knowledge of East China Sea and Its Petroleum Potential,
Edmund Z. Chang, Stephan A. Graham, and Simon C. Brassell
Hydrothermal Activity in the Lau Back Arc Basin: Plumes and Hot Fluids Chemistry,
J. L. Charlou, J. P. Donval, M. P. Caprais, J. Erzinger, Y. Fouquet, and U. Von Stackelberg
Detailed Side and Overhead Views of Geologic Features from Joint Panoramic and Blimp Operations,
Thomas E. Chase and Jeffrey D. Young
Comparison of Three Different Methods to Merge Multiresolution and Multispectral Data: LANDSAT TM and SPOT Panchromatic,
Pat S. Chavez, Jr., Stuart C. Sides, and Jeffrey A. Anderson
Bulk Chemistry and 7Li/6Li Variations of Hydrothermally Altered Rocks from Taiwan,
Ju-Chin Chen and Sheng Tseng Hua
Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution and Petroleum Exploration in Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea,
Yukun Chi and Shice Xu
Metalliferous Sediments Adjacent to Hydrothermal Fields: Distribution and Geochemistry,
Georgiy A. Cherkashev
Wellsite Geology Going into the 1990's,
Hal H. Christie
Ophiolites of the Deep-Sea Trenches of the Western Pacific,
Oleg Chudaev
Paleomagnetic Evidence from Land-Based and ODP Cores for Clockwise Rotation and Northward Translation of the Philippine Sea Plate,
S. M. Cisowski, M. Fuller, Roger B. Haston, and M. Koyama
The Changing Face of Indonesia's Petroleum Resources,
Peter Cockcroft
Mechanisms for Tectonic Erosion of an Accretionary Complex in the d'Entrecasteaux Zone-New Hebrides Island Arc Collision Zone,
J. Y. Collot and M. A. Fisher
Sedimentary Sequences of the Pacific-Indian Ocean Sector of the Antarctic Continental Margin,
Alan Cooper, Steve Eittreim, John Anderson, and Howard Stagg
Evolution of the Izu-Bonin Forearc Basin,
Patricia A. Cooper
Composite Volcano on the Manihiki Plateau: Lava Or Mud?,
T. Coulbourn and Peter J. Hill
Neogene Evolution of the North New Guinea Basin, Papua New Guinea: New Constraints from Seismic and Subsidence Analysis and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Andrew B. Cullen, John D. Pigott
Precious-Metal Deposits in Relation to Volcanic and Sedimentary Stratigraphy: Examples from the Oregon Plateau, U.S.A.,
Michael L. Cummings
Physical and Chemical Properties of Sediments in the Izu-Bonin Forearc Basin, ODP Leg 126,
Kathleen A. Dadey, M. Lovell, and A. Klaus
Correlations of Onshore/Offshore Structure from a Combined AVHRR/Geosat Altimeter Image of the Antarctic Plate,
I. W. D. Dalziel, D. T. Sandwell, J. Y. Royer, and L. A. Lawver
Ridges Subduction/Collision along the New Hebrides Island Arc,
J. Daniel, J. Boultin, J. Y. Collot, J. P. Eissen, M. A. Fisher, H. G. Greene, S. Lallemand, M. Monzier, and B. Pelletier
Xenoliths from Late Cretaceous Seamounts in the Central Pacific: Cumulates of Fractionating Alkalic Basalt Magma Chambers,
Alice S. Davis, Walter B. Friesen, Leda-Beth Pickthorn, Malcolm S. Pringle, and David A. Clague
Geophysical Evaluation of the Yacheng 13-1 Natural Gas Field, People's Republic of China,
Barry M. Davis and Andrew C. Selby
Intrasample REE Variability in Pacific Ocean Fe-Mn Crusts: A Potential Paleoceanographic Indicator,
Eric H. De Carlo
Geologic and Geophysical (G&G) Data Acquisition and Analysis, U.S. Pacific Coast and Gulf of Alaska Marine Tertiary Province,
George Dellagiarino
Downhole Measurement Data as Paleoclimate Indicators: a Plio-Pleistocene Record of Asian Eolian Dust Deposition to the Sea of Japan,
Peter Demenocal and James F. Bristow
Determination of Rank and Kerogen Type by High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy,
Warren W. Dickinson, R. H. Newman, and J. D. Collen
Mesozoic Tectonics and Paleogeography of the Western U.S. and the Adjacent Pacific Basin,
Yildirim Dilek
Placer Lag Deposits in Submarine Channels in the Gulf of Alaska,
Maxwell R. Dobson and Quentin Huggett
Tectonic Controls on Late Cenozoic Strike-Slip Faulting, Volcanism, and Landscape Development in the Mojave Desert, California,
Roy K. Dokka, Christopher J. Travis, and Timothy M. Ross
Circum-Pacific Geothermal Energy Use in 1990,
L. D'Olier
Co'O Mine, a Case History of Gold Exploration and Mining in the Philippines,
Balgamel B. Domingo
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Sepik-Ramu Area, Ramu Basin, Papua New Guinea,
James C. Donaldson and J. Thomas Wilson
Visualization of Data Integration,
Kenneth Dooley
Criteria for Successful Exploration for Miocene Reef Production in the Philippines,
Marlan W. Downey
Gas Hydrate Influence on Deepwater Slope Stability,
W. A. Dunlap and James R. Hooper
Qualitative and Quantitative Processing of Side-Scan Sonar Data,
Fa S. Dwan, A. L. Anderson, and T. W. C. Hilde
Oceanic, Island Arc, and Back-Arc Remnants into Eastern Kamchatka Accretionary Complexes,
A. V. Fedorchuk, V. S. Vishnevskaya, and I. N. Izvekov
The Geophysical Survey and Sedimentary Basins Found in the Western Taiwan Strait of China,
Zhiquiang Feng
Submarine Landslides Associated with Shallow Seafloor Gas and Gas Hydrates off Northern California,
Michael E. Field
The Hydrogeology of the Costa Rica Rift as Constrained by Results of Ocean Drilling Program Downhole Experiments,
Andrew T. Fisher, K. Becker, and T. Narasimhan
Deep-Crustal Structure of the Continental Margin Adjacent to the Eastern Aleutian Trench,
Michael A. Fisher, Thomas M. Brocher, Terry R. Bruns, and Eric L. Geist
Retrogradational Fluvio-Paralic Coal-Forming Environments, South Island, New Zealand,
Romeo M. Flores and Richard Sykes
Cenozoic Magmatism in the South China Basin: Decompression Melting and Implications of an Enriched Mantle Source,
Martin F. J. Flower, Kan Tu, Ming Zhang, and Guanghong Xie
Paleoceanographic Implications from High-Frequency Dark/Light Rhythms in the Sea of Japan (ODP Legs 127 and 128),
Karl B. Follmi
Geology of Oil & Gas Accumulations in the Papuan Fold & Thrust Belt,
Wayne K. Foo
Spaceborne Multispectral Images Reveal Undocumented Late Cenozoic Faults, Mojave Desert, California,
John P. Ford, R. K. Dokka, R. E. Crippen, and R. G. Blom
High Temperature Polymetallic Sulfide Deposits in Back Arc Environment: Lau Basin SW Pacific,
Y. Fouquet, U. Von Stackelberg, and P. Herzig
Results of ODP Leg 125 Drilling in the Mariana/Izu-Bonin Forearcs,
P. Fryer, J. A. Pearce, and L. Stokking
Origin of Izu-Bonin Forearc Submarine Canyons,
Kantaro Fujioka and Haruko Yoshida
Submarine Limestones as Natural Tiltmeter of Subducting Plate,
Kantaro Fujioka and Atsuko Yasue
Structure, Seismic Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of the Tongatapu-'Eua Area of the Kingdom of Tonga,
Robert W. Gatliff, John Pfleuger, Kenneth Havard, and Saimone P. Helu
Occurrences and Characteristic of Coals, Western Arctic Alaska,
Christopher N. Gibson and T. Mowatt
Granulite Facies Xenoliths in Clear Lake Volcanic Rocks and the Distribution of Heat Around Geothermal Energy Sources,
W. E. Glassley and J. Stimac
Tectonic Evolution and Petroleum Potential of Tarim Basin in the Northwestern China,
Stephan A. Graham, Simon C. Brassell, and Edmund Z. Chang
The Ferromanganese System in the Ocean and Genesis of Ferromanganese Nodules,
L. M. Gramm-Osipov
Recent Sea Beam Mapping of Ascension-Monterey Submarine Canyon System,
H. Gary Greene
New Geologic and Mineral Resource Maps, Circum-Pacific Region,
George Gryc, Theresa R. Iki, and Frances R. Mills
Reservoir Delineation by Geophysical Methods in the Suizhong 36-1 Oil Field, Bohai Gulf, China,
John B. Gustavson and Xin Shi Gong
Basement Rocks of Halmahera, Eastern Indonesia: Implications for the Early History of the Philippine Sea,
Robert Hall, Gary Nichols, and Paul Ballantyne
Exploration of the Banda Orogen, Indonesia,
R. A. Harris, M. G. Audley-Charles, and S. L. Tobing
Initial Development of the Banda Volcanic Arc,
H. M. S. Hartono
Geochemical Characterization of Volcanoclastic Sediments in the Izu-Bonin Arc from Downhole Nuclear Measurements,
P. K. Harvey, M. A. Lovell, and P. A. Pezard
Modeling and Mapping of Geology and Hydrocarbon Content of the McMurray Formation, in Northern Alberta,
George Hawes and Foad Roghani
Comparative Hydrocarbon Geology of Two Mesozoic Circum-Pacific,
H. M. Hawlader
Diagenesis and Reservoir Potential of Volcanogenic Sandstones-Cretaceous of the Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia,
H. M. Hawlader
A Review of the Hydrocarbon Generating Potential of Some Terrestrial Source Rocks with Special Reference to the Surat Basin, Eastern Australia,
H. M. Hawlader
The Tectonic Evolution of the Greater South China Sea,
Dennis E. Hayes
Platinum-Group Elements and Gold in Pacific Ferromanganese Deposits,
James R. Hein, Herbert Kirschenbaum, Renee L. Olson, and Marjorie S. Schulz
Satellite Earth Observations for Energy Resource Development and Environmental Management,
Frederick B. Henderson
Passive Margin Formation, Timor Sea, Australia,
Richard R. Hillis
Pitfalls in Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling,
Thomas T. Y. Ho and Craig F. Schiefelbein
The Tiwi Geothermal Reservoir: Geology, Geochemistry, and Response to Production,
James R. Hoagland and John M. Bodell
Distribution of Hydrothermal Deposits in Relation to Tectonic Setting in the Lau Basin, S.W. Pacific,
Richard Hodkinson and David Cronan
The Tertiary Tectonics of the Southeast Asia,
Eiichi Honza
Status of the Study on Oil Generation Potential of Coals in Southeast Asia,
Xianying Huang
Chitinozoan Zones of the Western United States (Great Basin), and Their Comparison with Those of the Canning Basin, Western Australia,
T. J. Hutter
Mineralization of Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposits: Paragenesis and Fluid Inclusions,
Akira Imai
Problems in Exploration and Genesis of Young (0.5-3 MA) Hydrothermal Gold-Silver Deposits in the Asian Pacific Rim Region,
Laurence P. James
Magnetic Susceptibility Record of Volcanogenic Input to the Izu-Bonin Arc,
T. L. Janecek
Submarine Slope Failures on the Steep, Thinly Sedimented Continental Margin of Southeastern Australia,
Chris Jenkins
GLORIA Acoustic Backscatter Imagery of the Steep and Thinly Continental Margin of Southeast Australia,
Chris Jenkins
Processes of Sedimentation in a Tropical Carbonate, Tidally-Dominated, Shelf Environment -- Torres Strait, Australia,
Chris Jenkins, Peter Harris, Elaine Baker
Ferromanganese Nodule Occurrence in Relation to Local Variations of Seafloor Topography at the Western Margin of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zones, North Pacific,
Kap-sik Jeong, Jung-keuk Kang, Bong-Chool Suk, Mark L. Holmes
A Review of Current Well Testing and Environmental Monitoring at Geopressured-Geothermal Prospect Sites in South Louisiana,
Chacko J. John, Donald A. Stevenson, Charles G. Groat, and George F. Hart
Petroleum Geology of Shallow-Water Basins Around Viti Levu, Fiji,
Howard Johnson
Potential Pliocene Reef Traps in the Iron Bottom Basin, Solomon Islands,
Howard Johnson and John Pflueger
Preliminary Results of KORDI-USGS Cooperative Cruise for Ferromanganese Crusts in the Western Marshall Islands,
Jung-Keuk Kang, James R. Hein, Byong-Kwon Park, and Suk-Hoon Yoon
GLORIA Imagery of the Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone,
H. A. Karl
GLORIA Mosaic of the Western United States Exclusive Economic Zone,
H. A. Karl
Seafloor Landslides in Regions of Gas Hydrate, a Global Change Perspective,
Robert E. Kayen and H. J. Lee
Volcanic Reactivation of Central Pacific Seamounts,
Barbara H. Keating
Paleomagnetism Applied to the Petroleum Bearing Monterey Formation of California,
Sheraz M. Khan and Robert S. Coe
Tectonics of the Parece Vela Basin (the Philippine Sea),
Alexander Ivanovich Khanchuk
Korean Offshore Basins and Australian Gippsland Basin--a Comparison of Their Nonmarine Petroleum Potential,
H. Y. Kim and A. C. Cook
Hydrothermal Alteration of the Felsic Volcanic Rocks in the Seongsan Mine, Korea,
Injoon Kim
Structural Evolution of Sumisu Rift, Izu-Bonin Arc,
Adam Klaus, Brian Taylor, Gregory Moore, and Mary McKay
Geostatistical Characterization of Snake River Plains Basalts,
C. F. Knutson and K. A. McCormick
Paleomagnetic Analysis of Tectonic History of the Izu-Bonin Arc Based on ODP Leg 126 Deep-sea Cores,
Masato Koyama, Stanley Cisowski, and Philippe Pezard
Provenance Analysis of Navosa and Nadi Sedimentary Groups: Viti Levu, Fiji,
Dale A. Kramer
Composition of Massive Sulfide Deposits with Special Reference to Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Systems in the Ocean,
Sergei G. Krasnov, Tamara V. Stepanova, and Sergei M. Sudarikov
Plate Tectonic Development of the Marginal Basins of the Southwest Pacific,
Loren W. Kroenke and Chin-yeung Chan
Quality of Coal from the Paleocene Bara Formation, South Sind, Pakistan,
E. R. Landis, R. A. Khan, P. D. Warwick, C. L. Oman, S. A. Khan, and L. J. Bragg
Sedimentological Constraints on Tectonic Models for the Tertiary of the Los Angeles Basin Area,
Charles L. Lane
Energy and Mineral Resource Exploration Potential of TIMS,
Harold R. Lang and Anne B. Kahle
ODP Leg 129 Results: Studies of Old Pacific History,
Roger L. Larson and Yves Lancelot
Cenozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation on the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula,
Robert D. Larter and Peter F. Barker
Quantitative Controls on Submarine Slope Failure Morphology in the Pacific Ocean,
Homa J. Lee,
C. Schwab, Brian D. Edwards, and Robert E. Kayen
Seismic Stratigraphy Applications in the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand,
Tung-Yi Lee and Chen-Hui Tang
Seismic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Tungyintao Basin, Offshore Northern Taiwan,
Tung-Yi Lee and Chen-Hui Tang
Tectonics and the Metal-Bearing Characteristics of the Sedimentary Cover of the Pacific Ocean and the Marginal Seas,
L. E. Levin, E. N. Isaev, I. M. Mirchink, I. S. Gramberg, and L. I. Krasny
Geodynamic Oil-Gas-Bearing Peculiarities in the Sedimentary Basins of Circum Pacific Rim,
L. E. Levin, O. V. Vasiljeva, and Y. A. Viskovsky
A Study of the Stability of Seafloor Foundation on a Gently-Sloping Continental Shelf,
Yuanbo Liang, Bo Lu, and Schaojian Huang
Paleogeography and Tectonic Control on Permo-Carboniferous Coal Deposition in the North and South China Plates,
Guanghua Liu
Chemostratigraphy of a Forearc: Preliminary Results from Insitu Downhole Nuclear Measurements in the Isu-Bonin Arc Region,
M. A. Lovell, P. K. Harvey, and P. A. Pezard
Seismic Reflection Study of the Oregon Accretionary Prism,
Mary MacKay, Guy Cochrane, G. F. Moore, J. C. Moore, and L. D. Kulm
Geological Setting of Hydrothermal Vents on Loihi Submarine Volcano, Hawaii,
Alexander Malahoff
Development of Cobalt-Rich Ferromanganese Crusts on Hawaiian Seamounts,
Alexander Malahoff and Kevin M. Kelly
Maps of Chemical Constituents in Pacific Ferromanganese Crusts,
Frank T. Manheim
Late Cenozoic Forearc Volcanism in the Marianas Island Arc Revealed from Drilling at ODP Site 781,
Michael S. Marlow, Julian A. Pearce, Ledabeth G. Pickthorn, and Michael Hobart
Submarine Landslides at the Mouth of the Fraser River, Canada,
G. T. McKenna, J. L. Luternauer, and R. A. Kostaschuk
The Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Arafura Sea,
Jeanette M. McLennan, John S. Rasidi, Richard L. Holmes, and Greg C. Smith
Scientific Exploration of the Pacific Basins by the Ocean Drilling Program,
A. W. Meyer, J. G. Baldauf, A. T. Fisher, L. E. Garrison, T. R. Janecek, and P. D. Rabinowitz
Strontium Isotope Chronostratigraphy of Primary and Secondary Carbonates in the Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara Basin, California,
Nathan R. Miller
Coal Exploration and Development in Southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia,
T. Milligan, M. C. Frederick, and M. S. W. Lim
Tectonics of the Palau-Halmahera-Waigeo Triangle, Western Pacific,
John Milsom and Gary Nichols
Coalbed Methane Production Potential in Tectonically Deformed Basins of the Circum-Pacific,
Terry E. Mitchell and Steven P. Pappajohn
Mechanized Oil-Shale Mining in Southern China,
Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping
Sediment Instability in the Northeastern Gulf of Alaska: A Retrospective,
Bruce F. Molnia
Side-Looking Airborne Radar--An Underutilized Remote Sensing Tool for the Circum-Pacific Region,
Bruce F. Molnia and John E. Jones
Northward Continental Dispersion on Opposite Flanks of the North Pacific,
George W. Moore
Significance of Major Landslides on the Hawaiian Ridge,
James G. Moore and W. R. Normark
East Asia Geotectonic Map Project,
Tomoyuki Moritani, Tadashi Sato, and Eiichi Honza
Volcanic and Sedimentary Controls on Hydrothermal Mineralization at Escanaba Trough, Southern Gorda Ridge,
Janet L. Morton, Robert A. Zierenberg, Alice S. Davis, Roger P. Denlinger, and Christopher G. Fox
Camago No. 1, a Gas and Condensate Discovery along the Deepwater Lower Miocene Reef Trend, NW Palawan Offshore, Philippines,
Duenchien Mou and Don F. Collins
Integration of Remote Sensing and Geobotany for the Discrimination of Altered and Unaltered Carbonate Lithologies in the Darwin Hills, California,
David A. Mouat and Jeffrey S. Myers
Integration of Remote Sensing and Geototany for Mineral Exploration and Lithologic Discrimination,
David A. Mouat
Diagenetic Relationships and Reservoir Quality Implications, Brookian Clastic Sequence, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska,
Thomas C. Mowatt and June C. Mowatt
Energy Resources, Western Arctic Alaska,
Thomas C. Mowatt, C. Gibson, and J. Dygas
Mineral Resources, Western Arctic Alaska,
Thomas C. Mowatt, C. Gibson, and J. Dygas
Red Dog Mineral Deposit, Northwest Alaska: Discovery, Delineation, and Implication for Other Mineral Resources Regionally,
Thomas C. Mowatt, J. Dygas, and C. Gibson
Platinum and Palladium in Mafic-Ultramafic Igneous Rocks, Northwestern Alaska,
Thomas C. Mowatt and June C. Mowatt
Current Research at the Izena Hydrothermal Field in the Okinawa Trough, Pt. 1, A Black Smoker, Chimneys and Sulfide Mounds Investigated by the Japanese Submersible SHINKAI 2000,
Ko-Ichi Nakamura
Strike-Slip Tectonics of the Mesozoic Sutures of the Soviet Far East,
B. A. Natal'in and C. B. Borukayev
Mineralogical and Genetic Features of Volcanic Gold-Silver Deposits of the Pacific Ore Belt,
Ivan Y. Nekrasov
Provenance and Sedimentary Basin Evolution in the Sulu and Celebes Seas,
Gary J. Nichols
Pliocene-Pleistocene Massive Pumice Deposits in the Sumisu Rift Area, Izu-Bonin Region, ODP Leg 126,
Akira Nishimura, K. Rodolfo, J. B. Gill, and K. Fujioka
Sr, Nd and Incompatible Element Variations in Back Arc Rocks from the Sumisu Rift in the Izu-Ogasawara Arc: Implication for Tectonic Evolution,
Masato Nohara, Brian Taylor, and Glenn Brown
Deep-Water Large-Scale Slides & Debris Avalanches: Common Occurrences Rarely Resolved,
R. Normark
Exploration/Development Economics and Fiscal Trends in Nigeria,
M. A. Ofurhie, M. C. Amaechi, and A. O. Idowu
Structural Style and Morphology of Slide Complexes in Homoclinal Settings: Some Clues to Origin and Process,
D. W. O'Leary
Maps of North America Showing the Units Directly Below and Above the Six Major Unconformities,
Donald Eugene Owen
Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea Region, North-West Australia,
Jonathon Pattillo and Peter J. Nicholls
First in Situ Study of Deep-Sea Polymetallic Nodules and Their Environment Conducted with the French Submersible Nautile,
G. Pautot, R. Le Suave, and P. Cochonat
Hydrocarbon Potential, Southwest Sulu Sea, Philippines,
Selmer L. Pederson
Tectonic Erosion, Accretion, Back-Arc Extension and Slab Length along the Kermadec Subduction Zone,
Bernard Pelletier
Chemostratigraphy of the Monterey Formation,
Matthias D. Petersen
Atoll Hydrogeology,
Frank L. Peterson
Deep Structure of the North Aoba Intra-Arc Basin, Vanuatu,
B. Pointoise, P. Charvis, and J. Y. Collot
On Seafloor Instability: Mechanics and Analysis,
M. S. Rahman
Marine Mineral Resources of the Central Indian Basin: Ferromanganese Nodules and Crusts,
Prattipati S. Rao and Ravindra R. Nair
Digital Image Processing Techniques for Enhancement and Classification,
Thomas Beckett Reed
Tholeiitic Hydrothermal Systems of the Aleutian Volcanic Arc,
John W. Reeder
Coal: Alberta's Untapped Energy Treasury,
R. J. H. Richardson
Aggregate Resources in Reef Environments: Three Examples from the South Pacific,
Bruce M. Richmond
Crude Oil Composition as an Indicator of Source Rock Character and Migration/Accumulation History: An Example from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea,
C. R. Robison and L. W. Elrod
Inferred Oil Migration in the Zhu I Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea,
C. R. Robison and K. K. Bissada
Remote Sensing for Energy and Mineral Exploration in Circum-Pacific Region,
F. F. Sabins
A Middle Miocene Reconstruction of the Philippines and Its Consequences Concerning Petroleum Exploration,
Arthur Saldivar-Sali, John Suppe, and Richard E. Bischke
Exploration and Development Prospects in the Pacific Rim Area,
Nahum Schneidermann
Was the Aleutian Basin More Enclosed, Its Deeps Oxygen Deficient, and the Geothermal Gradient Steepened in the Middle Tertiary? Implications for the Petroleum Potential of the Bering Sea,
David W. Scholl and Andrew Stevenson
Genetic Significance of Textural and Compositional Variations in Hydrothermal Manganese Oxide Deposits of the Mariana Island Arc,
Marjorie S. Schulz and James R. Hein
A Giant Submarine Slope Failure on the Insular Slope North of Puerto Rico: A Response of Arecibo Basin Strata to Tectonic Stress,
W. C. Schwab, W. W. Danforth, and K. M. Scanlon
Steady-State Analysis of a Carbonate-Sediment Slope Failure on Horizon Guyot,
W. C. Schwab, R. E. Kayen, and H. J. Lee
Accretionary Processes along the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica,
T. H. Shipley, K. McIntosh, P. L. Stoffa, and E. A. Silver
Time-Dependent Deformations of Marine Clays on Submarine Slopes,
A. J. Silva, H. Brandes, M. H. Sadd, and W-M. Tian
Collision Propagation in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Sea,
Eli A. Silver, Lon Abbott, Kim Kirchoff-Stein, Donald Reed, and Barrie Bernstein
Origins of the Celebes and Sulu Seas: Results of ODP Leg 124,
Eli A. Silver and Claude Rangin
Petroleum Geology of Sakhalin Island, USSR,
Matthew R. Silverman
The Geology and Geochemistry of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia, and Its Relation to the Pacific Region,
Hassan Othman Sindi
Formation of Volcanic Eruptions and Possibilities of Their Prevention,
E. A. Skobelin
Geologic Hazards Assessment at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Southeastern Idaho,
Richard P. Smith,
R. Hackett, Ivan G. Wong, and Suzette M. Jackson
A New Look at Geothermal Energy Potential of the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho,
Richard P. Smith,
R. Hackett, David D. Faulder, and Suzette M. Jackson
New Data on Trace Elements in Pacific Manganese Nodule Deposits,
Ronald K. Sorem
Magmatism in Nascent Arcs: Evidence from the Eocene Marianas,
Robert J. Stern and Sherman H. Bloomer
Sediment Transport and Fan Deposition in the Gulf of Alaska; Effects of Transform Motion on Deep Sea Sedimentation,
A. J. Stevenson, T. R. Bruns, Paul R. Carlson, and Maxwell R. Dobson
Chemical Composition of Interstitial Waters from the Japan Sea, ODP Leg 128,
A. Sturz, M. Von Breymann, and R. Dunbar
Extension and Oil Maturity in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, China,
Da-Quan Su, Nicky White, and Dan McKenzie
The Gravity Field in Taiwan Strait,
Da-Quan Su, Xue Chen, and Zu-Hui Liu
Rifting of the Izu-Bonin Arc in the Quaternary and Mid-Oligocene,
Brian Taylor
Geology and Geochemistry of the Izu-Bonin Fore-Arc Region: Results from ODP Leg 26 and the Bonin Islands,
Rex N. Taylor and Robert W. Nesbitt
Circum-Atlantic Project,
Paul Teleki and Terry Edgar
Tectonic Evolution of Late Cenozoic Arc-Continent Collision in Taiwan,
Louis S. Teng
The East Asia Geographic Map Series,
Maurice J. Terman and Ellen P. Bell
Tectonic Fabric of Northern North Fiji and Lau Basins from GLORIA Sidescan,
D. L. Tiffin, J. E. H. Clarke, P. Jarvis, D. Johnson, P. Hill, Q. Huggett, L.
, and R. Price
GLORIA Mosaic of the U.S. Hawaiian Exclusive Economic Zone,
Michael E. Torresan
Maturation of Large Scale Mass-Wasting along the Hawaiian Ridge,
Michael E. Torresan, David A. Clague, Colin L. Jacobs, and James G. Moore
Sedimentation in Detachment-Dominated Extensional Orogens: Examples from the Mojave Extensional Belt, California,
Christopher J. Travis and Roy K. Dokka
Atoll-Phosphate Genesis: Role of Lagoonal Biomass and Possible Role of Endo-Upwelling Processes in Phosphate Concentration,
Jean Trichet and Francis Rougerie
Magmatic Zonation of the Kurile Island Arc,
Andrei Tsvetkov
The Lower Miocene Liuhua Carbonate Reservoir, Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore People's Republic of China,
Neil L. Turner
Geoscientific Study along Jawa-Kalimantan-Serawak-South China Sea Transect,
M. Untung
Current Research at the Izena Hydrothermal Field in the Okinawa Trough, Pt. 2, Distribution and Character of Sulfide Mounds and Alternation Zones Investigated during the HAKUREI-MARU Cruise,
Tetsuro Urabe, Yoshihisa Okuda, Ko-Ichi Nakamura, Katsumi Marumo, Kiyokazu Nishimura, Eiichi Kikawa, Naoki Mita, Tomoyuki Moritani, Masataka Kinoshita, Andreas Marten, and Peter Halbach
Deposition of Hydrothermal and Hydrogenetic Manganese Minerals in the Bonin Arc Area, West Pacific,
Akira Usui
Submarine Slope Instabilities in the Vicinity of the Hellenic Arc, Greece,
Lykousis Vasilios
Organic Maturation and Thermal History of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia,
D. Vellutini and R. M. Bustin
Detailed Pt Profiles and Their Stratigraphic Interpretation in Ferromanganese Crusts,
Denys L. Vonderhaar, Doris Puteanus, and Gary M. McMurtry
Incorporation of Pt and Ir in Synthetic and Natural Ferromanganese Phases,
Denys L. Vonderhaar and Gary M. McMurtry
Mass Wasting on Pacific Convergent Margins,
Roland Von Huene and Homa J. Lee
Seismic Images of Convergent Margin Tectonic Structures,
Roland Von Huene and Hans Vosberg
Extensive Hydrothermal Activity in the Southern Lau Basin,
U. Von Stackelberg
Metallogenic Features of the Olistostrome Assemblage, Sikhote-Alin Fold Area,
A. A. Vrublevsky, L. A. Izosov, Y. P. Yushmanov, and N. A. Vrublevskaya
Coal Maturation and the Potential for Natural Gas Accumulation in West-Central Washington State,
Timothy J. Walsh and
S. Lingley, Jr.
Assessment of the Zent Coal Field, Southeastern Costa Rica,
J. N. Weaver, G. Cubilla, and R. Samuels
Continental Margin Stratigraphy and Structure Offshore Vietnam, South China Sea Between 11° and 16°N,
Sugiarta Wirasantosa and Joel S. Watkins
Marine Placer Deposits and Applicable Mining Technology,
J. Robert Woolsey
Towards In Situ Monitoring of Active Submarine Volcanoes: A Progress Report,
F. Wyatt, G. Sasagawa, and H. Staudigel
Crustal Structures of East China Sea,
Weiling Xu and Qunyin Le
Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolites: Economic Mineral Affinities,
Graciano P. Yumul, Jr., Guillermo R. Balce, and Raymundo S. Punongbayan
Supra-Subduction Zone Volcanism: Evidence for Evolving Mantle Source, Degree of Partial Melting and Crystallization,
Graciano P. Yumul, Jr. and Raymundo S. Punongbayan
Evaluation of Petroleum Possibilities of Subsurface Lower Miocene Deposits in the Gulf of Suez-Egypt,
M. Y. Zein El-Din, M. A. Aboul-Fetouh, N. A. Abdel-Hafez, E. M. Shaltout
Global Geoscience Transect, Guangzhou to Palawan,
Weijun Zhen