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ABSTRACT: The Hydrogeology of the Costa Rica Rift as Constrained by Results of Ocean Drilling Program Downhole Experiments

Andrew T. Fisher, K. Becker, T. Narasimhan

Pore fluids are passively convecting through young oceanic sediments and crust around Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 504 on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift, as inferred from a variety of geological, geochemical, and geothermal observations. The presence of a fluid circulation system is supported by new data collected on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 111 and a predrilling survey cruise over the heavily sedimented, 5.9 Ma site; during the latter, elongated heat flow anomalies were mapped subparallel to structural strike, with individual measurements of twice the regional mean value, and large lateral and vertical geochemical gradients were detected in pore waters squeezed from sediment cores. Also, there is a strong correlation between heat flow, bathyme ry, sediment thickness, and inferred fluid velocities up through the sediments. On an earlier DSDP leg, an 8-bar underpressure was measured in the upper 200 m of basement beneath thick sediment cover. The widely varied geothermal and hydrogeological observations near site 504 are readily explained by a model that combines (1) basement relief, (2) irregular sediment drape, (3) largely conductive heat transfer through the sediments overlying the crust, and (4) thermal and geochemical homogenization of pore fluids at the sediment/basement interface, which results from (5) topographically induced, passive Previous HithydrothermalTop circulation with large aspect ratio, convection cells. This convection involves mainly the permeable, upper 200-300 m of crust; the deeper crust is not involved. This convectio is induced through a combination of buoyancy fluxes, owing to heating from below, and topographic variations on the seafloor and at the basement-sediment interface.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90097©1990 Fifth Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 29-August 3, 1990