--> ABSTRACT: Visualization of Data Integration, by Kenneth Dooley; #90097 (1990).
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ABSTRACT: Visualization of Data Integration

Kenneth Dooley

With recent advancements in computer graphic technology, it is now possible for geoprofessionals to visualize the representations of subsurface data. By integrating data from different sources and disciplines, a more accurate model of structural and reservoir characteristics can be obtained. The use of graphic display and manipulation capabilities aids in the integration process, as Previous HitwellNext Hit as provides the tool by which the integration can be viewed.

There are several levels of integration between different data types and formats. The process begins with data input into the graphics environment. If a project database concept is utilized, seismic, Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit, geologic, and land data can be brought together and integrated for access by different professionals. The visualization of integration begins with the graphical merging of maps, sections and Previous HitwellNext Hit logs in a composite display. The next level of integration actually merges graphic files together such as depth converted seismic sections with geologic cross sections. This is useful to visualize data discrepancies to aid in quality control. With an integrated database, composite contour maps can be generated using all available data improving upon the accuracy of the final map. The me ging of raster and vector data allows optically scanned source data to be graphically integrated and used as reference. Spatial Previous HitanalysisNext Hit allows topological integration between the various maps created from the data.

The dataset from Operation Database will be utilized in the study. The visualization of the data integration maximizes the value of data and the Previous HitanalysisTop performed on it.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90097©1990 Fifth Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 29-August 3, 1990