--> ABSTRACT: Impedance Inversion: a Valuable Tool in Geological Interpretation, by Patrick James Buck; #91003 (1990).
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ABSTRACT: Impedance Inversion: a Valuable Tool in Geological Interpretation

Patrick James Buck

Impedance inversion is a newly evolving geophysical technique that offers the explorationist an additional method for understanding and predicting lateral and vertical lithological changes in the subsurface. Its true significance to the interpretation of complex geology and to reservoir delineation is now being realized and the technique is likely to become a vital exploration tool in the 1990s.

Using the case study of an oil prospect in the Bredasdorp basin, offshore South Africa, computer-generated high-resolution color impedance inversion plots show lateral lithological changes across an intricate channel complex and reservoir zone.

Previous HitBoreholeNext Hit information from two wells drilled through the reservoir zone are correlated with the impedance inversion data. These combination displays illustrate the importance of conducting impedance inversion programs on prospective targets.

The display further illustrates their usefulness when calculating step-out wells or primary well-site positions, especially in wildcat areas where little or no Previous HitboreholeTop data is available.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91003©1990 AAPG Annual Convention, San Francisco, California, June 3-6, 1990