--> ABSTRACT: Seismic Amplitude Anomalies at Mestena Grande Field, by Richard Burnett; #91029 (2010)
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Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Amplitude Anomalies at Mestena Grande Field

Richard Burnett

Mestena Grande field is located in northeast Jim Hogg County, Texas. Gas and condensate are produced from the middle lobe of the middle Eocene Queen City Formation. The Queen City is approximately 100 ft thick and the middle lobe, the main reservoir, is only 30 ft thick, which is well below tuning thickness. Porosities in the producing sands are generally 15-25% and permeabilities are usually 15-25 md, the maximum about 80 md. The most recent Previous HitseismicNext Hit data exhibit amplitude anomalies that have some correspondence with the production. The strongest amplitudes are from the vicinity of the better wells and increase with offset. Most of the dry holes are on weak amplitudes that decrease with offset. Previous HitModelingTop the AVO response of a productive well, however, has predicted an ampl tude decrease with offset. This disagreement is attributed to the lack of accurate shear wave velocities and the very thinly laminated sands.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91029©1989 AAPG GCAGS and GC Section of SEPM Meeting, October 25-27, 1989, Corpus Christi, Texas.