Progradational Sequences in Lower Ordovician Portion of
Deadwood Formation, Williston Basin,
Douglas Anderson
Economic Analysis of Mission Canyon Production, 1980-1987,
Burke County, North Dakota,
Guy H. Ausmus and Roger N. Borchert
Burlington Conodonts and Tournaisian-Visean Boundary, Hannibal,
Missouri, and Burlington, Iowa,
Sonny Baxter
Detailed Gravity Survey Over a Known Carbonate Reef (Devonian)
in Williston Basin,
Stephen M. Braun
Big Stick/Four Eyes Fields: Structural, Stratigraphic, and
Hydrodynamic Trapping Within Mission Canyon Formation, Williston Basin,
J. Breig
Occurrence of Pore-Filling Halite in Carbonate Rocks, Nesson
Anticline, Williston Basin, North Dakota,
Edward J. Bucher
Diagenesis and Structural Control on Production from Devonian
Duperow Formation, Tree Top Field, Billings Anticline, North Dakota,
B. Burke and Tom J. Heck
Computer Applications and Use of Old Logs for Hydrocarbon
Ted Campen and Betsy Campen
Central Nevada Overthrust Belt: New and Exciting Frontier Play,
Alan K. Chamberlain
Petroleum Exploration in Nevada, Then and Now,
Alan K.
Catastrophic Flood Origin, Little Missouri River Valley,
Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota,
Eric N. Clausen
Paleoenvironmental and Source Rock Assessment of Black Shales
of Pennsylvanian Age, Powder River and Northern Denver Basins,
J. L. Clayton,
J. D. King, C. M. Lubeck, J. S. Leventhal, and T. A. Daws
Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Fox Hills
Formation in Williston Basin,
Daniel J. Daly
Natural Pyrometamorphism: Relevance to Underground Coal
Daniel J. Daly, Robert F. Stevenson, and Gregory J. McCarthy
Geosphere in Underground Coal Gasification,
Daniel J. Daly,
Gerald H. Groenewold, Craig R. Schmit, and James M. Evans
Seismic Attribute Studies, Mississippian Frobisher-Alida Oil
Fields, Northeast Williston Basin,
Thomas L. Davis
Thermal History of Utah-Wyoming Thrust Belt: Implications for
Hydrocarbon Maturation,
D. Deming and D. S. Chapman
Diagenesis and Uranium Mineralization in Kootznahoo Formation,
Southeastern Alaska,
K. A. Dickinson
Regional Paleotopographic Trends and Production, Muddy
Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous), Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado,
J. C. Dolson,
D. S. Muller, M. J. Evetts, and J. A. Stein
Review of Geology and Petroleum Potential of North-Central
T. S. Dyman and E. K. Maughan
Winnepegosis Facies and Reservoir Characteristics, Temple
Field, North Dakota,
James R. Ehrets and Don L. Kissling
Controls on Sodium
in Fort Union Lignites,
Robert B. Finkelman, Jesse D. Yeakel, and Susan J. Tewalt
Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston
Basin: 1986-1987 Update,
David W. Fischer and John P. Bluemle
Fracture-Enhanced Porosity and Permeability Trends in Bakken
Formation, Williston Basin, Western North Dakota,
Wayne B. Freisatz
Seismic Features of Winnipegosis Mounds in Saskatchewan,
D. J. Gendzwill
Development of an Exploration Strategy: a Case Study,
Lee C.
Gerhard, Lee A. Graber, and Erling A. Brostuen
Geologic, Logistic, and Economic Controls on Current Shallow
Gas Production in Southwestern Saskatchewan,
Christopher F. Gilboy and Dean
E. G. Potter
Laramide Thrusting of Bighorn Mountains Onto Powder River Basin
Near Buffalo, Wyoming,
J. A. Grow, E. N. Hinrichs, J. J. Miller, M. W. Lee,
and S. L. Robbins
Normally Graded Laminae--Common Link Between Storm-Generated
Facies of Progradational Nearshore Marine Strata,
Edmund R. Gustason
Structural Control on Paleovalley Development, Muddy Sandstone,
Powder River Basin, Wyoming,
Edmund R. Gustason, David A. Wheeler, and Thomas
A. Ryer
Pheasant Project: a Case Study,
S. P. (Steve) Halabura
Tidal Point-Bar Deposit in Cretaceous Eagle Sandstone at
Billings, Montana,
William B. Hansen and David R. Hearn
Depositional Model for Rival and
(Mississippian), North-Central Burke County, North Dakota,
Terry L. Harris
Mixed Regressive-Transgressive Coastal Deposits in Upper
Cretaceous Prograding Sequence, Southwest Raton Basin, New Mexico,
Steven R.
Haymes and Romeo M. Flores
Development and
of Rival Reservoirs in Central
Williston Basin, Western North Dakota,
Michael L. Hendricks
Habitat of Rival Oil in Burke County, North Dakota,
L. Hendricks and Jake D. Eisel
Application of Geochemical, Engineering, and Geological Methods
to Petroleum Exploration--Bell Creek Field, Powder River Basin, Montana: an
Arnold H. Jennings
Capillary Pressures--Examples of Their Use,
Arnold H. Jennings
Capillary Pressures--Their Interpretation and Use,
Jeffrey B. Jennings
Comparison of Outcropping and Buried Reefs in Middle Devonian
Winnipegosis Formation, Manitoba and Saskatchewan,
D. M. Kent and H. R.
United States Natural Gas Resources--Availability and Cost,
Harry C. Kent
Geological Parameters in Winnipegosis Pinnacle Reef
Exploration, North Dakota and Saskatchewan,
Don L. Kissling and James R.
Interlake Production Established Using Quantitative Hydrocarbon
Well-Log Analysis,
Jim Lancaster and Asher Atkinson
Salts as Indicators of Tectonic Activity Along Nesson
Anticline, North Dakota,
J. A. Lefever, R. D. Lefever, and S. B. Anderson
Subsidence History of Williston Basin in North Dakota,
Richard D. Lefever
Structural History and Reservoir Characteristics
(Mississippian) of Nesson Anticline, North Dakota,
Robert F. Lindsay, S. B.
Anderson, J. A. Lefever, L. C. Gerhard, and R. D. Lefever
Hydrocarbon Generation in Heath Formation (Mississippian) in
Montana Thrust Belt in Response to Tectonic Burial,
Mark R. Longden, Bill R.
Banowsky, and Lee A. Woodward
of Regional Fractures and Fracture Permeability
Controlled by Sedimentological Heterogeneities, Mesaverde Reservoirs, Colorado,
John C. Lorenz and Sharon J. Finley
Proterozoic Structures in North-Central North Dakota: a Gravity
Kathryn C. Luther
Alternative Hypothesis for Development of Vugular Porosity in
Mission Canyon Formation,
Mark R. Luther
Basin Analysis Studies of Lower Paleozoic Rocks, Powder River
Basin, Wyoming and Montana,
David L. Macke
Subsurface Cross Section of Lower Paleozoic Rocks, Powder River
Basin, Wyoming and Montana,
David L. Macke
Middle Devonian Winnipegosis Reefs of Tableland Area, Southeast
Bill Martindale and Neil Orr
Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of Bakken Formation,
Southwestern Manitoba,
Carol D. Martiniuk
Devonian Winnipegosis Reefs of Manitoba Outcrop Belt--Possible
Basin Model,
Hugh R. McCabe
Effects of Climate, Tectonism, and Variations in Sea Level on
Formation of Cretaceous Coals of North America,
Peter J. McCabe, Michael E.
Brownfield, Dan E. Hansen, Robert D. Hettinger, Mark A. Kirschbaum, and J. David
Judith River Formation Beneath Fort Peck Indian
Reservation--Proven High Plains Gas Frontier in Northeastern Montana,
Lawrence M. Monson
Petroleum Geology of MC-3 Member, Mississippian Mission Canyon
Formation, Pierson Area, Southwestern Manitoba,
H. Muzaffar and S. P.
Geology of Coal Resources in Alberta Plains,
Dennis Nikols,
Rudolph Strobl, Richard Richardson, and Donald MacDonald
Depositional and Dissolutional Processes and Their Resulting
Thinning Patterns Within the Middle Devonian Prairie Formation, Williston Basin,
North Dakota and Montana,
Chris A. Oglesby
Ordovician Petroleum Source Rocks and Aspects of Hydrocarbon
Generation in Canadian Portion of Williston Basin,
K. G. Osadetz and L. R.
Identifying Areas of Hydrocarbon Potential in South Dakota,
Anthony K. Petres
Evaluation of Unconformities in Marine Jurassic Rocks of
Western Montana: Preliminary Report,
Karen W. Porter
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Dawson Bay Formation
Carbonate Unit (Middle Devonian), Williston Basin, North Dakota,
Wayne Pound
Hydrocarbon Potential of Lower Duperow Formation as Cored in
Hill and Chouteau Counties, Central Montana,
George C. Robertson and S.
Robert Bereskin
AOSTRA Underground Test Facility--Concept and Geological
B. A. Rottenfusser, N. K. Alwast, and J. E. Palfreyman
Sandstone Porosity as Function of Thermal Maturity--an Approach
to Porosity Comparisons and Prediction,
James W. Schmoker and Donald L.
Upper Part of Minnelusa Formation in Outcrop Near Beulah,
Wyoming, and at West Mellott Field, Powder River Basin,
James W. Schmoker,
Christopher J. Schenk, and Richard M. Pollastro
Identification of Point-Bar Reservoirs Within Units of Fall
River Formation Through Comprehensive Electric-Log Interpretation, Powder River
Basin, Wyoming,
Alvin L. Schultz and Walter Coppinger
Deposition of Bluell Zone at Flaxton Field, Burke County, North
Dirk Anson Schwartz
Genetic Sequence Relationships of Winnipegosis Platform
Carbonates, Southern Elk Point Basin, North Dakota,
Keith W. Shanley and
Timothy A. Cross
Basement Block Influences on Shallow Gas Accumulations: a
George W. Shurr
Families of Oils and Their Sources in Southeastern
L. R. Snowdon, K. G. Osadetz, and P. W. Brooks
Application of Geologic Studies to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR),
Charles W. Spencer
Underpressured Reservoir--The Other Part of the Story,
Charles W. Spencer
Diagenetic History of Givetian Winnipegosis Formation in
Southeastern Saskatchewan,
Robin L. Stanford and Brian Jones
West Short Pine Hills Field, Harding County, South Dakota,
Berk Strothman
Fort Union Lignite Consortium: an NCRDS Perspective,
J. Tewalt and Robert B. Finkelman
Bioturbation Patterns and Near-Anoxic Events in Frobisher-Alida
Beds of Western North Dakota,
Jeffrey R. Valvik
and Reservoir Characteristics of Lower Wolfcamp and
Upper Virgil Strata, Amazon Field, Cheyenne County, Nebraska,
John C. Webb
Valley-Fill Deposits: Key to Stratigraphic Traps in
Pennsylvanian and Cretaceous, Rocky Mountain and Mid-Continent Regions,
Robert J. Weimer
Geologic and Seismic Models, Muddy Sandstone, Lower Cretaceous,
Bell Creek-Rocky Point Area, Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming,
J. Weimer, Claudia A. Rebne, and Thomas L. Davis
Production from Valley-Fill Deposits, Morrow Sandstone,
Southeast Colorado: New Exploration Challenges and Rewards,
Robert J. Weimer,
Stephen A. Sonnenberg, and Lee T. Shannon
Deposition and Diagenesis of Frobisher Beds, Stoughton Area,
Southeast Saskatchewan,
R. Louis Withers and Murray R. Nelson
Genetic Stratigraphic Analysis of Upper Mission Canyon
Formation (Mississippian), Williston Basin, North Dakota,
David N. Witter
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