--> ABSTRACT: Interlake Production Established Using Quantitative Hydrocarbon Well-Log Analysis, by Jim Lancaster and Asher Atkinson; #91033 (2010)
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Interlake Production Established Using Quantitative Hydrocarbon Previous HitWellNext Hit-Previous HitLogNext Hit Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit

Jim Lancaster, Asher Atkinson

Production was established in a new pay zone of the basal Interlake Formation adjacent to production in Midway field in Williams County, North Dakota. Hydrocarbon saturation, which was computed using hydrocarbon Previous HitwellNext Hit-Previous HitlogNext Hit (mud-Previous HitlogNext Hit) data, and computed permeability encouraged the operator to run casing and test this zone.

By use of drilling rig parameters, drilling mud properties, hydrocarbon-show data from the mud Previous HitlogNext Hit, drilled rock and porosity descriptions, and wireline Previous HitlogNext Hit porosity, this new technique computes oil saturation (percent of porosity) and permeability to the invading filtrate, using the Darcy equation.

The Leonardo Fee Previous HitwellNext Hit was drilled to test the Devonian Duperow, the Silurian upper Interlake, and the Ordovician Red River. The upper two objectives were penetrated downdip from Midway production and there were no hydrocarbon shows. It was determined that the Red River was "tight," based on sample examination by Previous HitwellNext Hit site personnel. The basal Interlake, however, liberated hydrocarbon shows that were analyzed by this new technology. The results of this evaluation accurately predicted this Previous HitwellNext Hit would be a commercial success when placed in production.

Where geophysical Previous HitlogNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit might be questionable, this new evaluation technique may provide answers to anticipated oil saturation and producibility. The encouraging results of hydrocarbon saturation and permeability, produced by this technique, may be largely responsible for the Previous HitwellTop being in production today.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91033©1988 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section, Bismarck, North Dakota, 21-24 August 1988