--> ABSTRACT: Characteristics of European Basins, by Bogdan M. Popescu and Thedore Orasianu; #91032 (2010)
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Characteristics of European Basins

Bogdan M. Popescu, Thedore Orasianu

Hydrocarbon characteristics of some sedimentary basins in Previous HitEuropeNext Hit are displayed by a series of transparent overlays. Combinations of these overlays provide rapid information on existing relationships among basin type, tectonic framework, exploratory effort, source and reservoir rocks, cumulative production, remaining recoverable reserves, and licensed areas as of January 1, 1988.

Data were processed from Petroconsultants' data base and plotted on maps at a scale of 1:5,000,000. Combinations of overlaying posters draw attention to peculiar and sometimes striking aspects of well-known petroleum indicators.

At least six overlays are presented: (1) basins and subbasins, classified according to both Klemme's and Bally's categories, are displayed over Previous HitEurope'sTop main tectonic framework; (2) oil and gas fields and significant undeveloped discoveries are plotted in producing and not-yet-producing basins; basins are ranked according to their remaining recoverable reserves; (3) age and age ranges of main reservoirs and source rocks in basins; (4) tracts, separated by foreign and national company licensees, show leasing potential and opportunities for foreign investors in each basin; (5) drilling density, expressed by exploratory wells per square kilometer, allows separation of mature, moderate, and immaturely explored basins; undrilled potential is discussed; and (6) cumulative production vs. rem ining reserves and production to reserves ratios in each basin are visualized in columns; they reflect the ultimate producing potential of the basins although evolution and testing of exploration concepts continuously change these ratios.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91032©1988 Mediterranean Basins Conference and Exhibition, Nice, France, 25-28 September 1988.