--> ABSTRACT: Inversion with A Priori Information: A Step Toward Consistent and Integrated Interpretations of Reservoirs, by J. Brac, P. Y. Dequirez, C. Jacques, P. Lailly, V. Richard, and D. Tran Van Nhieu; #91032 (2010)
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Inversion with A Priori Information: A Step Toward Consistent and Integrated Interpretations of Reservoirs

J. Brac, P. Y. Dequirez, C. Jacques, P. Lailly, V. Richard, D. Tran Van Nhieu

We have designed a method to provide the interpreter with an acoustical impedance distribution such that (1) it matches the well logs exactly, (2) it fulfills the geological information (depositional environment, geometry of the faults, etc) specified by the interpreter, and (3) it best fits the associated synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit section with the stacked Previous HitseismicNext Hit section. Such an approach is especially suitable for interpolating or extrapolating well logs derived from Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit and should ensure the consistency of the interpretations.

The methodology relies on a probabilistic formalism of inverse problems with a priori information. Here we solve a 2-D inverse problem, the forward problem being the convolution of reflection coefficients by the Previous HitseismicNext Hit wavelet. This approach is an example of integrating nonseismic Previous HitdataNext Hit (well logs, geological information) within Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit processing (stratigraphic deconvolution). It allows us to expect a deconvolution result with better stability and wider frequency bandwidth as well as improved signal-to-noise ratio.

The results for synthetic Previous HitdataNext Hit confirm this expectation. Field Previous HitdataNext Hit emphasize interpreters' interest in such an approach: easier and more reliable Previous HitinterpretationTop and the possibility to test geological assumptions and to describe a set of possible interpretations.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91032©1988 Mediterranean Basins Conference and Exhibition, Nice, France, 25-28 September 1988.