Typical Stratigraphic Entrapment in Southern Illinois,
Updated Overview of Structural Geology of Devonian Shales in
Monroe, Noble, and Washington Counties, Ohio,
Mark T. Baranoski
Geology and Stratigraphy of Devonian and Lower Mississippian
Sediments of Roaring Fork-Looney Creek Field, Wise County, Virginia, and Harlan
County, Kentucky,
Roswell Barranco
Role of Strain for Cover Geometry in Valley and Ridge Province
of West Virginia,
Dan A. Billman, Matthew A. Johnston, and William M. Dunne
Natural Gas Producer-Marketer Relationship in Perspective,
David A. Boger
Correlation and Deposystem Interpretation for Lower
Mississippian Sequence in Subsurface of West Virginia,
Ray M. Boswell and
Gregory A. Jewell
Environmental Implications of Waste Associated with Oil and Gas
Exploration and Production,
Carol Bowers and William G. Murray
Diagenesis and Porosity Development in Oriskany Sandstone of
West Virginia,
K. R. Bruner and M. T. Heald
Remaining Coal Resource Estimates for Lee County, Virginia,
Calculated Using NCRDS Computer Programs,
Elizabeth M. Campbell
Subdivision of Lower Portion of Huron Member of Ohio Shale,
Kanawha and Boone Counties, West Virginia, and Applications to Gas Production,
Frank P. Caramanica
Coal Resources Available for Development, Matewan Quadrangle,
Eastern Kentucky,
M. Devereux Carter, James C. Cobb, Jane R. Eggleston, and
Nancy K. Gardner
Sycamore Grit Siltstone: Informal Member of Upper Devonian in
North-Central West Virginia,
Larry J. Cavallo
Rock-Eval Data Relating to Oil-Source Potential of Shales of
New Albany Group (Devonian-Mississippian) in Illinois Basin,
Mei-in M. Chou,
Donald R. Dickerson, and Michael L. Sargent
Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Potential of Copper
Ridge Dolomite in Union County, Tennessee,
Michael W. Conklin
Fault-Related Silurian Clinton Sandstone Deposition in Ohio,
Alan H. Coogan
Hydrocarbon Accumulations of Mississippian Berea Sandstone
in West-Central West Virginia,
David L. Cox
Interpretation of Depositional Systems in Lower Silurian Medina
Group of Western New York,
Robert J. Davis, Charles A. Johnson, and J. A.
Evaluating Coal-Bed Methane Commercial Viability in Northern
and Central Appalachian Basins,
David Decker
Depositional Environments of Pottsville Sandstones and
Conglomerates in Alabama,
Suleyman Demirpolat
Carburetted Hydrogen Gas--Great Granddaddy Burned It,
Wallace De Witt, Jr.
High-Resolution Logging in Air-Drilled Holes,
Michael P.
Palynologic, Petrographic, and Coal-Quality Characteristics of
Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian Coal Beds: a Comparison,
Cortland F. Eble and
William C. Grady
Pilot Study of Availability of Coal for Development in Central
Appalachian Basin,
Jane R. Eggleston, M. Devereux Carter, Nancy K. Gardner,
and James C. Cobb
Fundamental Approach to Dipmeter Analysis,
Milton B.
Enderlin and Diana K. T. Hansen
Pocono Dome, West Virginia--Catskill Island or Fantasy Island?,
Kenneth J. Englund, Steven E. Brown, and Thomas Dutro, Jr.
New Developments in Acoustic Borehole Imaging,
David S.
Epps, Robert W. Garland, and Brian White
High-Resolution Induction Logging--Field Test Results,
S. Epps and Perry A. Harris
Depositional Controls on Sulfur and Ash in Coal,
J. C. Ferm,
J. S. Esterle, T. A. Moore, G. A. Weisenfluh
Designation and Interpretation of Stratigraphic Sequences
Within Upper Devonian Clastic Wedge, Northern West Virginia,
Jonathan K.
Environmental Regulatory Dilemma of Oil and Gas Industry,
David M. Flannery
Correlation of Remote Sensing, Earth Resistivity, and
Near-Surface Geochemical Data at Offset Well Test Facility, Whitley County,
E. Ray Garton and Kelley Deem
Remote Sensing, Earth Resistivity, and Geochemical Surveys in
Hydrocarbon Exploration,
E. Ray Garton and Kelley Deem
Geology of Hawks Nest-Gilboa Field, East-Central West Virginia,
Paul L. Gebhard
Paleodepth of Burial: Case History of Exposed Paleozoic
Carbonates in Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma,
Scott J. Glash and Gerald M.
Characteristics and Utilization of Kanawha Formation Splint
Coals in Central and Southern West Virginia,
William C. Grady, Cortland F.
Eble, and Kenneth C. Ashton
Fluviolacustrine Deposition in Hazard No. 8 to Hazard No. 8
Rider Seam Interval, Breathitt Formation (Pennsylvanian), Eastern Kentucky,
Stephen F. Greb
Geologic Models for Coal-Mine Roof Failures in Kentucky,
Stephen F. Greb and James C. Cobb
Impact of Coal Quality Considerations on Availability of
Low-Sulfur Coal in Appalachian Region of Kentucky,
Thomas B. Griswold, James
C. Hower, and James C. Cobb
Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Dolomite in Hancock County, Tennessee,
Kevin Hartleroad, Paul Schneider, Kent Schamp, Nancy Reddin, and George Tubb
Geologic Features of Urling Mine Complex, Keystone Coal
Company, Indiana County, Pennsylvania,
Stephen J. Harvan
Paleodepositional Environments, Diagenesis, Paleocurrent Flow
Dynamics, and Reservoir-Quality Sands of Alexander Formation,
Peter J.
Core Analysis and Depositional Model for Upper Devonian Benson
Sandstone of Clarksburg Gas Field, Harrison County, West Virginia,
L. Robert
Probability of Success and Risk of Failure,
Michael E. Hohn
Coal Quality Parameters for Economic Assessments,
E. Hohn, C. J. Smith, K. C. Ashton, and G. H. McColloch, Jr.
Sedimentology and
of Upper Devonian Sandstones
in North-Central Pennsylvania and Western New York,
Edgar M. Hopkins
Influence of Penecontemporaneous Tectonism on Development of
Breathitt Formation Coals, Eastern Kentucky,
James C. Hower, Eric J. Trinkle,
and James D. Pollock
Mississippian Structure and Hydrocarbon Potential of Buchanan,
Dickenson, and Wise Counties, Virginia,
Frank H. Jacobeen, Jr.
Coal-Bed Methane Potential of Central Appalachian Basin,
R. Kelafant, V. A. Kuuskraa, and D. E. Wicks
History of Gas Production from Devonian Shale in Eastern
J. R. Kemper, W. T. Frankie, R. A. Smath, J. R. Moody, I. M.
Johnston, and R. R. Elkin
Formation Damage and Completion Strategies,
John M. Kullman
and L. Michael Dixon
Impact of Order 436/500 on Natural Gas Storage,
Laura L.
Assessment of Gas Production Potential from Strata above
Longwall Mining,
Abbie W. Layne, Hema J. Siriwardane, and Charles W. Byrer
Early Geological Maps of West Virginia,
Peter Lessing
Appalachian Independent Producers Approach to Marketing Gas:
Idealism vs. Reality--a Case Study,
Michael C. Linn
Geologic Controls on Production of Natural Gas from Devonian
Shale in Appalachian Basin: a Preliminary Report,
Patrick H. Lowry and R.
Michael Peterson
Geologic and Economic Case Histories of Upper Devonian Natural
Gas Production in Pennsylvania,
Keith N. Mangini
Campbell Creek Marine Zone: Its Extent, Component Facies, and
Relation to Coals of Kanawha Formation in Southern Kanawha County, West
Ronald L. Martino
Domal Structure in Devonian Rocks of Kimberling Basin, Bland
County, Virginia,
Robert C. McDowell
Outcrop Expression of Late Devonian Transgressive-Regressive
Cycles along Catskill Delta Complex Basin Margin of Central West Virginia,
Robin John McDowell, Ray M. Boswell, and Alan C. Donaldson
Microcomputer Digitizing System for Dual Use in Applications of
Remote Sensing and Microscopic Image Analysis,
J. Gregory McHone
Lacustrine Strata of Early Jurassic Age, Hartford and Deerfield
Rift Basins, Massachusetts and Connecticut: Deposition, Maturation of Black
Mudstones, Sandstone Diagenesis, and Hydrocarbon Occurrences,
Paul E.
Meriney, John F. Hubert, and Michael A. Smith
Definition of Heavy Oil and Natural Bitumen,
Richard F. Meyer
Origin of Middle Silurian Keefer Sandstone, East-Central
Appalachian Basin,
Scott C. Meyer, Daniel A. Textoris, and John M. Dennison
Microfracture Control of Oil and Gas Production Detected by
Low-Altitude Multispectral Remote Sensing, Burning Springs Anticline, West
Bruce Robert Moore
Drilling History and Stratigraphic Correlation of Rose Run
Sandstone of Northeastern Ohio,
Charles C. Moyer
Using GeoGraphix Software,
Mark A. Neese
Cambrian-Ordovician of North-Central Ohio,
James A. Noel
Diagenesis of Entrada Sandstone in Ghost Ranch Area, New
Hukmu Orhan
Organization of a Natural Gas Marketing Entity,
Joseph M.
Deep Tectonic Influence on Shallow Structures of Allegheny
T. K. Reeves, Jr. and Jim Morris
Frederick and Washington West 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles: New
Projects of National Geologic
Program in Central Appalachians,
Juergen Reinhardt, Peter T. Lyttle, and Wayne L. Newell
Natural Gas Marketing for Small Producers,
Thomas E. Riley
Thermal History of Central and Southern Appalachian Basin Based
on Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology,
M. K. Roden
Depositional Setting of Ordovician and Cambrian Rocks in
Central Appalachian Basin along a Section from Morrow County, Ohio, to Calhoun
County, West Virginia,
Robert T. Ryder
Subsurface Structure and Nature of Gas Production and
Entrapment of Upper Ordovician Queenston Formation, Auburn Gas Field, Cayuga
County, New York,
Scott T. Saroff
Compilation of Coal-Bed Folios to Characterize Coal-Thickness
and Coal-Quality Distribution in Eastern Kentucky Coalfield,
Richard E.
Sergeant, O. Barton Davidson, and James C. Cobb
Kentucky Coal Resources Information System: Computerized Tool
for Coal Research and Exploration,
Richard E. Sergeant, O. Barton Davidson,
and James C. Cobb
Preliminary Reservoir Characterization of a Chesterian Cypress
Sandstone in Illinois Basin,
Beverly Seyler
Plastic Properties of West Virginia Coal: Deterioration During
Storage Due to Temperature, Top Size, and Exposure--a View to Further Research,
Carl J. Smith and Hobart M. King, II
Vertical Stacking of Reservoirs in Silurian Carbonates of
Appalachian Basin,
Richard Smosna, J. Matthew Conrad, and Timothy C. Maxwell
Petrology and Diagenesis of Pocono-Price Big Injun Sandstone,
Granny's Creek Field, West Virginia,
David L. Swales
Acquisition Parameters for Shallow Seismic Data in West
Stewart T. Taylor
Stratigraphy Within Lower Pottsville Formation of Alabama,
Stewart T. Taylor
Case Histories and Chemical Surveys Across Appalachian
J. Edward Tillman
Computer Program for Stratigraphic Correlation of Devonian
Shales in Appalachian Basin,
K. Timberlake, M. Hohn, S. Kite, and M. C.
Salt-Related Structures in Northern Appalachian Basin,
Philip Towey
and Prospect Evaluation of Berea Sandstone and
Clinton Sandstone Interval in Northeastern Ohio Using Radian's CPS/PC
Brett A. Urian
Geologic Controls on Reservoir Properties in Gas-Bearing Middle
and Upper Devonian Rocks, Southern Appalachian Basin,
Richard K. Vessell and
David K. Davies
Utilization of Gyroscopic Compass with Borehole Television
Camera in Devonian Shale Wells, Appalachian Basin,
Kim Walbe
Petroleum Evaluation of Ordovician Black Shale Source Rocks in
Northern Appalachian Basin,
Laure G. Wallace and John B. Roen
Natural Gas Production from Ordovician Queenston Formation in
West Auburn Field, Cayuga County, New York,
Terry L. Ward
Subdivisions and Correlations of Upper Devonian Greenland Gap
Group and Lockhaven Formation of Central Pennsylvania,
Andrew Warne
Estimates of Central Appalachian Coal Reserves by Cost of
Production and Sulfur Content,
Jeffrey Watkins
Depositional Model for Freshwater Limestones of Upper Allegheny
Group (Pennsylvanian System) of Western Pennsylvania,
Suzanne D. Weedman
Computer-Aided Analysis and
of Devonian Shales in
Southeastern Ohio--Production and Geology,
Lawrence H. Wickstrom
Economic Geology of Big Chimney Quadrangle, Kanawha County,
West Virginia,
John F. Windolph, Jr.
Multi-Offset Vertical Seismic Profiles: Fracture and Fault
Identification for Appalachian Basin Reservoirs--Two Case Examples,
E. Wyatt, Bruce A. Bennett, and John J. Walsh
Exploration Concepts and Methodology for Deep Medina Sandstone
Reservoirs in Northwestern Pennsylvania,
William A. Zagorski
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