--> ABSTRACT: Computer Mapping Using GeoGraphix Software, by Mark A. Neese; #91031 (2010)
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Computer Mapping Using GeoGraphix Software

Mark A. Neese

The Isomap module of the GeoGraphix Exploration System is designed to provide integrated contouring, surface analysis, and interactive editing capabilities for use with any X, Y, Z data set. The primary use of the Isomap system is to create two-dimensional contour maps using various gridding techniques. The gridding parameters utilized with each technique can also be adjusted to generate maps that the user feels will best fit the geology of a particular area. Other modules of the Isomap system allow the user to create a variety of three-dimensional views and Previous HitcrossNext Hit sections.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91031©1988 AAPG Eastern Previous HitSectionTop, Charleston, West Virginia, 13-16 September 1988.