Depositional Sequences
and Hydrocarbon Exploration in
Wilcox Group, South Texas
M. P. Anderson, J. A. Breyer
Five unconformity-bounded depositional sequences
are present in the lower and
middle Wilcox in south Texas. The
are designated A through E, from
uppermost to lowermost.
A and B are in the middle Wilcox.
D, and E are in the lower Wilcox. Thirty-three gas fields and three oil fields
produce from the lower Wilcox in a 1,500 mi2 area that includes most
of DeWitt County and parts of Gonzales, Karnes, and Lavaca Counties. All but two
of the fields are in the Wilcox growth-fault zone. Most of the fields occur in
areas with less than 40% sand, downdip from a major sand accumulation.
Prospective areas in the growth-fault zone include a strike-trending band across
southern DeWitt County in
C, an area in central Karnes County and
outhwestern DeWitt County in
D, and a belt extending from Karnes County
into DeWitt County in
E. Large areas in DeWitt County and Karnes County
updip from the growth-fault zone remain undrilled even though 44 fields produce
from the shallow Wilcox immediately along strike to the southwest. The shallow
Wilcox trend should be explored in northern DeWitt County and northeastern
Karnes County.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91030©1988 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, 20-23 March 1988.