Interpretation of Surface Sediment Methane Carbon Isotopes for
Detection of Subsurface Hydrocarbons,
Michael A. Abrams
Marine Carbonate Embayment System in an Eolian Dune Terrain,
Permian Upper Minnelusa Formation, Rozet Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming,
C. W. Achauer
Isostatic Controls on Carbonate Platform Development,
Aigner, M. Doyle, and D. T. Lawrence
Hydrothermal Fluid Effects on Sediment Column in Middle Valley,
Juan de Fuca Ridge (Northeast Pacific),
Ihsan S. Al-Aasm and Bertrand Blaise
Slide Block(?) of Jurassic Sandstone and Submarine Channels in
Basal Upper Cretaceous of Viking Graben: Norwegian North Sea,
K. A. Alhilali
and John E. Damuth
Distribution of Permo-Carboniferous Clastics of Greater Arabian
Abdulaziz A. Al-Laboun
Eight-Fold Three-Dimensional Seismic Coverage Onshore for Price
of Two Normal CDP Lines,
James L. Allen and John L. Howell, Sr.
Recognition of Depositional Sequences and Stacking Patterns,
Late Devonian (Frasnian) Carbonate Platforms, Alberta Basin,
Jim H. Anderson,
S. Anne Reeckmann, J. F. (Rick) Sarg, and Stephen M. Greenlee
Natural Constraints on Exploring Antarctica's Continental
Margin, Existing Geophysical and Geological Data Basis, and Proposed Drilling
John B. Anderson
Rospo Mare Karstified Limestone Oil Field,
Paul Andre and
Alain Doulcet
Recent Ooids from Mesopotamian Shallow Shelf, Northwest Arabian
Adnan A. M. Aqrawi and Fadhil N. Sadooni
Tectonic Control of Coastal Onlap Cycles, Southwest Washington,
John M. Armentrout
Carbonate Platform, Slope, and Basinal Deposits of Upper
Oligocene, Kalimantan, Indonesia,
R. A. Armin, W. G. Cutler, S. Mahadi, and
A. Van De Weerd
Estimating Paleoproductivity from Organic Carbon Accumulation
Rates--Problem or Panacea?,
M. A. Arthur, M. S. Leinen, and D. Cwienk
Structural Interpretation of Coso Geothermal Field, Inyo
County, California,
Carl F. Austin, Barbara P. Bishop, and James L. Moore
Steam Flooding from Mine Workings, A Viable Alternative,
Maynard F. Ayler and Charles Brechtel
Frontier Exploration in Offshore Northern California--Lessons
Learned and New Strategies,
Steven B. Bachman and James K. Crouch
Early Diagenesis of Interdistributary Basin
Sediments--Atchafalaya Basin, Mississippi Delta Complex,
Alan M. Bailey,
Harry H. Roberts, and Elizabeth Zanghi
Eocene Sediment Dispersal Pattern Records Asymmetry of Laramide
Green River Basin, Southwestern Wyoming,
Richard J. Baldwin and David W. Andersen
Post-Cretaceous Geomorphic Modification of Wichita Paleoplain:
a Study in Character and Development of an Unconformity,
Chris Barker
Evolution of Early to Middle Cambrian Carbonate Platform,
Southwest Virginia Appalachians,
R. J. Barnaby and J. F. Read
Opaque Rock Fragments,
Abhijit Basu, Emanuela Molinaroli,
and Jean Olson
Inner Shelf Storm-Surge Deposits of Late Cretaceous Chico
Formation, Northeastern Sacramento Valley, California,
Sarah L. Baum, Rodney
Watkins, and John S. Russell
Clay Mineral Variations in Four-Point Bayou, Terrebonne Parish,
Penny Baxter and Ray E. Ferrell
Unusual Folding and Rolling of Glacio-Lacustrine Sediments,
Upper Fraser Canyon, British Columbia,
Sonny Baxter
Evaluation of Compaction Rates for Decompaction Processes,
Bernard Beaudoin, Isabelle Cojan, Gerard Fries, and Bernard Pinoteau
Knowledge-Based Expert System to Evaluate Petroleum Exploration
Donald F. Beaumont
Development from a Homoclinal Ramp to an Isolated, Tectonically
Unstable Carbonate Platform: Lower Cambrian of Southwest Sardinia,
Bechstadt, Maria Boni, Thomas Schledding, and Matthias Selg
Stratigraphic Statistical Curvature
A. Bengtson and John P. Ziagos
Experimental Assessment of Porosity Reduction Through Ductile
Grain Deformation in Sandstones,
D. Joe Benson
Seismic Imaging of Producing Trend of Marathon Thrust Belt,
Terrell County, Texas,
Allen J. Bertagne, J. L. Pennachioni, and Tim C.
Tectonic and Ecologic Controls on Formation and Drowning of
Isolated Carbonate Platforms,
David M. Bice and Kevin G. Stewart
Evolution of Los Angeles Basin: Formation of Major Hydrocarbon
Kevin T. Biddle and David W. Phelps
Geology of Oil Fields and Future Exploration Potential in West
African Aptian Salt Basin,
Roger D. Bignell and Alan D. Edwards
Lithologic Mapping Using Geobotanical and Landsat Thematic
Mapper Data,
Richard W. Birnie and Nancy Defeo
Depositional Environments of Wood Siding Formation and Onaga
Shale (Pennsylvanian-Permian), Northeast Kansas,
Curtis G. Bisby
Recent Advances in Neogene Biostratigraphy of Los Angeles
Gregg H. Blake
Tectonic Denudation of Upper Mantle Along Passive Margins: A
Model Based on Drilling (ODP Leg 103) and Diving (Galinaute Cruise) Results,
Western Galicia Margin, Spain,
G. Boillot, E. L. Winterer, M. Recq, J.
Girardeau, J. Kornprobst, J. P. Loreau, J. Malod, and D. Mougenot
Wrench Faulting Using Seismic and Landsat,
G. Pat Bolden
Cementation-Dissolution Timing Relative to Hydrocarbon
Emplacement, San Joaquin Basin, California,
James R. Boles
Role of Thermal Subsidence, Flexure, and Eustasy in Evolution
of Early Paleozoic Carbonate Platforms in Appalachian and Cordilleran
Gerard C. Bond, John P. Grotzinger, and Michelle A. Kominz
Dynamics of Tethyan Carbonate Platforms,
Alfonso Bosellini
Satellite Delineation of Underwater Structure: A Comparison of
Architecture of Some Basins with Seasat Images,
Robert C. Bostrom
Rates of Modern Sedimentary Processes in Lydonia Canyon off
Southern New England,
Michael H. Bothner, Carol M. Parmenter, Richard R.
Rendigs, and Meyer Rubin
Mississippi Fan Construction and Sea Level Fluctuation
A. H. Bouma, C. E. Stelting, J. M. Coleman, and B. Kohl
Strike-Slip Offset Along the McKittrick Fault, Western Kern
County, California,
J. R. Bowersox and Deborah M. Olson
Sedimentary Basin Framework of Exmouth Plateau, Northwest
Ron Boyd, Neville Exon, and Paul Williamson
Controls on Albian-Cenomanian Carbonate Platform Sedimentation
in Middle Eastern Region: Kesalon Event, a Middle Cretaceous Sea Level Change in
Israel and Its Correlation with Global Sea Level Changes,
Moshe Braun and
Francis Hirsch
Distribution of Petroleum Reservoirs Relative to Allocycles and
Autocycles, Upper Portion of the Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian,
Desmoinesian), Mid-Continent Region, U.S.A.,
Robert L. Brenner
Permeability of Unconsolidated Sand Sidewall Cores Through Data
Base Regression
Allen W. Britton
Petroleum Geology of Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Strata,
Tucumcari Basin, East-Central New Mexico,
Ronald F. Broadhead and William E.
Recent Carbonate Slope Development on Southwest Florida
Continental Margin,
Gregg R. Brooks and Charles W. Holmes
Fault Slicing: Study of Faults from Production Perspective,
Alistair R. Brown, G. Serpell Edwards, and Robert E. Howard
Hydrocarbon Habitat of Kugmallit Formation, Oligocene, Beaufort
Sea, Canada,
Andrew Bullock
Reefs, Bioherms, and Banks: A Semantic and Genetic Continuum,
Randolph B. Burke and Lee C. Gerhard
Regional Variations in Crude Oil Geochemistry, Anadarko Basin,
Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas--Evidence for Multiple Sources, Mixing, and
Migration Distances,
R. C. Burruss and J. R. Hatch
: Important Tool in Basin
John W. Buza
Amauligak: The Canadian Beaufort's Threshold Discovery,
Keith Caldwell
Reevaluation of Late Mesozoic Thrusting in East-Central Nevada,
Greg J. Cameron and Alan K. Chamberlain
Search for Alternative Plays on Barents Shelf,
Carlsen, Elisabet Malmquist, Geir Mork, and David Worsley
GLORIA Side-Scan Imagery of Aleutian Basin, Bering Sea Slope
and Abyssal Plain,
P. R. Carlson, A. K. Cooper, J. V. Gardner, H. A. Karl, M.
S. Marlow, A. J. Stevenson, Q. Huggett, N. Kenyon, and L. Parson
Subsidence History of Cook Inlet Basin, Southern Alaska:
Basement Control on Forearc Basin Development,
Alan R. Carroll
Radiolarians as Paleoenvironmental Indices for Exploration,
Richard E. Casey, Carl O. Nelson, and Amy L. Weinheimer
Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Occurrence of
Mississippian Antler Basin, Nevada and Utah,
Alan K. Chamberlain
Depositional Controls on Permeability in an Eolian Sandstone
Sequence, Page Sandstone, Northern Arizona,
Mark A. Chandler
Factors Controlling the Stratigraphic Evolution of Eastern
Brazil Basins,
Hung K. Chang, Renato O. Kowsmann, Antonio M. Figueiredo, and
Laercio G. Aranha
Computer-Aided Exploration with THEMISED Software: Pressure,
Maturation Analyses, and Migration Studies in Various Geological Environments,
Rifts (North Sea), Intracratonic Basins (Paris), Tertiary Deltas (Indonesia),
P. Y. Chenet, B. Doligez, G. Bessereau, P. Ungerer, and E. Brosse
Discriminant Function
as Tool for Subsurface
Kevin Chesser
Guarumen-Carora, New Frontiers in Search for Hydrocarbons,
Nestor A. Chigne
Geology and Habitat of Oil in Ras Budran Field, Gulf of Suez,
L. R. Chowdhary and Said Taha
Status of Optical Disk (OD) Technology for Storage of Seismic,
Geologic, and Other Information,
Cliff Clark and Gary E. Prahl
Basin Modeling of Barents Shelf Source Potential,
Clark, Arne Forsberg, Brian Jepsen, and David Worsley
Formation of Barite Nodules in Dysaerobic and Anaerobic Zones
of Stratified Basins,
Sandra H. B. Clark
Organic Geochemistry and Petroleum Potential of Pennsylvanian
Black Shales, Powder River and Denver Basins,
J. L. Clayton, C. M. Lubeck, J.
D. King, and T. A. Daws
El Paso Formation--A Lower Ordovician Platform Carbonate
Russell E. Clemons
Formation of Inversely Graded, Downstream-Dipping, Low-Angle
Cross-Stratification by Antidunes,
Thomas R. Clifton
Early Rifting Deposition: Examples from Carbonate Sequences of
Sardinia (Cambrian) and Tuscany (Triassic-Jurassic), Italy: An Analogous
Tectono-Sedimentary and Climatic Context,
Tommaso Cocozza and Anna Gandin
Surface Expression and Internal Structure of an Accommodation
Zone, Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
Dana Q. Coffield
Laumontization and Its Relationship to Carbonate Cementation
and Dissolution Within Santa Fe Springs Oil Field, Los Angeles Basin,
Richard L. Coffman
Depositional Model for a Muddy Shelf-Sand Complex and Their
Relationship to Reservoir Development: "Mancos B" Interval of Late Cretaceous
Mancos Shale, Northwest Colorado and Northeast Utah,
R. D. Cole and R. G.
Sedimentologic Succession of Uplifted Coral Community, Urvina
Bay, Isabela Island, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador,
Mitchell W. Colgan and
David Hollander
Physical Parameters Controlling Gas Hydrate Stability and
Distribution on the North Slope, Alaska,
Timothy S. Collett
Crow Butte Uranium Deposit, Northwest Nebraska,
Stephen P.
Collings and Thor Gjelsteen
Airborne Spectral Survey Experiment over Hydrocarbon Basins,
William Collins
Porosity Reduction in Monterey Formation, California,
S. Compton
Soil-Gas Surveys Help Locate New Oil Fields in Australia,
John R. Conolly and William R. Ryall
Water-Sensitive Shales of Gulf of Mexico: Correlation with CEC
Values for PDC Bit Applications,
David E. Cook
Carbonate Submarine Fans and Aprons in Frontier Petroleum
Region--Carboniferous Calico Bluff Formation, East-Central Alaska,
Harry E.
Cook, Leslie B. Magoon, Richard G. Stanley, and Arturo Casas
Stages in Evolution of Paleozoic Carbonate Platform and Basin
Margin Types--Western United States Passive Continental Margin,
Harry E. Cook
and Michael E. Taylor
Structural Framework and Hydrocarbon Potential of Ross Sea,
Alan K. Cooper and Frederick J. Davey
Controls on Early Cretaceous Carbonate Platform Margin
Development: Northeastern Gulf of Mexico,
William Corso, Richard T. Buffler,
and James A. Austin, Jr.
Discovery and Exploration of Antarctica,
Campbell Craddock
Evolution of Jurassic Carbonate Platforms in an Active
Transtensional Rift: High Atlas of Morocco,
P. D. Crevello, J. E. Warme, M.
Septfontaine, and R. B. Burke
Cycloid Tectonics: Kinematics of Transform Faulting
Vincent S. Cronin
Hierarchical Stacking Geometries of Genetic Sequences:
Implications for Predicting Geometry and Distribution of Reservoir Facies
Timothy A. Cross
Structural Character of Hosgri Fault Zone and Adjacent Areas in
Offshore Central California,
James K. Crouch and Steven B. Bachman
Bitumen and Heavy-Oil Resources of the United States,
B. L.
Crysdale and C. J. Schenk
Hosgri Fault Zone, Offshore Santa Maria River to Point
Arguello, California,
David Cummings and Robert A. Gaal
Regional Source Rock Potential of Kishenehn Formation,
Northwest Montana,
Joseph A. Curiale and Steven W. Sperry
Variations Around Sunda Arc,
Joseph R. Curray
Patterns and Rates of Organic Carbon Accumulation in Recent
Pelagic and Hemipelagic Marine Environments,
D. Cwienk, M. S. Leinen, and M.
A. Arthur
Application of Fully Integrated Quantitative Basin
Model: Oseberg Area, Norwegian North Sea,
Birger Dahl, Egil Nysaether, C.
Gordon Speers, and M. Arif Yukler
Mineralogy and Lithology of Utah Oil Shale and Their Influence
on Logging Response,
Harry M. Dahl, Christie A. Callender, and Kerry D.
Loss of Organic Carbon from Source Rocks During Thermal
Alan R. Daly and Janell D. Edman
Tectonic Evolution of West Antarctica and Its Relation to East
Ian W. D. Dalziel
Geographic Information Systems and Their Value for Geological
Jack Dangermond
Carbonate Platform Development in Northeast Australia,
J. Davies, P. A. Symonds, D. A. Feary, and C. J. Pigram
Pre-Mississippian Hydrocarbon Potential of Illinois Basin,
Harold G. Davis
Estimation of Petrophysical Parameters and Stratigraphy of Thin
Reservoir Sand from Seismic Lithologic Modeling,
Marc De Buyl and Tom
Coal Bed Methane: Dynamic New Segment of Petroleum Industry,
David Decker
Allogenic and Authigenic Collophane in Lower Silurian
Gregory A. Delmastro and Arthur E. Burford
Geology of Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California,
Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr.
Estuarine Trace Fossil Assemblages in Tournaisian Clashmelcon
Formation, Kerry Head, Southwest Ireland,
John A. Diemer
Pattern of Growth Folding at Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary
North of Western Hispaniola, as Disclosed by Long-Range Side-Scan Sonar,
William P. Dillon, Kathryn M. Scanlon, N. Terence Edgar, and Lindsay M. Parson
Significance of Anoxic Slope Basins to Occurrence of
Hydrocarbons Along Flexure Trend, Gulf of Mexico: A Reappraisal,
Menno G.
Dinkelman and David J. Curry
Prediction of Reservoir Properties Using Diagenetic
a Template Unit: Example from Upper Cretaceous Sandstones in Powder River Basin,
A. Umran Dogan and Robert L. Brenner
Effects of Various pH Conditions on Authigenic Chlorite and
Kaolinite Surface Characteristics Using SEM and X-Ray Microanalysis,
A. Umran
Dogan and S. W. K. Leung
Anomalously Coarse-Grained Siliciclastic Sediments on Slope of
Tiburon Rise, Western Atlantic,
James F. Dolan
Geothermal Energy: Status in 1987,
Richard F. Dondanville
Oil Generating Characteristics of Monterey Formation in Santa
Maria Basin, California,
Wallace G. Dow, Daniel M. Jarvie, and M. Arif
Burial Diagenesis and Creation of Deep Secondary Microporosity
in Limestones: Criteria for Documentation,
Jeffrey J. Dravis
Trends in Extent and Depth of Ordovician Infauna,
Mary L.
Droser and David J. Bottjer
Source Rock Potential of Fine Sediment Deposited in Eleuthera
and San Salvador Deep-Sea Carbonate Fans, Bahamas,
Andre W. Droxler, Mireille
Vandenbroucke, M. Fabre, Richard A. Cartwright, and Wolfgang Schlager
Quantitative Estimates of Thermal History and Maturation Using
AFTA (Apatite Fission Track
) in Extensional and Foreland
Basins--Selected Case Studies,
Ian R. Duddy, Andrew J. W. Gleadow, Paul F.
Green, Kerry A. Hegarty, Susan A. Marshallsea, Peter R. Tingate, and John F.
Origin and Rarity of First-Cycle Quartzarenite,
Prodip K.
Diagenesis and Burial History of Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak
Sandstone, East Texas,
Shirley P. Dutton
Preliminary Statistical
and Provenance Trends in
Desmoinesian Sandstones from Central and Eastern Oklahoma,
T. S. Dyman
Flow Unit Concept--Integrated Approach to Reservoir Description
for Engineering Projects,
W. J. Ebanks, Jr.
Role of Cenozoic Progradation in Evolution of Great Bahama
Gregor P. Eberli and Robert N. Ginsburg
Relationships Between Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality in Upper
Tomma Formation, Haltenbanken, Offshore Mid-Norway,
S. N. Ehrenberg
Differential Paleoflow and Diagenetic Scatter,
R. Ehrlich,
K. O. Horkowitz, E. L. Etris, and C. A. McCreesh
Ichnologic Signature of Oxygen-Depleted Deposits,
A. A.
Ekdale and T. R. Mason
Research Drilling in an Active Geothermal System: Salton Sea
Scientific Drilling Project (SSSDP),
W. A. Elders
Diagenetic Ferroan Carbonates in Modern Organic-Rich Deltaic
Sarah S. Elliott and Ray E. Ferrell
Foldbelt Exploration with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in
Papua New Guinea,
James M. Ellis and Frank D. Pruett
Carbonate Buildup Development Within a Passive-Margin Setting:
Upper Jurassic of Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, and Comparable Carbonates from
Eastern North American Seaboard,
P. M. Ellis and R. C. L. Wilson
Stages in Evolution of Jurassic Carbonate Platforms and Their
Relations to Basins Around Western Mediterranean: Example of Southern France,
Serge Elmi
Silica Diagenesis in Santa Cruz Mudstone, Late Miocene,
Dallilah El-Sabbagh
Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic Evolution of Arctic North America,
Ashton F. Embry
Integrated Geophysical Study of Newfoundland Continental Margin
(East Coast Canada),
M. E. Enachescu
Neogene Tectono-Stratigraphic Events in Gulf of Suez Rift Area,
Andrew L. Evans
DEFORM: Construction and Evaluation of Curvature Maps, I.
Michael Fahy and James D. Morse
A Fuzzy Expert System: Applications to Geology,
J. H. Fang
Petroleum Potential of North Qilian Overthrust Belt,
Qi Fei and Xiepei Wang
Paleozoic Framework of Gulf of Mexico,
M. L. Feldman
Origin, Detection, and Evaluation of Abnormally High Formation
Walter H. Fertl and George V. Chilingar
Evidence for Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrences in Colombia Basin,
Patrick D. Finley, Jan Krason, and Kathryn Dominic
Geology and Reservoir Characteristics of Tight Gas Sandstones
in Travis Peak Formation, Chapel Hill Field, East Texas,
Robert J. Finley and
Shirley P. Dutton
Significance of Drilling and Coring-Induced Fractures in
Mesaverde Core, Northwestern Colorado,
Sharon J. Finley and John C. Lorenz
Milankovitch Cyclicity and Its Record in Borehole Logs of
Alfred G. Fischer
Integrated Gravity, Magnetic, Seismic, and Geologic Study of
Triassic Riddleville Basin, Georgia,
Elizabeth Fisher, Daniel G. Ziegler, and
C. L. V. Aiken
Early Diagenetic Formation of Illite: Implications for Clay
Neil S. Fishman, Christine E. Turner-Peterson, and Douglass
E. Owen
Clast-Contact Conglomerates in Submarine Canyons: Possible
Subaqueous Sieve Deposits,
M. Shannon Fitzgerald
Stratigraphy of Trinity Rocks (Comanchean) North of Colorado
Michael E. Ford
Knowledge-Based System for Source Rock Prediction,
L. Fowler
Mid-Permian Shelf Margin Erosion Surfaces, Western Escarpment,
Guadalupe Mountains, Texas,
Evan K. Franseen, Lloyd C. Pray, and Thomas E.
Campanian to Maastrichtian Pollen Biostratigraphy and Floral
Turnover Rates, Colville River Region, North Slope of Alaska,
Norman O.
Frederiksen and Katharine S. Schindler
Vertical Movements of Crust, Uplift of Lithosphere, and
Isostatic Unroofing: Case Histories from the Ozark Dome and Northern
Gerald M. Friedman
Fusulinid Biostratigraphy of Bird Spring Formation in Spring
Mountains near Mountain Springs Pass, Clark County, Nevada,
Mart T. Gamache
and Gary D. Webster
Aptian-Albian Carbonate Episode of Basque-Cantabrian Basin,
Northern Spain,
Joaquin Garcia-Mondejar
Valley-Fill Sequences and Onlap Geometries, Lower Cretaceous
Muddy Sandstone, Kitty Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming,
Michael H. Gardner
and Edmund R. Gustason
Computerized Quantitative Petrographic Image
of Wilcox
Sandstone, Louisiana Gulf Coast,
James R. Garrison, Jr., Roland E. Gerard,
and Federica M. Manni
Quantitative Paleobathymetry Using Oxygen Isotopes and Shape
Changes in Benthic Foraminifera,
Anthony C. Gary, Douglas F. Williams, and
Nancy Healy-Williams
Interbedded Alluvium, Tidal Muds and Coarse Littoral Deposits
near San Felipe, Baja California--Implications for the Sedimentary Record,
L. Gautier, C. J. Schenk, and J. C. Navarro Fuentes
Mechanical Stratigraphy of Sedimentary Section--Implications
for Petroleum Exploration, Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
Susan L. Gawarecki, Dana Q.
Coffield, and Steven Schamel
Wellsite Handling of Poorly Consolidated Core, Inglewood Field,
Los Angeles Basin,
J. Gidman, A. E. Worthington, and G. H. Newman
Late Cretaceous Bottom Waters in South Atlantic Using Benthonic
Foraminifera and Stable Isotopes,
William B. Gilmour and Robert G. Douglas
Reef-Sourced Slope Deposits, Holocene, Bahamas,
R. N.
Ginsburg, G. P. Eberli, P. M. Harris, R. Slater, and P. K. Swart
Global Classification of Spectrum of Submarine Fan Types,
Donn S. Gorsline
Large-Scale 3-D Seismic Surveys in Gulf of Mexico--Economic
Approach to Exploration,
Robert J. Graebner
Absolute Elemental Concentrations Estimated from Geochemical
Well Logging Using Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Spectrometry and a Geological
James A. Grau and Michael M. Herron
Comparison of Tertiary Depositional Sequences, Age of Bounding
Unconformities, and Coastal Onlap Patterns in Baltimore Canyon Trough, Offshore
New Jersey, and Main Pass, Offshore Alabama,
S. M. Greenlee
Wrench Faulting as a Dominant Control in Evolution of Late
Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Basins in Maritime Provinces of Eastern Canada,
Guy C. Grierson, W. E. Davitt, and I. Ritchie
Sediment Production and Evolution of Proterozoic Carbonate
John P. Grotzinger
Source Rock Potential and Oil Source Correlation, Permian
(Leonardian) Strata, Central Spraberry Trend, Midland Basin, Texas--Preliminary
Edgar H. Guevara and Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay
Potential Non-Tertiary Additional Oil Recovery from
Heterogeneous Submarine-Fan Reservoirs, Spraberry-Benedum Field, Midland Basin,
Edgar H. Guevara, John G. Worrall, and Timothy Walter
Dobson Butte Field, Williston Basin, Stark County, North
Dakota: Nontypical Oil Production,
Willard J. Guy
Silverthread Oil Field, Ventura County, California: A
Hydrodynamic Trap,
Robert N. Hacker and Richard L. Hester
Improving User Productivity in Contour Mapping Applications
Through Application of Expert Systems Technology,
Michael A. Haecker and
Michael J. Kilpatrick
Influence of Precambrian Rift Trends on Pre-Devonian Deposition
in Southern Northwest Territories, Canada,
Donald W. Hagen
, Paleoenvironmental Interpretation, and
Diagenetic History of Britt Sandstone (Upper Mississippian), Southeastern
Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,
John P. Haiduk
Deterioration + Dependence = Disaster,
Michel T. Halbouty
Ouachita-Appalachian Juncture: A Paleozoic Transpressional
W. S. Hale-Erlich, J. L. Coleman, J. A. Lopez, and M. S. Lober
Geologic Reconnaissance of Natural Fore-Reef Slope and a Large
Submarine Rockfall Exposure, Enewetak Atoll,
Robert B. Halley and Richard A.
Turkana Grits--A Cretaceous Braided Alluvial System in Northern
C. Robertson Handford
Genetic Sequence
of Reservoir Facies Distributions and
Gas Production, Eagle Sandstone (Campanian), Montana,
Mark S. Hanson and
Laird D. Little
Seismic Stratigraphy and Structural Setting of Early Jurassic
to Mid-Cretaceous Sedimentary Rocks in Southern Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
Marc W. Harder and Richardson B. Allen
Roller Micrometer
of Grain Size and Shape Sorting
Within Sand Laminae from Lacustrine Barrier Islands,
James A. Harrell and
Robert B. Braun
Platform/Foreslope Facies and Buildup Geometry Resulting from
Short-Term and Long-Term Eustatic Sea Level Fluctuations: Latemar Buildup
(Middle Triassic), Dolomites, Northern Italy,
Mark T. Harris and Robert
Takula Field, Offshore Cabinda, Angola, West Africa,
C. J.
Harrison and C. Cardoso
Aspects of Thermal Evolution of Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,
M. Harrison, M. T. Heizler, and K. Burke
Influence of Depositional Environment and Diagenesis on Gas
Reservoir Properties in St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan Basin,
William B.
Harrison III, Timothy M. Turmelle, and David A. Barnes
Organic Geochemistry of Oils and Hydrocarbon Source Rocks,
Illinois Basin,
Joseph R. Hatch, J. Bruno Risatti, J. David King, and Donald
R. Dickerson
Quantitative Modeling of Thermal History at Extensional
Terrains Involving Lithospheric Detachments--Constraints from Apatite Fission
Kerry A. Hegarty, Andrew J. W. Gleadow, Paul F. Green,
and Ian R. Duddy
Quaternary Evolution of Aitutaki Atoll, Cook Islands,
R. Hein, Bruce M. Richmond, and Lisa A. Morgenson
Tectonics and Sedimentation of Oligo-Miocene Vasquez Formation,
Soledad Basin, Southern California,
Eric Douglas Hendrix
Bioclastic Turbiditic Reservoirs: San Giorgio, Santa Maria
Mare, Sarago Mare Fields (Italy),
Francis E. Heritier, Henri Soudet, and
Jean-Paul Richert
Clay and Framework Mineralogy, Cation Exchange Capacity, Matrix
Density, and Porosity from Geochemical Well Logging in Kern County, California,
Michael M. Herron and James A. Grau
Porosity Controls in Late Jurassic Algal Reefs, Mississippi
Salt Basin,
Ezat Heydari and Clyde H. Moore
Adapting Desorption Mass Spectrometry and Pattern Recognition
Techniques to Petroleum Fluid Correlation Studies,
James C. Hickey and S. L.
Structure of Papuan Foldbelt, Emerging Hydrocarbon Province in
Papua New Guinea,
Kevin C. Hill
Results of Geophysical Research in Ross Sea,
K. Hinz
Geology, Geophysics, and Hydrocarbon Potential of Antarctica
Continental Margin of Weddell Sea,
K. Hinz and Y. Kristoffersen
Worldwide Developments in Uranium,
Earl E. Hoellen
Secondary Porosity and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Lower-Middle
Miocene Sandstones, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
R. A. Horton, Jr.
and R. J. Menzie, Jr.
Use of Field Size Distributions in U.S. Geological Survey's
Estimates of Undiscovered Domestic Petroleum Resources,
John C. Houghton
Relationships Among Thermal Maturity, Sandstone Diagenesis, and
Reservoir Quality in Pennsylvanian Strata of the Arkoma Basin,
David W.
Houseknecht and Lori A. Hathon
Sedimentology and Tectonics of Devonian Nation River Formation,
Alaska, Part of Yet Another Allochthonous Terrane,
David G. Howell, Richard
W. Murray, Thomas J. Wiley, Susan Boundy-Sanders, Linden Kauffman-Linam, and
David L. Jones
Distribution of Organic Facies in Recent Sediments of Northern
Part of Lake Tanganyika,
Alain Y. Huc, Mireille Vandenbroucke, Genevieve
Bessereau, and Jean Le Fournier
Syn-Rift Carbonate Depositional Patterns: Miocene, Gulf of
Suez, Egypt,
John M. Hurst
Tectonic History, Basin Evaluation, and Petroleum Geology of
Upper Jurassic Facies of South Iraq,
M. W. Ibrahim
of North Sea Viking Graben: New Techniques in an
Old Basin,
J. E. Iliffe, S. Cao, and I. Lerche
of South Mozambique Graben,
J. Iliffe, I.
Lerche, and M. De Buyl
A Geochemical Correlation Study of Oklahoma Crude Oils Using a
Multivariate Statistical Method,
Scott W. Imbus, Michael H. Engel, and John
E. Zumberge
Actualistic Petrofacies: Applications in Paleotectonic
Raymond V. Ingersoll
Use of Well Cuttings for Determining Compositional Trends in
the Monterey Formation, California,
Caroline M. Isaacs
Late Miocene and Pliocene Synorogenic Sedimentation in Northern
Livermore Basin, California,
Kathleen A. Isaacson and David W. Andersen
Permanent Oil Shock,
L. F. Ivanhoe
Relation of Sedimentologic Features and Reservoir Quality in a
Shelf Ridge Sandstone Deposit--Comparison of Outcrop and Subsurface Properties,
S. R. Jackson, M. Szpakiewicz, and L. Tomutsa
Fault-Dominated Geothermal Reservoirs,
Earl D. James
Evolution of a Lower Paleozoic Continental Margin Carbonate
Platform, Northern Canadian Appalachians,
Noel P. James, Christopher R.
Barnes, Robert K. Stevens, and Ian Knight
Role of Geological Core Evaluation in an Integrated Petroleum
Engineering Environment,
Stephen J. James and W. J. Evert Van De Graaff
Origin of Production Gases from Convergent Plate Margins,
Alan W. A. Jeffrey, Robert J. Poreda, William J. Gwilliam, Ian R. Kaplan, and
Harmon Craig
Complex Origin of Natural Gas in Sacramento Basin,
Peter D.
Jenden and Isaac R. Kaplan
Anadiagenetic Versus Epidiagenetic Abnormal Pore Pressure:
Relationship Between Pressure Origin, Timing, and Methods of Prediction,
Oscar L. Jensen
Real-Time Structural Modeling,
James H. Johnson and Paul J.
VSP Detection of Fracture-Induced Velocity Anisotropy,
H. Johnston
Tectonic Contacts of Miogeoclinal Strata in East-Central
David L. Jones, Susan Boundy-Sanders, Richard W. Murray, David G.
Howell, and Thomas J. Wiley
Petroleum Migration in Denver Basin Inferred from Thermal
Maturity and Hydrologic Data,
Ernest A. Jones, Jr., Donald L. Gautier, and
Raymond Siever
Geochemical Study of Oils, Source Rocks, and Tar Sands in Pauls
Valley Area, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,
P. J. Jones, C. A. Lewis, R. P. Philp,
L. H. Lin, and G. E. Michael
Chemostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Chalk Sequences in
Norwegian-Danish Basin and North Sea Central Trough,
Niels Oluf Jorgensen
An Integrated Exploration Study of Norwegian-Danish Basin,
Northwestern Europe,
Niels Balslev Jorgensen and Thomas M. Haselton
Silica Diagenesis in Monterey Formation: Controls and
Raymond I. Kablanow, II
ODP Leg 107 Results from Continental Margin East of Sardinia
(Mediterranean Sea): A Transect Across a Very Young Passive Margin,
Kim A.
Kastens, Jean Mascle, C. Auroux, E. Bonatti, C. Broglia, J. Channell, P. Curzi,
K. Emeis, G. Glacon, S. Hasegawa, W. Hieke, G. Mascle, F. McCoy, J. McKenzie, J.
Mendelson, C. Muller, J.-P. Rehault, A. Robertson, R. Sartori, R. Sprovieri, and
M. Torii
Factors Limiting Potential of Evaporites as Hydrocarbon Source
B. J. Katz, K. K. Bissada, and J. W. Wood
Role of Geology in Improving Secondary Recovery Operations in
Richfield Oil Field, Los Angeles Basin,
Marvin M. Katz
Basin Lithofacies of Siliciclastics of Springer-Morrow
Formations (Mississippian-Pennsylvanian), Panhandle and Anadarko Basin,
C. W. Keighin and R. M. Flores
Occurrence and Distribution of Phosphatic Miocene Hawthorne
Group on Georgia Inner Continental Shelf,
Jeffrey A. Kellam, Leslie S. Reuth,
and Vernon J. Henry
Exploration in Jurassic of North Mafla, Eastern Gulf of Mexico,
David A. Kemmer
Norphlet Formation (Upper Jurassic) Sand Erg: Depositional
Model for Northeastern De Soto Salt Basin, Eastern Gulf of Mexico,
David A.
Kemmer and Roger L. Reagan
Depositional Model for Carbonate-Evaporite Cyclicity: Middle
Pennsylvanian of Paradox Basin,
Alan C. Kendall
Tectonic Significance of Lithicwacke-Polymictic Conglomerate
Petrofacies Association Within Upper Cretaceous Torchlight Sandstone, Big Horn
Basin, Wyoming,
Nazrul I. Khandaker and Carl F. Vondra
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Seychelles,
Surya N.
Khanna and George E. Pillay
Stratigraphic Breaks and Their Hierarchy,
David T. King,
Generation of Oil from Coal and Carbonaceous Shale,
W. Kirkland, T.-F. Tsui, and M. L. Stockton
Depositional History, Dolomitization, and Reservoir Facies
Development, Red River C Zone, Sheridan County, Montana,
Mark G. Kittridge
Geodynamic Basin Classification,
G. deV. Klein
Origin, Evolution, and Sedimentary Synchroneity of Cratonic
G. deV. Klein and A. T. Hsui
Structural Modeling Using an Expert System,
M. Kleyn and J.
A. Helwig
Relationship of Redox-Sensitive Trace Elements in Soils and
Plants to Petroleum Production in Railroad Valley, Nevada,
Ronald W. Klusman
and Mahyoub A. Saeed
Rhizolite/Calcrete: Nonpedogenic Plant Root Diagenesis (Middle
Pennsylvanian) from Kansas,
Kimbell L. Knight
Sedimentology of Shelf and Slope in Santa Monica Bay,
Ronald L. Kolpack
Quaternary Conception Fan, Santa Barbara, California: Two
Distinct Canyon(s)-Fan Systems,
Susanne M. C. Kraemer
Case Study of a Sabkha Sedimentary Environment: Mallahat al
Bariquah, Libya,
Jan Krason
Petrology and Provenance of Modern Sands from Cascade Range
Forearc and Canadian Rocky Mountain Fold-Thrust Belt,
Andrea G. Kretchmer and
Raymond V. Ingersoll
Depositional Systematics and Exploitation of Morrow Valley-Fill
Complexes in Cheyenne County, Colorado,
Lee F. Krystinik, David W. Bowen, and
Hilary G. Swanson
Significance of Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene Stratigraphy to
Development of Buena Vista Field, San Joaquin Valley, California,
Jonathan G.
Losses of Porosity and Permeability in Lithic Sands Assessed
with Compaction Experiments,
Karen A. Kurkjy, John C. Smith, and Arthur S.
Petroleum from Northeast Pacific Ocean Hydrothermal Systems in
Escanaba Trough and Guaymas Basin,
Keith A. Kvenvolden and Bernd R. T.
Models for Evolution of Weddell Basin,
John L. Labrecque
Chronostratigraphic Significance of Late Cenozoic Planktonic
Foraminifera from Ventura Basin, California: Implications for Depositional
History, Tectonic Reconstruction, and Exploration for Bathyal Clastic
Martin B. Lagoe and Peter R. Thompson
Tectonic Implications of Tertiary Conglomerates from Santa
Monica Mountains, California,
Charles L. Lane
Spectral Stratigraphy: Multispectral Remote Sensing as a
Stratigraphic Tool, Wind River/Big Horn Basin, Wyoming,
Harold R. Lang and
Earnest D. Paylor
Role of Geologist in Estimating Value of Projects and Assets,
Stephen M. Lankford, Theodore J. Nilssen, and James M. Hill
Indirect Evidence of Secondary Porosity in Sandstones,
R. E.
Larese and Edward D. Pittman
Correlation of Cenozoic Sediments of Gulf of Mexico Outer
Continental Shelf: Part I: Galveston Area Offshore Texas Through Vermilion Area
Offshore Louisiana,
Gay H. Larre, J. Courtney Reed, Charles L. Leyendecker,
A. S. Khan, C. J. Kinler, P. F. Harrison, and G. P. Pickens
Microfenestral Porosity as a Compaction Indicator in Micrites
and Modern Lime Muds,
Zakaria Lasemi, Mark R. Boardman, and Philip A.
Geotechnical Properties of Sediments in a Carbonate Slope
Environment: Ocean Drilling Site 630, Northern Little Bahama Bank,
Stratigraphic Modeling of Sedimentary Basins,
D. T.
Lawrence, M. Doyle, S. Snelson, and W. T. Horsfield
Megabreccias and Associated Carbonates of Rader Member, Capitan
Reef Complex (Permian), Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas,
Ellen C. Lawson
Diagensis of Permian (Guadalupian) San Andres Formation,
Central Basin Platform, West Texas,
David A. Leary and Jay N. Vogt
Seismic Expression of Late Quaternary Banda Submarine Canyon
and Fan Offshore Northern Baja California,
Mark R. Legg
Geologic Structure and Tectonics of Inner Continental
Borderland of Northern Baja California,
Mark R. Legg, Victor Wong O., and
Francisco Suarez V.
Effects of Primary Sedimentary Processes on Reservoir Quality
of "Deep Wilcox" (Eocene) Sandstones in Fordoche Field, Louisiana,
Rowdy C.
Lemoine, Thomas F. Moslow, and Philip Lowry
Development Geology--Emphasis of the Future: What Is It?,
Russell B. Lennon
and Artificial Intelligence--Now That Our Basin
is Classified, What do We do with It?,
Jay E. Leonard and Douglas W. Waples
Determination of Paleoheat Flux from Pollen Translucency Data,
I. Lerche and T. McKenna
Origin of Clay-Size Quartz Particles in Suspended Load of
Mississippi River,
P. Leschak and R. E. Ferrell, Jr.
Case Studies of Current Trends in Development Geology,
D. Livingston
Alabama-Ferry Field, Leon County, Texas: Facies Types and
Diagenetic Aspects of an Upper Glen Rose Stratigraphic Trap,
Anthony J.
Lomando, Dana L. Roy, and Lawrence Bruno
of Late Paleozoic Sandstones of Western
Argentina: Its Paleotectonic Significance,
Oscar R. Lopez Gamundi and Irene
S. Espejo
Mixed Fluvial Systems of Messak Sandstone, a Deposit of Nubian
Lithofacies, Southwestern Libya,
John C. Lorenz
Submarine Debris-Flow, Slump-Block, and Turbidite Deposits in
Mancos Shale (Cretaceous) of Northwestern Colorado,
John C. Lorenz and Chris
A. Muhr
Comparison of Pyrolysis Products from Different Subbituminous
Shan-Tan Lu, Ed Ruth, and Isaac R. Kaplan
Permeability from Rock Fabric--Log Response Relationships in
Carbonate Reservoir Rocks,
Jerry F. Lucia
Influence of Fluid Chemistry and High Geothermal Gradient on
Sandstone Diagenesis: Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand,
Paul D. Lundegard and
A. S. Trevena
Reflection Shear-Wave Data Along the Principal Axes of
Aximuthal Anisotropy,
Heloise B. Lynn and Leon A. Thomsen
Expert Systems in Exploration: Can They Be Cost-Effective?,
R. P. J. Lyon
Preliminary Assessment of Hydrocarbon Potential of Larsen
Basin, Antarctica,
David I. M. MacDonald, P. F. Barker, S. W. Garrett, J. R.
Ineson, R. R. F. Kinghorn, D. Pirrie, B. C. Storey, and A. G. Whitham
Monterey Problems: Enhanced Mud-Logging Techniques Integrated
with Rock Mechanics and Geochemistry for a Solution,
John MacPherson, Michael
Taylor, Ed Guenard, and Alan Daly
Petroleum System--A Classification Scheme for Research,
Resource Assessment, and Exploration,
Leslie B. Magoon
Petroleum Geochemistry of Oils and Rocks in Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge, Alaska,
Leslie B. Magoon and Donald E. Anders
Upper Paleozoic Basin Reconstruction in Central Idaho:
Preliminary Stratigraphic Correlation of Allochthonous Permian Strata,
J. Mahoney, J. K. Geslin, and P. K. Link
Exploration in Mississippian Carbonate Facies, Central Alberta,
Canada: Old and New Approaches,
Hamid A. Majid
Exploration Strategy in Keg River Carbonates of Northwestern
Alberta, Canada,
Hamid A. Majid
Cathodoluminescent Bimineralic Ooids from Pleistocene of
Florida Continental Shelf,
R. P. Major, R. B. Halley, and K. J. Lukas
Regional Geological Framework and Petroleum Geology of Miocene
Sandstones in Coastal and Offshore Alabama,
Ernest A. Mancini, Bennett L.
Bearden, and Robert M. Mink
Lower Cretaceous Lacustrine Deposits and Paleosol Development,
Christos Mantzios and Carl F. Vondra
Synthesis of Arc-Derived DSDP (ODP) Modal Sand Compositions
Using Multivariate Analyses,
Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Raymond V. Ingersoll,
Bonnie M. Packer, and Leslie D. Gergen
Digital Data Integration for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
E. Marsh and Joseph R. Francica
Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Megabank, South Florida,
Depositional Setting and Petroleum Potential,
D. L. Martin and A. V.
Benthic Foraminiferal Distribution in Deep-Water Periplatform
Carbonate Environments,
Ronald E. Martin
Plio-Pleistocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy,
Paleo-oceanography, and Sediment Accumulation Rates, Northeastern Gulf of
Ronald E. Martin, Glenn W. Johnson, and Brenda Spotz
Ivory Coast-Ghana Margin: Model of a Transform Margin,
Mascle and E. Blarez
Arizona Strip Breccia Pipe Program: Exploration, Development,
and Production,
I. W. Mathisen, Jr.
Ichnological Assemblages as Depositional Environmental
Indicators in McMurray Formation: Athabasca Oil Sands of Northeastern Alberta,
Blair W. Mattison and S. George Pemberton
Contrasting Evolutionary Patterns of Lower Permian Shelf and
Basinal Facies, Midland Basin, Texas,
S. J. Mazzullo and A. M. Reid
Morphology of Sea Floor in Gulf of Mexico,
B. A. McGregor,
D. C. Twichell, N. H. Kenyon, R. G. Rothwell, and L. M. Parson
K-Ar Ages Confirm Pliocene Age for Oldest Neogene Marine Strata
near Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico,
Hugh McLean
Mixing Zone and Deep Burial Diagenesis: Relevance to Reservoir
Porosity and Oil Migration, Middle Jurassic Great Oolite Formation, Wealden
Basin, England,
Roger K. McLimans and Patricia E. Videtich
Transverse Extension of Guatemala Active Margin: Implications
for Accretion,
Kenneth J. McMillen
Neogene/Quaternary Magnetostratigraphy of Shallow-Water
Carbonate Sediments, San Salvador, Bahamas,
D. F. McNeill, J. L. Kirschvink,
R. N. Ginsburg, and S-B. R. Chang
Dispersivity as an Oil Reservoir Rock Characteristic,
E. Menzie, Subijoy Dutta, R. S. Shadizadeh, and M. A. El-Ageli
Tectonic Evaluation of Big Horn Basin Using Landsat
Imagery--Implications of Structural Style and Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Ira S.
Merin and John R. Everett
Diagenetic Alteration of Wingate Formation: Possible
Indications of Hydrocarbon Microseepage, Lisbon Valley, Utah,
Ira S. Merin
and Donald B. Segal
Siliciclastic Control on Carbonate Platform Evolution,
O. Meyer
Effects of Biodegradation upon Porphyrin Biomarkers in Upper
Mississippian Tar Sands and Related Oils, Southern Oklahoma,
Gerald E.
Effects of Biodegradation upon Porphyrin Biomarkers in Upper
Mississippian Tar Sands and Related Oils, Southern Oklahoma,
Gerald E.
Michael and R. P. Philp
Application of Expert Systems Techniques for Sedimentary Basin
Betty M. Miller
New Developments in Use of Image Processing for Integrated
Geological and Geophysical Data Evaluation,
Palle F. Miller
Submarine Lithification of Holocene Reef Hardground: North
J. Todd Mitchell
Structural Traps in Duplexes Within the Pine Mountain Thrust
System, Southern Appalachians,
Shankar Mitra
Subsidence History and Tectonic Evolution of Campos Basin,
Offshore Brazil,
Webster U. Mohriak, Garry D. Karner, and John F. Dewey
Evidence for Thick Sedimentary Sequences Trapped Against Old
Strike-Slip Faults--Santa Maria Valley, California,
F. C. Monastero
Synsedimentary Tectonics in Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary
Pelagic Basin of Northern Apennines, Italy,
Alessandro Montanari, Lung S.
Chan, and Walter Alvarez
Environment of Deposition of Clear Fork Formation: Yoakum
County, Texas,
Brian K. Moore
Jurassic Platform Development, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico,
Clyde H. Moore, Jr.
Eustatic Controls on Stratification and Facies Associations in
Deep-Water Deposits, Great Valley Sequence, Sacramento Valley, California,
Scott R. Morgan and Kirt M. Campion
Deformation in Footwall of Clinchport Thrust, Valley and Ridge
of Northwest Georgia,
William Lee Morris
Relationship Between Relative Sea Level Fluctuations and
Petrologic Variation in Forearc Basin Sedimentary Rocks of Upper Cretaceous
Rosario Formation at San Carlos, Baja California del Norte, Mexico,
R. Morris and Cathy Busby-Spera
Conduit Controlled Burial Dolomitization in Devonian Reservoirs
of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
Eric Mountjoy
Influence of Elemental Composition on Fluorescence of
Diagenetic Siderite,
Peter Snow Mozley
Whole-Rock Stable Isotope Geochemistry for Correlation and
Diagenetic Interpretation: Delaware Basin and Monterey Formation Examples,
David A. Mucciarone, Dwight M. Trainor, and Douglas F. Williams
Characterization of Crude Oil and Condensate by Time-Resolved
Laser Fluorescence Microscopy--Preliminary Study,
P. K. Mukhopadhyay, S.
Gangopadhyay, C. Landis, M. Pheil, and W. L. Borst
Methods of Dipmeter Processing and Interpretation in
California's Productive Facies,
Mike Mulhern, Harold Sugden, and Jim Vohs
Use of Inversion for Reservoir Delineation Within a Fluvial
Depositional Environment, Eromanga Basin, Queensland, Australia,
R. C.
Structural Transect Across Ventua Basin and Western Transverse
Jay S. Namson
Cambrian Pisolites as Paleoenvironment and Paleotectonic Stress
Indicators, Rattlesnake Mountain, Wyoming,
Douglas G. Neese and James H.
Paleo-oceanographic Circulation as Determined from Radiolarian
Populations in Humboldt Basin,
C. O. Nelson and A. L. Weinheimer
Syntectonic Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in Miley
Reservoir, Rincon Field, Ventura County, California,
David E. Nelson and
Robert A. Harrison
Variations in Vitrinite Reflectance and Clay-Mineral
Composition Within Vertical Sections of Belden Shale, Eagle Basin,
Colorado--Problems in Determining Thermal Maturity,
Vito F. Nuccio, Richard
M. Pollastro, and Christopher J. Schenk
Occurrence of Pseudophragmina sp. as a Possible Indication of
Carbonate Bank Deposition in Upper Wilcox (Paleocene-Eocene), Pointe Coupee
Parish, Louisiana,
Lori L. Nunn and Rowdy C. Lemoine
Secondary Pores in Carbonate Reservoirs on Arabian Peninsula,
Roy Nurmi, Martin Waterhouse, and Mohamed Watfa
Transition Element Ratios in Organic Matter from Monterey
Formation: Transition Element-Lithofacies Correlations,
John R. Odermatt,
Joseph A. Curiale, and Richard W. Hurst
Biofacies Zonation of Middle Miocene Benthic Foraminifera,
Southeastern San Joaquin Basin, California,
Hilary Clement Olson
Influence of Provenance on Detrital and Diagenetic Mineralogy
of Small Tertiary Fans in Southwestern Montana,
Jean Olson and Abhijit Basu
Structural Block Theory for Origin of Oil-Producing Trends
Within Los Angeles Basin,
Louis A. Orlowski
Paleogeologic and Onlap Maps for Seven Major Unconformities of
North America,
Donald E. Owen
Tectonism and an Upper Silurian Ramp-Prodelta-Rimmed Shelf
Succession from Arctic Canada: An Intracratonic Product of Caledonian
Jeffrey J. Packard and Owen A. Dixon
Rate of Sea Level Rise as a Control on Physical versus
Biological Sedimentation: Examples from Holocene of South Florida,
Randall W.
of Two-Dimensional Shapes by Principal Component Score
Descriptors: Geological Interpretations from Sand Grains, Pebbles, Benthic
Foraminifera, and Bivalve Mollusks,
James M. Parks
Estimating Reservoir Mechanical Properties Using Constant
Offset Images of Reflection Coefficients and Incident Angles,
Roger Parson
New Depositional Model for Mississippi River Delta Plain,
Shea Penland, Elisabeth C. Kosters, and John R. Suter
Carbonate Platform Accretion by Cementation of Ribbons of Dune
Ridge Sediments, Yucatan, Mexico,
Eugene C. Perry, Jr., Jennifer Swift, and
Miguel Villasuso-Pino
Penetrating Evaporites--New Information from Old Seismic Data
in Suez Rift, Egypt,
Stephen K. Perry, Susan L. Gawarecki, and Steven
Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Deltaic to Marine
Sedimentation, North Slope, Alaska,
Lawrence R. Phillips
Reefal Platform Development, Devonian of the Canning Basin
Western Australia,
Phillip E. Playford, Neil F. Hurley, Charles Kerans, and
Michael F. Middleton
Enhanced Information Recovery,
Peter K. Pleitner
Clay-Mineral Diagenesis in Rocks of Morrowan and Springeran
Age, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma--Relationship to Time-Temperature History,
Richard M. Pollastro and James W. Schmoker
Submarine Fans in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework,
W. Posamentier, Rodney D. Erskine, Robert M. Mitchum, and Peter R. Vail
Improved Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation with VSPs and
Well Logs,
Carl K. Poster
Comparison of Organic Matter in Concretions and Adjacent
Shale--Possible Means to Study Migration Processes,
L. M. Pratt, R. C.
Burruss, and D. L. Gautier
Marine Magnetic Survey of Kachemak Bay, Alaska,
David B. Prindle
Louisiana Continental Slope: Geologic and Seismic Stratigraphic
Ray K. Pulak and David W. Cooke
Techniques Applied to Obtain Very High-Resolution 3-D Seismic
Imaging at an Athabasca Tar Sands Thermal Pilot,
Norman E. Pullin, Larry W.
Matthews, and W. Keith Hirsche
Fluvial Mudstone Breccias and Their Petroleum Significance,
Peter E. Putnam
Genesis of South Pennine Ore Field, Derbyshire, England,
David G. Quirk
Basin Ideas on Boulder Conjecture--Microtectonics and Collapsed
Limestones in Carboniferous of the Isle of Man,
David G. Quirk, Jenny King,
Iwan Roberts, R. A. Postance, and I. Odell
Ocean Drilling Program with 15 Cruises Completed,
Philip D.
Rabinowitz, Audrey Meyer, and Jack Baldauf
Comparison of Porphyrin and Hydrocarbon Biomarker Data with
Other Indicators of Maturity and Oil Generation,
L. D. Raedeke, P.
Sundararaman, and J. M. Moldowan
Sedimentary Structures and Depositional Environments of
Diatomaceous Strata of Sisquoc Formation, Santa Maria Area, California,
C. Ramirez
Cambro-Ordovician Passive Margin, U.S. Appalachians,
J. F.
Rourke Gap Field--A Model of Three-Dimensional Facies
Relationship in Minnelusa Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming,
L. Reel, John C. Horne, and James B. Truman
Development of a Geologic-Diagenetic Exploration Model Based on
Petrophysical Evaluation of Yucal-Placer Gas Field in Eastern Venezuelan Basin,
John I. Reistroffer and Dominique Laurier
Principles of Designing Worldwide Petroleum Basin Data Bases
for Potential Resource Estimation and Location,
Victor S. Resnick
Problems in Interpretation of Clay Fabrics,
Gulf of Suez-Rift Basin Stratigraphy: An Interplay of
Subsidence and Eustatic Sea Level,
Mark Richardson and Michael A. Arthur
Holocene Carbonate Sedimentation in Aitutaki Lagoon, Cook
Islands, South Pacific,
Bruce M. Richmond and James R. Hein
Submarine Fan Facies
Using Well Logs and 3-D Seismic:
An Example from Miocene of Texas Gulf Coast,
W. C. Riese and R. S. Olsen
Distribution of Crust in Deep Eastern Gulf of Mexico,
B. Rosenthal, Richard T. Buffler, William P. Corso, and Paul Weimer
Evolution of Early Middle Ordovician Carbonate Platform, Basin
Ranges of U.S.A.,
Reuben J. Ross, Jr., Noel P. James, Lehi F. Hintze, and
Forrest G. Poole
Sedimentology and Regional Correlation of a Basinally
Restricted Deep-Water Siliciclastic Wedge: Brushy Canyon Formation-Cherry Canyon
Tongue (Lower Guadalupian), Delaware Basin,
Christine Rossen and J. F. (Rick)
Pulsed Basin Development on Northern Margin of South China Sea,
Ke Ru and John D. Pigott
Platform Evolution and Sequence Stratigraphy of Natuna
L-Structure, South China Sea, Indonesia,
Kurt W. Rudolph and Patrick J.
Outer Shelf Storm Deposits of Upper Cretaceous Chico Formation,
John S. Russell
Depositional Characteristics of Middle to Upper Miocene Point
Fermin Submarine Fan, Palos Verdes, California,
Perry W. Russell
Geology of Galeana Barite District, Nuevo Leon, Mexico,
Delfino Ruvalcaba-Ruiz
Depositional History of Dakota Sandstone, Moxa Arch and
Vicinity, Southwestern Wyoming--Implications for Early Evolution of Cretaceous
Foreland Basin,
Thomas A. Ryer, Jon J. McClurg, and Margaret M. Muller
Facies and Paleoenvironments of Campanian Basal Belly River
Sands, Southern Alberta, Canada: A Case Study Based on Multidisciplined Approach
Using Both Conventional Sedimentology and
Integrated System for Well-to-Well Correlation with Geological
Knowledge Base,
Katsuei Saito, Etsuro Doi, and Takanori Uchiyama
Slope Sedimentation Associated with a Vertically Building
Shelf, Bone Spring Formation, Mescalero Escarpe Field, Southeast New Mexico,
A. H. Saller, J. W. Barton, and R. E. Barton
Tectono-Eustatic Controls on Carbonate Platform Development,
Permian Basin Outcrop-Subsurface,
J. F. (Rick) Sarg, Karen Romine, and Peter
R. Vail
Source Rock Study of Smackover Formation from East Texas to
Roger Sassen and C. H. Moore
Limitations of Ichnofossil Approach for Evaluating
Paleo-Bottom-Water Redox Conditions,
Charles E. Savrda and David J. Bottjer
Simulation of Variables Controlling Carbonate Geometry and
Facies: Judy Creek Reef, West Canada--An Example,
David M. Scaturo,
Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, and Jack C. Wendte
Oolite Facies as a Transitional Unit in Deepening-Upward
Carbonate Sequences in Atoll, Seamount, and Guyot Settings in Pacific Basin,
S. O. Schlanger
Drowning Unconformities--A Peculiar Response of Carbonate
Platforms to Rising Sea Level,
Wolfgang Schlager
Topographically Restricted Deep-Sea Fan Deposits, Inglewood
Field, Los Angeles Basin,
W. J. Schweller, J. Gidman, A. A. Reed, and C. W.
Paleoclimatic Expert System that Predicts Coastal Upwelling,
Christopher R. Scotese
Plate Tectonic Evolution of Circum-Antarctic Passive Margins,
Christopher R. Scotese, Lawrence A. Lawver, John G. Sclater, Catherine L.
Mayes, Ian Norton, and Jean-Yves Royer
Blackburn Field, Eureka County, Nevada: A Case History,
Cheryl Scott and Alan K. Chamberlain
Use of a Computer Simulation Model to Analyze Processes that
Created Braided-Stream Deposits of Ivishak Formation, Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska,
Norman Scott III
Stratigraphic Architecture of Two Cretaceous Carbonate
Platforms: Gulf Coast and Arabia,
R. W. Scott
Middle Jurassic Great Oolite of Southern England, Facies
Development and Regional Significance of "Dedolomitization" During Basin
B. W. Sellwood and R. Evans
Organic Petrography--An Old Dog with New Tricks for Petroleum
Joseph T. Senftle
Remote Sensing Detection of Hydrocarbon-Stressed Plant
Communities at Patrick Draw, Wyoming,
Mark Settle and John B. McKeon
Technical Computing System Evaluations,
Brian R. Shaw
Modeling Geologic History with Balanced Paleogeographic Maps,
Christopher A. Shaw and William W. Hay
Belize Model, A Carbonate-Clastic Shelf Buildup,
Geology and Economic Potential of Montana Aulacogen,
Magnetic Anomalies Indicate Gulf of Mexico Originated by
Counterclockwise Rotation of Yucatan from Gulf Coast,
Ashley Shepherd, Stuart
Hall, and Kevin Burke
Lithostratigraphy and Environmental Considerations of
Cenomanian-Early Turonian Shelf Carbonates (Rumaila and Mishrif Formations) of
Mesopotamian Basin, Middle and Southern Iraq,
Govand H. M. Sherwani and Adnan
A. M. Aqrawi
of a Channel-Fan Complex in San Joaquin Basin,
California, with Aid of an Interactive Workstation and Lithologic Modeling,
John Sherwood and Jack Keyes
Depositional Environment and Petrographic and Seismic
Interpretation of B Sandstone (A Primary, Waterflood, and Enhanced Recovery
Target), Olive Field, Southwestern Mississippi,
Roger D. Shew
Effective Mapping of Stratigraphic Traps in Sandstones:
Depositional Energy Maps and Diagenetic Maps,
Daniel E. Shier
Mission Canyon (Mississippian) Reservoir Study, Whitney
Canyon-Carter Creek Field, Southwestern Wyoming Thrust Belt,
Jayne L.
Sieverding, Patrick E. Flynn, and Paul M. Harris
Carbonate Platform Depositional Sequences in an
Extensional-to-Compressional Continental Margin, Upper Cretaceous, South-Central
Pyrenees, Spain,
A. Simo
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy, Graphic Correlation, and
Depositional History of the Early Miocene, Gemsa Plain, Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
John L. Smale, Robert C. Thunell, and S. Schamel
Petrologic Trends in a Mid-Cretaceous Forearc Basin: Valle
Formation, Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico,
Douglas P. Smith and Cathy
J. Busby-Spera
Relational Encoding of Simplex and Quadtree Data Models,
Stephen C. Smyth
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution of Falkland (Malvinas) Plateau,
Parke D. Snavely
Applications of Fluorescence Microscopy to Study of Pores in
Tight Rocks,
Daniel J. Soeder
3-D Modeling as an Integrated Part of a Comprehensive
Exploration System,
Lars Sonneland, Jan-Helge Nitteberg, and Jan Ekern
Evaluation of Evaporite Facies as a Tool for Exploration, Yates
Field, Texas,
Alice W. Spencer and John K. Warren
Diagenesis of Amorphous Organic Matter as an Essential Aspect
of Genesis and Alteration of Tabular-Type Uranium-Vanadium Deposits, Colorado
Charles S. Spirakis and Paula L. Hansley
Early Eocene Molluscan Biostratigraphy, Mount Pinos-Lockwood
Valley Area, Northern Ventura County, Southern California,
Richard L. Squires
and Michael Wilson
Seismic Stratigraphy, Cenozoic Basin Evolution, and Sedimentary
History of the Southern Part of Baffin Bay, Canada: Preliminary Results of ODP
Leg 105,
S. P. Srivastava and M. A. Arthur
Zeolite and Albitized Plagioclase Crystallization from Oxygen
Mary L. Stallard and James R. Boles
Paleobathymetric Maps of Tertiary La Honda Basin and
Implications for Offset Along San Andreas Fault in Central California,
Richard G. Stanley
Petroleum Source Potential and Thermal Maturity of Cantwell
Formation (Paleocene), Central Alaska Range: A Reconnaissance Study,
G. Stanley
Biochronology and Paleoecology of Fine-Grained Sediments
Belonging to "Esmeralda" Formation in Stewart Valley, Nevada,
Scott W.
Field Scale Well Log Correlation Using an Expert System,
A. Startzman, T. B. Kuo, and S. A. Wong
Stratigraphic and Facies
of Ste. Genevieve Limestone,
Putnam County, Indiana,
Garry M. Stevenson
Energy Insurance for Anchorage, Alaska--Beluga River Gas Field,
Cook Inlet,
Norman D. Stone and Robert G. Lindblom
Modeling Response to Proposed OCS Leasing Schedules,
R. Stromquist
Carbon Dioxide Source Development, Northeast Jackson Dome,
J. R. J. Studlick, R. D. Shew, G. L. Basye, and J. R. Ray
Delineation of a Gas Sand Anomaly in Southeast Texas by
Electrotelluric Method,
Arnon Sugar
Anomalous Vitrinite Reflectance Profiles in Sediments under
Volcanics of Pacific Northwest--A Systematic Phenomenon,
Neil S. Summer and
Kenneth L. Verosub
Diagenesis of Sediments Under Thick Volcanic Strata, Ochoco
Basin, Oregon,
Neil S. Summer and Kenneth L. Verosub
Delineation of Late Quaternary Depositional Sequences by
High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy, Louisiana Continental Shelf,
John R.
Suter, Henry L. Berryhill, Jr., and Shea Penland
Comparison of Basal Silurian Quartzarenites in Great Valley and
Valley Ridge Provinces of Central Appalachians,
Tammy D. Suter
363,000-Acre Cambro-Ordovician Gas-Bearing Structure in Newaygo
and Mecosta Counties, Michigan,
Lucille C. Tamm and David J. Lachance
A Quantitative Technique for Hydrocarbon Show Evaluation while
Eli Tannenbaum and Klaus Zanker
Evolution of Norwegian Sea: Synthesis of ODP Leg 104 Drilling,
Elliott Taylor, Olav Eldholm, and Jorn Thiede
Aspects of Early Stages of Convergence: Barbados Forearc, ODP
Leg 110,
Elliott Taylor, J. Casey Moore, and A. Mascle
Neogene Sedimentation of Continental Borderland Basins,
Offshore Southern California,
Louis S. Teng and Donn S. Gorsline
Computer-Aided Petrographic
of Sandstones,
Paul A.
Thayer and Kenneth P. Helmold
Depositional Environments and Controls of Juncal Formation,
Southern San Rafael Mountains, California,
Timothy J. Thompson
Reflection Seismology in Azimuthally Anisotropic Media,
Reservoir Quality, Sediment Source, and Regional Aspects of
Norphlet Formation, South State Line Field, Greene County, Mississippi,
Thomson, R. J. Stancliffe, and R. D. Shew
Description of Wrench Tectonics in Chukchi Sea, Alaska,
Dennis K. Thurston
Petrology and Provenance of Upper Cretaceous Sandstone,
Southern San Rafael Mountains, Santa Barbara County, California,
Cameron D.
Innovative Geochemical Approaches to Chronostratigraphy and
Hydrocarbon Detection in Subsurface: Neogene Exploration Wells, Northern Gulf of
Dwight M. Trainor and Douglas F. Williams
Use of Magnetic Surveys for Delineation of Paleostructural
Morrow Sand Reservoirs in Southwestern Kansas,
L. Steven Travis, William E.
Full, and Chris D. Dilts
Modern Lacustrine Deltas: Exploration and Production Analogs,
Robert S. Tye, James M. Coleman, and Ray E. Ferrell, Jr.
Reserve Growth Through Geological Characterization of
Heterogeneous Reservoirs--An Example from Mud-Rich Submarine Fan Reservoirs of
Permian Spraberry Trend, West Texas,
Noel Tyler and J. Crispin Gholston
Characteristics of Pore-Size Distributions of Sandstone
Reservoir Rocks and Their Relationships to Permeability,
Takashi Uchida
Determination of Kinetic Parameters Specific for a Given Source
Rock: Optim Method,
Philippe Ungerer and Pierre-Yves Chenet
Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Fluid/Rock Interactions During
Massive Platform Dolomitization, Little Bahama Bank,
Volker C. Vahrenkamp and
Peter K. Swart
Mid-Cretaceous Eustatic Sea Level Fall: Magnitude and Timing in
Gulf of Mexico,
Richard C. Vierbuchen, Michael A. Oestmann, and Stephen M.
Dolomitization and Anhydrite Diagenesis of Permian San Andres
Formation, Central Basin Platform, West Texas,
Jay N. Vogt
Repetitive Reef to Ooid Sequences near Leeward Margin of Caicos
Platform, British West Indies,
Michael Waltz, Victor Rossinsky, and Harold R.
Hurricane-Dominated Carbonate Tidal Flats, Caicos Platform,
British West Indies,
Harold R. Wanless, Kenneth M. Tyrrell, and Lenore P.
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Adelie Coast Margin, East
J. Wanneson
Pore Type
Using Bore Hole Electrical Images with New
Sonic and Dielectric Measurements,
Mohamed Watfa and Roy Nurmi
Seismic Characteristics of Pleistocene Glacial Cycles near
Shelf Edge, Offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico,
Joel S. Watkins, Louis
Schneider, and Fred Hilterman
Response of a Passive Continental Margin Carbonate Slope to
Closing of a Mesozoic Ocean Basin--Mayhah Formation and Qumayrah Facies of Muti
Formation, Oman,
Keith F. Watts
Implications of an Eolian Sandstone Unit of Basal Morrison
Formation, Central Wyoming,
Daniel D. Weed and Carl F. Vondra
Seismic Stratigraphic Comparison of DSDP Leg 96 Results with
Older Mississippi Fan Lobes, Gulf of Mexico,
Paul Weimer and Richard T.
Sea Level and Paleotectonic Controls on Distribution of
Reservoir Sandstone of Lower Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone, Hilight Field, Powder
River Basin, Wyoming,
David M. Wheeler and Edmund R. Gustason
Age and Paleo-oceanographic Significance of Silica-Carbonate
Cycles in Miocene Monterey Formation, California,
Lisa D. White
Stratigraphy of Kenai Group, Cook Inlet, Alaska, and
Application of Ecological Shift Plot,
V. D. Wiggins and James M. Hill
Kandik Basin Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Structure,
Thomas J. Wiley, David G. Howell, Linden Kauffman-Linam, Susan Boundy-Sanders,
Richard W. Murray, and David L. Jones
Basin Development and Petroleum Potential of Offshore Otway
Basin, Australia,
P. E. Williamson, G. W. O'Brien, M. G. Swift, A. S. Scherl,
M. S. Marlow, N. F. Exon, D. A. Falvey, J. Lock, and K. Lockwood
Interlaboratory Comparison of Thin Section Epoxy Impregnation
Michael D. Wilson and Alan P. Byrnes
Atlantic Mesozoic Marginal Basins: An Iberian View,
R. C. L.
Seismic Expression of Structural Styles: A Modeling Approach,
Martha O. Withjack, Kristian E. Meisling, and Jon Reinke-Walter
Fluvial Ribbon Deposits of Channel and Valley Origin and Their
Relationship to Petroleum Reservoir Development: Glauconite Member (Lower
Cretaceous), Southern Alberta,
James M. Wood and John C. Hopkins
Geology and Exploratory Activity in Eastern Overthrust Belt,
Larry D. Woodfork and D. G. Patchen
Petroleum Geology of South Sumatra, Indonesia,
Philip R.
Regional Evaluation of Formation Fluid Salinity by SP Log,
Ivishak Sandstone, North Slope, Alaska,
Philip V. Woodward
Structural Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Los Angeles Basin,
Thomas L. Wright
Machine Contouring: Reading Between the Lines,
Jeffrey M.
Yarus and Aaron Brown
Computer-Generated Late Cretaceous Oceanic Circulation Model,
Memorie K. Yasuda, Eric J. Barron, and Robert G. Douglas
Bird's-eye Structures in Carbonate Rocks and Their
Environmental Significance,
Desheng Ye
Porosity of Accumulation Stage: An Important Basis for
Evaluating Reservoirs,
Desheng Ye, Shuhui Liu, and Weiyuan Hu
Stratigraphic Controls of Oil Fields in Los Angeles Basin--A
Guide to Migration History,
Robert S. Yeats
Carbonate Sediment Gravity Flows and Eustatic Cycles in a
Distally Steepened Ramp System: Upper Pennsylvanian of Southeastern California,
Lyndon A. Yose and Paul L. Heller
Forearc Sedimentation in Terraba Trough, Costa Rica, Central
Peter B. Yuan and Donald R. Lowe
Identification of Strike-Slip Faults in Seismic Sections,
Pedro Victor Zalan
Parana Basin,
Pedro V. Zalan, S. Wolff, J. C. J. Conceicao,
I. S. Vieira, M. A. Astolfi, V. T. Appi, O. Zanotto, E. V. S. Neto, and J. R.
Application of Isotopic Type Curves to Multiple Source
Oil-Source Rock Correlation in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
M. Y. Zein El Din and
Essam M. Shaltout
Diagenetic History and Porosity Development of Triassic Arkosic
Sandstones: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
Daniel G. Ziegler and
Stephanie E. Kasza
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