Determinism and Statistics in Prospect Appraisal
D. Sluijk, J. R. Parker
The many different approaches to prospect appraisal can be grouped into two broad categories: those that emphasize a deterministic approach and those that follow statistical principles. However, these approaches are by no means mutually exclusive.
The necessity for prospect appraisal is undisputed, both to translate geology
into figures (to arrive at monetary values) and to express the uncertainty
implicit in oil and gas exploration. The first stage of any prospect appraisal
is developing a play concept: collecting and analyzing data to understand the
processes that lead to the formation and preservation of oil and gas
accumulations in the subsurface. Such studies have a theoretical basis in
and geochemical research, and thus a deterministic approach is
probably the first choice.
However, a deterministic model also contains the limits of the analysis; it would be unrealistic to assume that every detail of every process is described. Some processes are poorly understood, or if they are understood in principle, they may be controlled by factors that are difficult (or impossible) to predict before drilling.
A statistical approach can help overcome these limitations in a purely
deterministic method, providing that the statistics are applied in a way that
uses the benefits
of a deterministic understanding. One approach should
supplement the other. Such statistical techniques require values for several
independent variables (i.e., geologic parameters) that help explain the
parameter to be predicted--the dependent variable. Such geologic parameters can
best be derived from a deterministic model for the process in question.
The task of the designer of a prospect appraisal system is thus defined. The
basis for the system should be the best (deterministic) model available, with
data collected from several case histories representing the "world" to be
evaluated. Statistical analysis can then test the relevance of the various
geologic parameters, and define the limits of understanding and ability to
describe the relevant geologic parameters. The resulting formulas, together with
the residual errors to account for incompleteness and inaccuracy, can be built
into a simulation model for prospect appraisal. If the two approaches are
carefully combined, the resulting prospect appraisal system will combine the
and avoid the shortcomings of the two techniques.
Also, an important aspect of prospect appraisal is largely neglected by the purely deterministic appraiser: the aspect of chance. In an ideal, full-fledged deterministic system, chance (or risk) does not play a role; it is either "yes" or "no." However, such an ideal system does not exist, and we must acknowledge our inability to describe all conditions and configurations in detail. In this situation, the statistical procedures provide a tool to quantify the risks that are a major element in hydrocarbon exploration.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91043©1986 AAPG Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 1986.