--> ABSTRACT: Using a Microcomputer for Interactive Section Construction and Balancing, by Peter Geiser, Roy Kligfield, and James Geiser; #91043 (2011)
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Using a Microcomputer for Interactive Previous HitSectionNext Hit Construction and Balancing

Peter Geiser, Roy Kligfield, James Geiser

A program that constructs geologic Previous HitcrossNext Hit sections has been linked to a set of routines that permit the user to balance the Previous HitsectionNext Hit interactively as it is constructed. This ability raises important issues for the process of Previous HitsectionNext Hit construction. The present procedure constructs the Previous HitsectionNext Hit first and balances it after the entire Previous HitsectionNext Hit is complete. Although interactive construction and balancing can be done by hand, the task is slow, so it is not a common practice. Drastically cutting the time required for this procedure opens the way for it to become a standard method. However, the procedure is only possible if the component contains a pin line. This study explores the nature and method of locating such pin lines. We also discuss under what conditions, if any, a Previous HitsectionNext Hit should be balanced before construction is completed. Generally, interactive Previous HitsectionTop construction and restoration work best if the deformational sequence is known. Otherwise, the geologist may correct features that appear to be inaccurate, such as fault trajectories with dip angles unacceptably steep, but which in fact may be the product of break-back or fold-first sequences.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91043©1986 AAPG Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 1986.