--> Abstract: Southern Florida Subsurface Features Related to Oil Exploration, by Joseph E. Banks; #90965 (1978).
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Abstract: Southern Florida Subsurface Features Related to Oil Exploration

Previous HitJosephTop E. Banks

Certain assumptions about sedimentary rocks under the Florida peninsula have maintained a consistent and popular position in the literature. These assumptions have influenced geologic thinking in Florida so much that, until recently, exploratory failures were thought to condemn the entire area. Therefore, if "old plays" are to become "new pays," someone must find new assumptions compelling enough to modify the old ones, and then make the appropriate changes on old prospect maps. Much has been done in this regard. At present, 12 oil fields have been found in southern Florida with estimated oil in place of approximately 250 million bbl.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90965©1978 GCAGS and GC Section SEPM, New Orleans, Louisiana