--> Abstract: Seismic and Geologic Facies Analyses in Field Development, Mackerel Field, Gippsland Basin, Australia, by A. J. Mebberson, D. J. Morton; #90962 (1978).
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Abstract: Seismic and Geologic Facies Analyses in Field Development, Mackerel Field, Gippsland Basin, Australia

A. J. Mebberson, D. J. Morton

A predevelopment structural and stratigraphic model of the Mackerel field, Gippsland basin, Australia, was constructed from detailed Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of high-quality seismic data. Although very little lithologic and Previous HitlogNext Hit-character contrast could be seen in the four outpost wells, seismic data quality was sufficient to break out as many as 12 discrete depositional units, each with an apparent lobate progradational character. The boundaries of these seismic units were then tentatively tied into minor variations in Previous HitlogNext Hit and core characteristics, thus providing depth control for the model.

It was possible, therefore, to construct a detailed geologic picture, with emphasis on the vertical and lateral extent of facies distribution, petrographic character, and reservoir properties in a reservoir which initially appeared to be massive, homogeneous, and generally ambiguous in its position in the depositional framework of the surrounding areas.

Development Previous HitwellTop results will provide feedback to the model, which will be continuously updated.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90962©1978 AAPG 2nd Circum-Pacific Energy and Minerals Resource Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii