Abstract: Field Development with 3-D
Seismic Methods--Case History
James A. Kurfess, Ben F. Giles, M. R. Bone
A 3-D
field development survey of the Capahuari Sur field, located in the Peruvian jungle, produced a detailed and accurate map which has been confirmed by subsequent drilling. A previous dry hole would have been avoided with the dense grid of
data. A secondary structure, scheduled for drilling, would have been overlooked without the
survey. Occidental is developing this field in partnership with Petroperu.
The SeisloopTM technique utilized a data collection grid line spacing of 2 × 1.2 km and was processed to produce an output trace grid of a 135-m interval. Optimum well spacing and improved reserve calculations were obtained by having an accurate detailed structural model before development drilling. The reliability of the model was enhanced by 3-D
migration and the solving of the critical weathering correction problem.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90961©1978 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma