--> Abstract: Digital Image Processing of Potential Field Data, by R. J. Blackwell, J. D. Addington; #90961 (1978).
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Abstract: Digital Image Processing of Potential Field Data

R. J. Blackwell, J. D. Addington

Using digital image processing techniques, it is possible to survey data from multiple natural force fields in a coherent, unified manner. Methods and techniques have been developed at Jet Propulsion Laboratory's image processing laboratory which will permit the explorationist to examine, understand, and quantify the correlation between separate natural or Previous HitinducedNext Hit force-field measurements of the same disturbing source or anomaly. Gravity, Previous HitmagneticTop, and heat flow data are examples of the type of force-field data used thus far in this unified approach to the analysis of geophysical exploration data. We feel that this technique can be of great assistance in the geologic interpretation of energy and mineral resource target areas.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90961©1978 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma