Abstract: Application of Reservoir Geologic Methods to Improve Ultimate Recovery
Robert M. Sneider
The pressing need to increase ultimate recovery from newly discovered and established fields requires that geologists now assume an expanded role in reservoir development and management, to locate platform and well sites, select zones for completion, workover, injection, and production, and to identify zones to serve as water- and gas-injection sources. The geologic description, as undertaken by the geologist-geophysicist-engineer team, must portray the reservoir-rock geometry and continuity in the field area and in the aquifer beyond the producing limits. In addition, the team must determine the distribution and quality of the pore space (in terms of porosity, permeability, and capillary pressure properties) and the location of barriers to flow. Knowledge of sandstone an
carbonate genetic and diagenetic
facies is vital to the accurate delineation of pore space,
of barriers to fluid flow, and prediction of reserves and reservoir performance. Rock description, porosity and permeability profiles, petro-physical graphs, cross sections, and maps will be needed to quantify the description.
Seismic and reservoir-engineering data will support the geologic studies. Seismic stratigraphic analyses, modeling, and seismic maps should be integrated with well data. Engineering core analyses, well-test interpretations, and pressure-production history data should be dovetailed with the other information.
Studies of Piper and Leman Bank fields, North Sea; Loudon field, Illinois; Midway-Sunset field, California; Elk City field, Oklahoma; and Wasson field, Texas, represent investigations for the purpose of (1) reserve evaluation and appraisal drilling of newly discovered fields; (2) development drilling and well completion; (3) selecting reservoirs for enhanced recovery; (4) planning and implementing enhanced recovery pilots and field-scale projects; and (5) surveillance of flood operations.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90968©1977 AAPG-SEPM Annual Convention and Exhibition, Washington, DC