--> Abstract: Contouring Geologic Data from Arbitrary Points, by D. R. McDonald, C. J. R. Braithwaite, A. Jawad Ali; #90968 (1977).
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Abstract: Previous HitContouringNext Hit Geologic Previous HitDataNext Hit from Arbitrary Points

D. R. McDonald, C. J. R. Braithwaite, A. Jawad Ali

Analysis of the distribution of numeric values of properties of geologic and biologic samples commonly is made difficult by an arbitrary distribution of Previous HitdataNext Hit points. Logistic problems such as the nature of the terrain may prevent the imposition of a predetermined sample grid, or statistical procedures may require a deliberate selection of random samples.

Values at points on a regular grid may be interpolated from original values at arbitrary points, using a distance-weighted least-squares approximation technique. Contours then may be drawn using values on the regular grid. Previous HitContouringTop accuracy and smoothness are dependent on the coarseness of the grid, for only linear interpolation is used and straight-line segments are drawn between appropriate points on the grid for a given contour.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90968©1977 AAPG-SEPM Annual Convention and Exhibition, Washington, DC