--> Abstract: Stratigraphic Exploration with Seislog Method, by Roy O. Lindseth, R. D. McLeay; #90976 (1976).
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Abstract: Stratigraphic Exploration with Seislog Method

Roy O. Lindseth, R. D. McLeay

Wide-band modern seismic data can be processed beyond the conventional Previous HitsequenceNext Hit to produce an approximation of the sonic borehole Previous HitlogNext Hit. The derived logs, termed SeislogsTM, correlate Previous HitwellNext Hit with actual borehole logs. They provide much of the same information as the sonic Previous HitlogTop, yet require no borehole. The principal application has been in stratigraphic exploration where, as several examples demonstrate, it has proved to be very effective at delineating facies changes, thin reservoirs, and estimating lithology in areas of no control.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90976©1976 AAPG-SEPM-SEG Pacific Section Meeting, San Francisco, California