--> Abstract: Applications of Surface-Consistent Corrections, by Don W. Frye, M. Turhan Taner; #90976 (1976).
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Abstract: Applications of Surface-Consistent Corrections

Don W. Frye, M. Turhan Taner

The study of the behavior of seismic properties such as the amplitudes, arrival times, velocities, and the character and continuity of seismic reflections forms the basis for Previous HitgeophysicalTop interpretation. These properties, however, usually are masked by irregularities originating on or near the surface. Such irregular near-surface conditions adversely affect the validity of interpretation.

A computational method of approximating near-surface irregularities by true-reflection amplitude processing (TRAP) increases the significance of the remaining anomalies. Selected lines in the Austin Chalk-Woodbine trend of East Texas document the method and illustrate the value of color as an aid in detection and evaluation of anomalies.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90976©1976 AAPG-SEPM-SEG Pacific Section Meeting, San Francisco, California