--> Abstract: "New" Oil from Old Fields, by James A. Hartman; #90975 (1976).
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Abstract: "New" Oil from Old Fields

James A. Hartman

It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of production data as an aid in unraveling the detailed structural and stratigraphic complexities of a field. A review of production data may result in discovering updip, undrained areas, undrained areas in Previous HitbottomTop-water-drive reservoirs, or undrained stringers. In many fields an understanding of the distribution of these undrained areas can lead to the drilling of additional development wells or recompletion of existing wells. Much of the oil recovered by these additional drainage points cannot be recovered by existing completions and is therefore "new" oil. These undrained areas can often be discovered by detailed subsurface field reviews involving the geologist and the reservoir, and petrophysical and production engineers. The results of two such studies clearly demonstrate their value.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90975©1976 GCAGS- GC Section SEPM Annual Meeting Shreveport, Louisiana