[First Hit]

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Abstract: Three-Dimensional Seismic Displays as Interpretation Aid

R. C. Farrell

Today's seismic interpreter must evaluate many miles of data displayed on many feet of paper before he can render an interpretation of a prospective area. Several hours could be spent just getting a "feel" for the area. What he needs--before he starts the interpretation--is a computer-generated three-dimensional seismic display. Such displays expand the amount of data available to the eye at one time, allowing a rapid appraisal of the structure. Detailed study still must be completed, but it need not be so difficult as it once was.

Interpretation of fine detail is easier, too, where seismic attributes such as reflection strength, frequency content, or interval velocity are added in color to the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit display.

Once the interpreter has picked his structure he may request another Previous Hit3-DNext Hit display with the seismic data stripped from above his time picks. When displayed at a picked horizon, the Previous Hit3-DTop display quickly isolates interpretation errors for subsequent correction.

A three-dimensional display of the prospect also forms a powerful tool for presentation of integrated interpretation data to exploration management. Prospective drill locations are presented with all relevant data in a compact display on a single sheet of paper.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90972©1976 AAPG-SEPM Annual Convention and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA