--> Abstract: New Environmental Maps for Gulf of Mexico OCS Programs, by Douglas J. Elvers, J. Rebman, J. Lehman, R. Moore; #90972 (1976).
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Abstract: New Environmental Maps for Gulf of Mexico OCS Programs

Douglas J. Elvers, J. Rebman, J. Lehman, R. Moore

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has a responsibility in the protection of fishing grounds, particularly fishing banks with unique assemblages of biota, through BLM's multiuse functions of managing oil and gas operations in conjunction with commercial and recreational fishing, diving, and boating activities. Many of the early BLM activities in efforts to protect these areas continue in the identification of information about these areas such as their exact position, relief and extent, biologic assemblages, and use in commercial or recreational activities.

Twenty-four graphics for the Environmental Impact Statement, Sale 41, map the parameters of: (1) lease status, recreation, archaeologic resources; (2) geology; (3) upland soils and Previous HitbottomTop sediments; (4) undersea features; wildlife and vegetation; (5) coastal zone and offshore fisheries; (6) surface currents; (7) submarine physiography; (8) hurricanes and tropical storms; (9) plankton and benthic plants; (10) pelagic and industrial fishes; (11) shrimp migration; and (12) transportation and coastal refineries. These graphics were developed for several Gulf of Mexico studies by the BLM staff.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90972©1976 AAPG-SEPM Annual Convention and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA